Monday, June 09, 2008

Rushing flood waters drain Lake Delton

This story is amazing to me...
An entire lake is gone...
And if you are not from around this area, Lake Delton is the centerpiece of a 1 billion dollar a year tourism industry in the Wisconsin Dells....
The story says there will not be a lake at all this summer...
A lake...gone...I can't comprehend this...

Video » of a house being pulled into the water and dragged down the river (Lake Delton)


Marshal Art said...

To what do they attribute this? Are they going with GW, or is there a real explanation?

The Game said...

I did this when I drove my Jeep too much Saturday morning increasing global warming...
the Lake is very close to the Wisconsin River and the small amount of land that serves as a barrier between the two gave way...

Anonymous said...

It's a man made lake. When the barrier (the highway portion) collapsed, the water drained out.

However, I strongly believe a "failed liberal policy" behind this...

Ron said...

Being the skank I am I gotta say..nice butt.

Seriously, my family is in Iowa where I am native. I know this is a bad time for you guys. I hate seeing it and wish you the best.My prayers are with you. Our now weeks of 100 degree temps seems not so much right now.