Monday, September 08, 2008

McCain has 10 point lead

In the new poll, taken Friday through Sunday, McCain leads Obama by 54%-44% among those seen as most likely to vote. The survey of 1,022 adults, including 959 registered voters, has a margin of error of +/— 3 points for both samples.


J. Gravelle said...

"...those seen as those most likely to vote."

Most likely to vote once...


Anonymous said...

Good fo McCain.

In my opinion, Obama did a mistake by not picking Hillary. It just didn't make sense. Probably too much of confidence? I don't know!

McCain clealry has an edge over Obama now. Would be interesting to see how it all plays out.

The Game said...

Obama still has the edge with the media blatantly 100% on his side

jhbowden said...

This election will be very very close on election day.

McCain needs to win 2 out of 3 from the Michigan-Ohio-Pennsylvania combo in order to win. Otherwise, he needs at least one and must hold all of the red states, including Colorado, That's a tall order.

Still, with Kirkpatrick in prison in Michigan, and the liberal media showing non-stop hatred for ordinary people, there's a good chance they may drive enough bitter clingers over to the Republican side to ensure a McCain-Palin victory.

The Dem message right now: we're for hope, change, and bringing the country together, YOU STUPID REDNECKS WHO CLING TO GUNS, RELIGION, AND SHOP AT WALMART! Obama needs to tell his friends in the media to chill out, and chill out fast before the damage gets out of control.

Anonymous said...

"the media blatantly 100% on his side"


The Game said...

jason..don't forget about the 2-3 percent bump dems get from voter high will it go this time when the biggest voter fraud is in the inner city...I wonder who those people support?

Anonymous said...

voter fraud, blah, blah, blah. how about election fraud?

usa today: franklin county ohio 2004, total voters = 638, total votes recorded for bush = 4,258.

you got not proof whatsoever of democratic voter fraud in any statistically significant numbers, if at all.

Anonymous said...

"Obama still has the edge with the media blatantly 100% on his side..."

game, both olbermann and tweety were shitcanned off the election desk today, and it was because of people like ME, raising a ruckus about true media bias, not folks like you, who whine to yourselves about it and never bother to do anything about it

i have tried to explain to you that i am a lifelong democrat who stands in opposition to barky, and folks like ME are the kingmakers in this election

support the reforms such as those seen in right-leaning networks like fox news, as well as commentators like dobbs who touch on issues like border security, language, and encroachment of foreign cultures, which your side has largely ignored for several years as well, and affect ALL americans

The Game said...

aside from your attack of me I agree...

Anonymous said...

oh, i wasn't attacking, simply pointing out that the near-fanatical media coverage/worship of barky's every little fart has actually been beneficial, in showing america what a counterfeit revival he is leading

had mccain selected an unlikable veep, a hunter, a thompson, a romney, a lieberman, etc., would he be faring as well as he is now?

schmidt knew full well how the hordes would respond to palin, and i thank God for it, because mccain would not have a solid shot at trouncing obongo, with her on the ticket, and i'd like my first republican prez pick to come up a winner, for all of us

unlike bush, i really do like him