Monday, October 27, 2008

With these breaking news stories about Obama, what does the MSM report?

We know that the media only reports 18% negative stories about Obama while they report 53% negative about McCain...I can't believe it is that close...

Lets see what each media outlet is reporting as their top story while we have a candidate for President being caught making radical, far left wing socialistic comments:

CNN: Palin going off-script, McCain aides gripe
MSNBC: When Mom loves McCain and daughter dotes on Obama...
ABC: Time to Choose: McCain, Obama Make Closing Arguments
CBS: Gun Sales Thriving Despite Tough Economy
and here is the only network who can be fair and balanced:

FOX: Spread Wealth 'Tragedy'


Anonymous said...

Game is quite good at sarcasm.

Anonymous said...

When the MSM is reporting on how negative the McCain campaign has become, does that make the reporting negative? Just curious.

Ron said...

and here is the only network who can be fair and balanced:

FOX: Spread Wealth 'Tragedy'

anon: I wish I believed he was being sarcastic. Humor would make this a good post.

Game, when you say stuff like this you only make clear that YOU are the one that is incapable of looking at things in an unbiased way.

I'm not up for a long post at the moment but the phony argument the right brings up is not the issue. Its not about taxes its about SALARIES. Everybody knows where the redistribution of wealth is happening. I can help you find a way to keep tax rates where they are, the rich paying a smaller percentage of the total and the middle and lower class pay a higher percentage of total taxes. It's a solution that would work for both of us. Can you guess what it might be?

jhbowden said...


Game isn't unbalanced. Bias after all is a relative term. It all depends on your perspective. Perhaps he is biased to you, but I'm sure he doesn't appear biased to himself. Who can know for sure? /sarcasm

Seriously, of course Game is biased to the right. The title of the blog gives it away. I'm partial toward the right too, and am completely honest about it.

The thing is, liberals truthfully claim Fox has a conservative bias, but will never admit that CNN, MSDNC, Newsweek, Time, PBS, CBS, NBC, ABC, the New York Times, and the Washington Post have a liberal bias. Liberals, after all, think they have a magic insight into reality no one possesses; that's why logic and evidence matter so little to them.

Anonymous said...

how can fox be fair and balanced while blatantly, i say blatantly LYING.

fox news you link to:

""dispossessed peoples" appealed to the high court on the right to sit at the lunch counter, they should have also appealed for the right to have someone else pay for the meal."

the actual obama quote:

"so that I would now have the right to vote, I would now be able to sit at a lunch counter and order, and as long as I could pay for it, I’d be OK."

fox news and drudge are thus proven to be lying sacks of excrement with no sense of decency.


The Game said...

the liberals see that we have FINALLY found Barry out for what he really is...but is there enough time for enough good americans to get the info

Ron said...

You can't figure out the solution can you Game, or Jason? I bet you spent no time even thinking about it. You just want to argue and demonize. Which is what makes your thoughts worthless most of the time.