Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Police arrest girl who made allegations of racial harassment

Way to discredit any actual case of racism that might come up...
But this also makes my other point, that a vast, vast, vast majority of race crimes are made up by someone.
I know some people WANT there to be this widespread racism in American, many liberals have made careers and a lot of money creating this racism fantasy land.

Let it go people...how the hell can we still have institutional racism when we have a black man beating a white man for President by 14 points?

Atleast 70% of the people who vote are white....you can't win unless white people vote for you.
I'm sorry liberals, you are not needed anymore. Your causes are no longer causes. You can continue to pretend they are, but they are not...and you should be happy about that.


Anonymous said...

Your right, it's despicable that people make up racial stuff. I was listening to james Harris's radio show last week and heard him saying he got called the N word when he was applying for a teaching job in West Bend. Hmmmm....

The Game said...

I'm sure

Scorpion said...

Maybe they have that interview on video tape along with the video tapes they have of the young lady NOT being harasssed by anyone at the time and places she said it occurred at the school..imagine that...in my six decades of dealing
with people who ARE racist..the most obvious blatant racists I ever dealt with were not white..imagine that...might (will) be an anonymous response to this that like all the other responses won't be worth taking the time to look at..let alone waste time reading..no imagine in that.....

Anonymous said...

Now, you can also write about McCain supporter who 'made up' the story.


Probably it would help you understand how there are mistakes/bad apples on both sides. Well...