Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Voter registrations bring fraud charge

Man oh man, the fraud is coming in by the truck load.
Why is it only liberal groups that are committing the vote fraud?
Well, those of us with a little higher IQ have figured out years ago that by and large Dems think the ends justify the means. As long as BHO gets elected, its fine.
I'm telling you, we are going to have the most voter fraud in the history of the United States Nov. 4th, and not too many of you seem to care about it.

few highlights:
In Walton's case, investigators found false information on 54 of 70 forms he submitted, according to a complaint filed by the state attorney general's office.

The complaint says Walton told an investigator that after he left the voters project, he went to work for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, another liberal organization whose workers face investigation over voter registration discrepancies, but he was not registering voters for ACORN.


Anonymous said...

there is no voter fraud here. there is voter registration fraud. that's illegal but it has no bearing on an election's outcome.

somebody can register mickey mouse 73 times, and ACORN must turn in those registration cards.

however, the number of times mickey mouse will vote?


therefore the election is not effected by these registrations.

we understand that you cannot admit that obama could actually win an election without cheating. (why you think bush COULD is beyond me).

so go ahead and try to de-legitimize obama's win. we now know what you will be squawking about for the next 4-8 years if obama wins.

Anonymous said...

"Well, those of us with a little higher IQ have figured out years ago..."

Please use that high IQ of yours to explain how invading Iraq fits into this premise. I think you may be onto something.

It might also be interesting if you were to dig into those phony "registrations" at gun shows that fraudsters use to gain access to illegal weapons purchases.

Anonymous said...

Any fraud should be taken seriously. There is no way we can either ignore or approve bad behavior since it only leads to more bad behavior and chaotic society.

Ok - here is my dumb question. May be, someone can help me understand the true impact of all this. Suppose someone registers 73 times using fake details. Does it mean that ....on election day he/she can go to different locations and vote 73 times?

jhbowden said...

ACORN is not why Obama is winning in North Carolina, Virginia, Missouri, and other GOP strongholds.

The Dems said a lot of this paranoid stuff during the last ten years -- supposedly Diebold was helping Rove rig the voting machines, the moonbats told us.

Bottom line-- in a democratic society, few find comfort in believing a majority disagrees with one's outlook on life. For many, it is better to believe conspiracies, rather than face the truth like a man.

The Game said...

It's too bad you don't care about cheating going on during our election...
I'm mad that it happens, it has nothing to do with who more people actually want in office..
I want that person to win, not Obama only because his supporters are willing to cheat more..
American has it correct

Anonymous said...

i acknowledge no voter fraud on the part of acorn or the obama campaign, but i do assert voter suppression as a continuing tactic of the republican party in florida, ohio, montana and other states.

american, there is no evidence that that has or will happen. there are virtually no prosecuted cases of voter fraud brought by anyone in the bush doj or anywhere else. almost all cases of illegal voting were unintentional. the best known ACTUAL case of voter fraud is by ann coulter who knowingly and illegally voted at the incorrect polling place in 2006.

Anonymous said...

When Obama wins 61-37, all this chatter about voter registration fraud will be buried in a landslide. If Republicans really believed that this was such a grave concern, they would have used their majorities in Congress from 2001-2007 to address the problem. Instead, they sit silent on their hands and wait til a few months before the general election to break out the bogeyman of voter registration fraud. Sorta like how conservative moral turpitude over gays, guns and abortion lies dormant like ciccadas until right before election-time, then bursts into full bloom.

Puh-leeze. Cry me a river.

The Game said...

On election night, when inner city polling places are open later by judges, and in those staes Obama wins by less than 4 percent you can count that state as a vote fraud win for Obama. Idiots like anon will call that voter suppression, but its just a nice bumper sticker word will no basis in reality.
Cutting GOP tired, giving homeless people cigs to vote for Gore, paying people five bucks, those are real cases in the city of Milwaukee alone....NEVER heard of any republican vote fraud anywhere in Wisconsin...

blamin said...


Let me spell it out for you yet again.

If “Mr. Mouse” shows up at a polling spot to vote and is not allowed, the whole power of the press and their cameras will be there showing how this “poor minority” (I think we can agree that mice are a voting minority) isn’t being allowed to vote. Pundit after pundit will be interviewed, bemoaning the fact that “Repubs are suppressing the vote”. It matters not what the realities turn out to be, the charge will have been made in a very public way.

Get real.

The fact that this is a very calculated move matters not that you don’t understand the realities. As a matter of fact, you either really do understand the realities and are pretending to be a dumb-ass, or you’re just a dumb-ass.

So which is it? Are you pretending, or are you for real?

Anonymous said...

momma always said that dumb-ass is as dumb-ass does. i totally understand the realities. show me where there has EVER been a successful prosecution of a significant voter fraud incident by any republican attorney anywhere that was committed intentionally.

and if an eligible voter is paid $5 to vote, so what?

Anonymous said...

Hey Blamin,

Why can't you answer the question instead of engaging in name-calling?

1. If someone registers 73 times, does it mean that he/she can vote 73 times?

2. Do we know how many people got prosecuted for such attempts?

3. Was this an issue in 2000/2004 election as well?

I'm curious to know the details. In any case, I condemn any attempt to even register voters using fake data. I'm only trying to understand the impact of this issue.

jhbowden said...


The ideological decay of conservatism is more of a problem than little ol' ACORN ever will be.

Conservatives are running on their emotions these days, not their ideas. Serious times demand serious people; that's why McCain and Palin are losing. The Ann Coulter / Michael Savage style of doing politics is dead.