Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Biden: Palin Would Be 'Backward Step for Women'

This shows what snobs, what close minded and intolerant people liberals are...
For which women Biden?
Maybe some women want to raise children, be involved in the PTA, not murder an unborn child...you ever think of that?
See, to liberals you have to see it exactly their way or it doesn't count. You are not a woman if you don't want to choice to suck the brains out of your baby's head right before it is born. You MUST start a career and put kids in daycare, or not have kids at all.
If you support gun rights you are not a woman.
To be a true woman, you have to fit the sexist, intolerant position which is the nature of the modern liberal.


Anonymous said...

another misdirection on your part. he's referring to women's right to choose and he is 100% accurate.

Anonymous said...

i cannot understand the senselessness, of some on the right, harping on abortion, NOW, when the people running this nation are discreetly nationalizing our financial and banking industries, virtually doubling our deficit in one fellswoop

not to mention the fact that pigs are flying, and sizable numbers of "those evil dems" happen to be crossing party lines to vote for YOUR party's candidate

reminder, twenty percent of white democratic women plan to vote for mccain

food for thought, think it over, for no issue will chase the crossover voters you need faster than abortion, abortion, abortion

with actual abortion rates at all-time lows worldwide, you'll find even palin engrossed with more pressing priorities, for sure