Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Will Hillary supporters go to Obama?

Here is just the first few comments on a McCain facebook board:

I was Clinton, but Im ready to support you! McCain 08! NOBAMA!
I guess McCain will be our next President!I was for Clinton....NOBAMA!!!
I was going for Hillary but now that she isn't in the race anymore.. ANYONE BUT OBAMA!
i am a HARD CORE liberal and i cant believe that i am endorsing mccain
I hate Obama

that was in 30 minutes...we shall see


Marshal Art said...

Libs with some sense. Who'd athunk it? Of course, they'll still be voting for a lefty.

jhbowden said...

I'm skeptical. Leftists *need* to worship the God-State; capitalist modernity leaves them cold, purposeless, and alienating without the warm comfort of the collective.