Wednesday, October 15, 2008

About 200K Ohio voters have records discrepancies

You don't see this as a problem?
If you believe in our form of govt you HAVE TO be upset with all this that is going on.
You have to be stupid or not care to think that NONE of these people will cast illegal votes..


Anonymous said...

no. if you look at my voter registration my street name is "la rocke" but if you look at my dmv record it says "larocke" because that's the way the dmv database works. my social security uses my full middle name, but my voter registration uses only my middle initial. these are typical discrepancies. should this invalidate my registration?

Anonymous said...

Is this part of the new GOP playbook under "When the campaign tanks" section? Obama will win by numbers even Reagan would be proud of, numbers that will not be able to be attributed to fraud. As Sykes would say, "Get over it." McCain doesn't have the mojo, and Mickey Mouse or Joe Sixpack registrations don't change that.

Ron said...
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Ron said...

First let me say that anyone that does anything that is anything but legitimate with our voting system is tinkering with the cornerstone of our peoples government(or at least the chance for it to be that way). I have no patience for it. I understand Acorns desire to help the least among us but maybe a little screening would be in order. However the idea that a person registering with the same name and address 72 times could vote more than once is nearly impossible. The idea that Mickey mouse or the Dallas cowboys in Nevada will be voting is unlikely. The facts are that ALL registrations must be turned in. That law is for a good reason. That way they won't leave the ..for ones ..behind. Acorn is the ones that pointed out many of the suspect registrations. That's what they do. The fact that rightists are so deeply troubled and worried by this and completely dismissed not registration fraud but outright ELECTION fraud...even after being shown far more evidence of wrong doing than there has been here makes me think they are more party first than country first. The flag waving good guy image is going out the window. The decades of training by Rush Limbaugh,Sean,Anne,Billo etc are finally becoming the face of the right. As they have been for years. It's just now that people are seeing it. The rest of the country hates it. There is a specific reason that many tune them out. And it's not necessarily because they aren't conservatives. It's because the cult only cares about ...well it's not country first. Your complaint is valid. Your outrage is wildly insincere when opposed to the mountains of documentation of outright ELECTION fraud that you have dismissed or poo pooed in the past. Don't expect me to join you until you decide that country is more important than parroting the party line. I speak only for myself. Let the obfuscation and phony outrage begin.

If you are interested in Voter issues:

He deals almost completely with voter issues. You can read it, look at the documentation and then call it invalid if you like.

Marshal Art said...

Who's Brad when he's not at home? At my blog, my opponents reject every source I use, so what about yours makes you think it's worthy of consideration. I ask because though I've heard the allegations four years ago, I've don't recall anything substantiated that wasn't Dem driven. Honestly, I don't.

Ron said...

Marshall, I don't expect you to accept it, just understand that we have complaints too.