Thursday, October 16, 2008

The vote fraud has already started

Liberals are making the lame ass argument that just because people illegally register they will not vote.
I understand that liberalism is a mental disorder, but this seems a bit much even for you.
A lawyer tonight on CNN said that there are students who don't go to school or live in Ohio that illegally registered and HAVE ALREADY VOTED...
It literally makes me sick to know that Democrats are actively and aggressively disenfranchising hundreds of thousands if not millions of legitimate voters.
The Democratic attorney general of Ohio should be arrested tonight and thrown in jail along with every single person who knowingly allowed people to register illegally.
Liberals cry when they pretend that legitimate voters are disenfranchised...
Well, every time liberals pay a homeless guy 5 bucks or with cigs to vote for a Dem
Everytime someone votes all over the city with fake addresses..
Everytime someone sends in an absentee ballot and still votes on election day
Everytime they register, vote and go back to school in England (from CNN, true story)
Everytime Dems check the voting stations at 7pm, find out who didn't vote, round up inner city people and pay they to say they are someone they are not then get a liberal judge to keep the polls open an extra hour...

Why is it only Dems doing this?
They do not care about vote fraud, the ends justify the means
I don't care if Obama wins by 10 points, cheating is cheating and anyone caught should go to jail for the maximum...starting with elected Democrats in Ohio

Bush won Ohio by less than 200,000 each if Obama wins by less than 2 to 4 percent...that is DEMOCRATS STEALING THAT ELECTION...PERIOD

More facts:
Ohio elections chief asks US Supreme Court to intervene; dispute over voter registration...
200,000 have discrepancies...

and here is another reason it matters:
GALLUP's 'traditional' likely voter model shows Obama with a two-point advantage over McCain on Thursday, 49% to 47%, this is within poll's margin of error... Developing...


Anonymous said...

State sanctioned election fraud. The Democrat party is now spitting on the graves of their own ancestors.

Ron said...

OK, you guys don't take to losing to well I see. Can you now just have a hint of empathy for us for 2000 and 2004? How you are feeling now...That is how we felt.