Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Politics as usual

As usual, liberals lie about republicans to win and NO ONE challenges them
The media says nothing, you will not see anyone on any newscast say that moveon.org is invoking "hate speech."

McCain did NOT say he wanted to be in Iraq for 100 years, but since liberals need to lie to win an argument, they take the few words they need and twist what the other side thinks. That is because if you debate a liberal on facts alone, they would never win any national election.

Here is the disgusting ad


Anonymous said...

bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. he said what he said, he meant what he said. he said it doesn't matter if we are in iraq for 100 years if no body is getting killed. that's the context.

you want to keep paying kbr billions of dollars a year for a 100 years? you want to keep pissing the arabs off for another 100 years? you want to keep our national guard in iraq for another 100 years instead of at home protecting citizens in times of disaster.

100 years. it's not a lie. it's what he said and he said it doesn't matter.

Marshal Art said...

So what are you saying, anon? That it's bullshit? It's plain that McCain was referring to a situation akin to other countries that have our troops stationed there. But Obamanable tries to imply that McCain means a hundred years war. So cut the crap.

PCD said...

You are the liar, anonymous Socialist Democrat. You can't believe we are winning in Iraq, and you don't want the people to hear it. All you do is lie day in and day out.

Go to Zimbabwe and enjoy the Socialist Democrat government of Robert Mugabe.

Anonymous said...

marshall, there is a difference between being in countries where you are welcome and not seen as a threat to your homeland and your religion and being in the middle east. not to recognize that shows an amazing lack of historical and political knowledge.

pcdummy, you simply make me want to gag every time you write something here. make an argument or shut the f**k up.

Anonymous said...

no, here is a disgusting ad.

Anonymous said...

show me how obama has "lied" about his background. just because this video lies about him doesn't mean he is lying.