reported on November 5th:
Now that Barack Obama will be moving to the White House, his seat in the U.S. Senate representing Illinois will have to be filled.
That's one of Obama's first priorities today.
He's meeting with Governor Rod Blagojevich this afternoon in Chicago to discuss it.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Is Obama trying to aid in the cover up?
Posted by
The Game
12:51 PM
Labels: obama scandal, what is obama hiding
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If he discussed it, he shouldn't have lied about it. The recordings make it clear that Blagojevich was pissed at him for not wanting to trade favors to get the seat filled.
Remember how the White House insisted Bush didn't know Jack Abramoff? That is, until the picture proof emerged showing Bush hanging out with him. But the wingers told us then: Bush doesn't have jack to do with Abramoff. Funny how these same people are harping on the fact Obama spent time discussing his ideas on a possible successor with the second stupidest governor in America.
As far as issues go, at least this has a little more meat on the bone than that birth certificate "debate" that only a retard would find plausible.
I find it very hard to believe that Obama didn't know any of this. It just doesn't make any sense.
Anon - you bring up good points too. Jack Abramoff, Scooter Libby and now this governor - This is probably why decent people can't make it in Politics! No saint there!
the media is now attempting to sanctify their plastic messiah, by holding him up as the ONLY paragon of goodness and truth, against chicago's corrupted ugly backdrop
yeah, okay
your link doesn't produce anything. this radio station has removed the story because no evidence exists that such a meeting ever took place.
I remember back in 2002 when the Democrats were trying to smear the entire GOP with Enron and Ken Lay. I remember in 2006, when the Dems outed a gay Republican soliciting sex from a minor-- they smeared the entire party.
But whenever a friend of the Holy Messiah gets into the trouble, bHo always says "he wasn't the person I knew" -- and the liberal media forgives everything.
no, actually i saw it on no quarter, they knew barky would have it scrubbed, so they put up a screen shot
one of the worst aspects of the new regime is their willingness to scrub the internet at will, for, indeed, they wish to limit the internet entirely
anon, you need to be more vigilant, and less deliberately naive, no one buys it anymore
So a small-market TV station scooped the planet? There is no record of a meeting (scrubbed or unscrubbed) from NYT, LAT, WaPo, CNN, FOX, WashTimes, ChiTrib, anyone, except this little TV station that now admits it has no evidence that such a meeting took place.
Amazing! They had the scoop of the century and they erased it! Yes, I believe that!
Ooh....drama,drama, leslie trapped in a tunnel in port charles. Did Jack rape Bridget at Forester enterprises in the cloak room? Tune in tommorrow,and the next day and the next day and the next day and the next day....
The rightwing brain. No solutions, no ideas, phony fiscal responsibility and 101 other delusions,and drama, drama, drama 24/7.
I have no idea if Obama has anything to do with this. Here is what I do know. The fact a senator would talk to the Gov of his state is not a crime. As a matter of fact most would find it necessary sometimes. Fitzmas gave you your democrat but greed has engulfed you. He flatly stated that Obama was not implicated and Gov. Rod called him a mother something because he WOULDN'T PLAY. Go right ahead you guys. This is why you lost the last two elections in you are still sliding in the mud toward another.
Anon..Gov. Rod wins the pride as the stupidest in my book...Sarah falls to second at this point. She's relatively harmless unless someone besides alaska thinks shes a leader. Rods crooktacular.
"The fact a senator would talk to the Gov of his state is not a crime. As a matter of fact most would find it necessary sometimes..."
absolutely, so why is Axelrod being painted as a liar, just because he actually admitted, in fact was PROUD that, Obama did speak to the governor?
the media is complicit in needing to paint barky as caped crusader, when what they are really doing is recreating the bush presidency, as i predicted
jay, he just represents you and yours, this time, and i know EXACTLY how that game is played
"He flatly stated that Obama was not implicated and Gov. Rod called him a mother something because he WOULDN'T PLAY..."
ron, i refuse to believe that you believe this spin, because it is totally illogical
if obama was NOT cut out of the exact same cloth as every other chicago politician, how exactly would he have used the machine as a launching pad to the presidency?
"if obama was NOT cut out of the exact same cloth as every other chicago politician, how exactly would he have used the machine as a launching pad to the presidency?
exactly..its starting too look like we have another slime ball Clinton-type on our hands...but it looks like its much worse...
"its starting too look like we have another slime ball Clinton-type on our hands..."
Through the clouded eyes of conservatives, anything's possible!
i'm not a conservative, but your idol has feet of clay
i understand that, at no time, is this lawn jockey subject to the same level of scrutiny that palin was put through
unfortunately, the level of your fraudulence rises to the level of the bush administration, so non-partisans like myself are here, spraying our windex on you equally, so we can hear the glass squeak
you'll see!
Obama is NOT my idol, he was not my first choice. I am just amazed that we have a party that has mountains of evidence against him and you barely mention it. The guy that has none is where you start tilting at windmills. These are the things that make me wonder if you have adult faculties. You are just playing drama queen and making mudpies. Something the right has done for so long that it no longer works. Get real. There are lots of problems to fix and it would be nice if you would join with the rest of the country in the SERIOUS business of our nation. However if you want to play soap opera we are content to continue to point and laugh. We know your serious bone is missing when you don't discuss the problems with the guilty but speculate your ass off on what is so far no more than bullshit. Maybe Gov rod has the whitey tapes.
"Maybe Gov rod has the whitey tapes."
maybe he does, he's part of barky's crew
i just don't consider the dnc using ten thousand BUSES to transport a bunch of parasites to our capital, and using tax dollars to do it, so that he can "make history", in grand style, on inauguration day, to rise above the level that our ruined industries are being nationalized, that congress is manipulating this, AND the blogojevich scandal, to DELAY swift prosecution and execution of these issues, so fraudbama can force HIS will over the people's.
yes, ron, i DEEPLY resent folks like you, who are applauding bush's third term before this pez dispenser is even sworn in, to launch DISASTEROUS parties that the bcf couldn't have brought together in their most impassioned wet dreams
i resent poverty pimps like jay bullock, masquerading as educators, GUILTING working-class whites to put his specific special interests over our own, when WE carry the baggage, WE create and innovate, and WE rebuild your messes and straighten your entrails with OUR sweat, OUR patience, OUR compassion, and OUR sense of justice and decency, just so you can bring YOURS up to foul your own nests, once again
an AMERICAN president appoints cabinet members they agree with so their their policies are carried out successfully, but this stealth illegal appoints those he disagrees with as a hedge against failure
he has said repeatedly that he fully expects long term economic problems, and demands that he will need require ANOTHER term to fulfill his vague, sketchy promises, the ultimate affirmative action hire who will perpetually need "just a little more time"
he has his right-hand puppet priming us for a nice "major crisis" in obongo's first term
none of that is a coincidence, because they are not preparing for success, but, like bush, they are setting us up for failure
and it is folks like YOU, ron, who i know hold responsible for supporting this atrocity and mocking our concerns, while YOU were the one who was hoodwinked from day one, and YOU couldn't see the forest for the trees
YOUR fault, ron, not "drama queens", lol for irony, or "righties", close to ten million of whom refused to vote for mccain
when you gave your heart to your messiah, you forfeited EVERY right to your race cards, your lofty education cards, your victim cards, all of it
and, without them, you'll be thrown under the bus, like all the ones before you
"...Obama is NOT my idol, he was not my first choice..."
so? i supported EDWARDS, was totally hoodwinked, then hillary, then mccain, that's the role the primary process should help play in our lives, to redefine our political priorities
if i comment when i think game and pals go over the partisan edge, how can i not when a full-blown personality cult takes over adults who should know better?
everyone owns their own vote, but when things go awry at the earliest possible stages and validate the exact concerns of your opponent, how can you just pretend none of it is happening and then convince them you can't see with your own eyes?
rezko, blogovich, and then obama will become a holy triumvirate of evil, their trajectories are completely interwoven
it's only sensible for folks to ready themselves for the aftermath, and vent more than a little frustration over what so many saw coming, regardless of political affiliation or skin color
Damn, Hash!
You're inevitably on your way to becoming a conservative because you're disgusted by actual people, not abstractions.
I was once taught by the system to hate the system-- everyone supposedly is God's special and unique snowflake. We're born innocent and pure; society makes us bad. With hope, we can change ourselves. So the story goes.
But all of the education in the word cannot trump experience. Humans aren't much more than the apes they have evolved from -- in general, we're superstitious, apathetic, uncurious, easily aroused by nationalist propaganda, lacking in historical memory, and poorly equipped to handle general ideas. As Washington put it, "We must take human nature as we find it, perfection falls not to the share of mortals."
The architects of America understood that *everyone* can be an asshole. That's why we once had the separation of powers, a well-defined Constitution, and limitations on what the state can do. Since people suck, it is better not to concentrate all of the suck in one place.
Hash..yes I deeply resent folks like you who claim things that have no relation to what I think. You are saying I am something I am not. Claiming I profess things I have not professed. That makes you look like a fool AND a liar. I haven't said anything particularly good or bad about Obama because I am a rational person. HE HASN'T DONE ANYTHING YET! Yet you keep associating me with your fantasy of hate. You are already crucifying him and he is not even president. You and your crew are onions, stinky bloomin idiots. I have no respect for people with such little power to think rationally and unbiasedly. That doesn't mean you cant have an opinion different than mine but you should have something to back it up beyond drama and your fantasys of evil. If you missed all the evil and hundreds of thousands of deaths and injuries of the guilty and the innocent and constitution shredding of Cheney and crew you might want to read recent history. Where did all the money go? You might want to check into that. Where did Halliburton go? You might want to check into that. Where did all the jobs that paid a living wage go? You might want to check into that. Too speak of evil and miss the last eight years is disgraceful and the reason our country has failed. I personally don't think Obama and crew will be able to pull us out. I think we are *ucked whether no matter what he or McCain or anybody else does or would have done. Cheney and crew have finished us off and they will run with the money. I'd like to move the hell out of here if I could. I'm tired of living a world dominated by right wing idiots. You can have it. Please rightists buy me a ticket. One less liberal in america.
At this point they came in sight of thirty or forty windmills that are on that plain.
"Fortune," said Don Quixote to his squire, as soon as he had seen them, "is arranging matters for us better than we could have hoped. Look there, friend Sancho Panza, where thirty or more monstrous giants rise up, all of whom I mean to engage in battle and slay, and with whose spoils we shall begin to make our fortunes. For this is righteous warfare, and it is God's good service to sweep so evil a breed from off the face of the earth."
"What giants?" said Sancho Panza.
"Those you see there," answered his master, "with the long arms, and some have them nearly two leagues (several miles) long."
"Look, your worship,'' said Sancho. "What we see there are not giants but windmills, and what seem to be their arms are the vanes that turned by the wind make the millstone go."
"It is easy to see," replied Don Quixote, "that you are not used to this business of adventures. Those are giants, and if you are afraid, away with you out of here and betake yourself to prayer, while I engage them in fierce and unequal combat."
So saying, he gave the spur to his steed Rocinante, heedless of the cries his squire Sancho sent after him, warning him that most certainly they were windmills and not giants he was going to attack. He, however, was so positive they were giants that he neither heard the cries of Sancho, nor perceived, near as he was, what they were.
"Fly not, cowards and vile beings," he shouted, "for a single knight attacks you."
A slight breeze at this moment sprang up, and the great vanes began to move.
"Though ye flourish more arms than the giant Briareus (a 100 headed giant from Greek mythology) ye have to reckon with me!" exclaimed Don Quixote, when he saw this.
So saying, he commended himself with all his heart to his lady Dulcinea, imploring her to support him in such a peril. With lance braced and covered by his shield, he charged at Rocinante's fullest gallop and attacked the first mill that stood in front of him. But as he drove his lance-point into the sail, the wind whirled it around with such force that it shivered the lance to pieces. It swept away with it horse and rider, and they were sent rolling over the plain, in sad condition indeed.
Sancho hastened to his assistance as fast as the ass could go. When he came up and found Don Quixote unable to move, with such an impact had Rocinante fallen with him.
God Bless me!," said Sancho, "did I not tell your worship to watch what you were doing, because they were only windmills? No one could have made any mistake about it unless he had something of the same kind in his head."
"Silence, friend Sancho," replied Don Quixote. "The fortunes of war more than any other are liable to frequent fluctuations. Moreover I think, and it is the truth, that the same sage Frestón who carried off my study and books, has turned these giants into mills in order to rob me of the glory of vanquishing them, such is the enmity he bears me. But in the end his wicked arts will avail but little against my good sword."
Ok, I get it now hash. We were suppose to vote for the Keating five guy. The guy that has lived off the government all his life. The guy who said just months ago that the fundamentals of the economy are strong. The guy that thought Sarah Palin who goes to church to cast out witches and demons and is married to a guy who wanted to succeed from the US would make make a wise,good leader in his absence. Have I got it? How shameful of us not to vote for that!
And it is just plain silly of those dirty dems to connect McCain and Bush even though Bush endorsed him. McCain voted with Bush the vast majority of the time. They worked together everyday in the same city in the FEDERAL government in the same party.
To try to connect them is silly and stupid, just about as silly and stupid as it is NOT TO connect Sen. Obama and Gov. Rod Crooktacular. Have I got that about right? Ok, I see now.
You guys have no core. You have no reasonable evaluation principals. The scariest part of it is you actually think you are being reasonable and convincing.
The point and laugh part is everybody but the members of the cult can see right through you and you don't even suspect that they do. You still don't know why you lost, which is why you will continue to lose. Fit the tinfoil hat guys cuz you are the only ones that can't see YOU are wearing it.
"You guys have no core. You have no reasonable evaluation principals."
Of course the right has principles. Our intellectual base includes Karl Popper, F.A. Hayek, Leo Strauss, Roger Scruton, Milton Friedman, Thomas Sowell, along with other giants.
Who are the heavy hitters of the New Left? Herbert Marcuse? Noam Chomsky? You is your greatest living intellectual? Naomi Klein? If you've ever read Rorty or Habermas, you'd recognize that the left now has no principles beyond a range-of-the-moment pragmatism. In earlier ages, the left used to proclaim its socialism loudly, and still does in most countries. But in America, the left, ashamed of what it is doing, runs on the principled position of Hope and Change. The right, in contrast, wants free people, free markets, and free governments.
Of course, you'll tell me that I don't understand the nuances and complexities of the issue, and things are not black and white. Take a good look of that gray puddle. It is *your* ideology, not ours.
Ron, you can't take anything they say seriously. Their only motivating principle is to seek and keep power. There are countless instances of them screaming, frothing at the mouth and raving from one point of view, only to make a 180 degree turn and scream, froth at the mouth and rave from the opposite point of view. The actual arguments mean nothing to them. It's all about winning the argument.
For example, a couple of months ago, Democrats were saying that auto manufacturers should be forced to develop and market vehicles that are more fuel efficient in exchange for help from the government. Republicans came out screaming that government should not be interfering with the operations of private companies, that they would make what the market requests, and any interference smacks of socialism and central planning. Now, these same people are insisting that the government set the wages for employees of a private company. Right after they argued against capping salaries for people that make 100 times as much in the financial industry.
Small government, fiscal responsibility, active opposition to Roe v. Wade - These were all MAJOR tenets of Conservative ideology that they casually tossed to the side when they interfered with their quest for power. And now that they are out of power, the same checks on the executive, the same distrust of the President, the same pressure on the media to report negative news about the president that they called 'traitorous' and railed against will be their main tools as the unloyal opposition, no matter how much it hurts the country.
Chipping in to work as a team? Nonsense, Republicans would rather let the country burn and blame it on a Democrat than lift a finger to help. They would rather make 3 million people lose their jobs, just to kill the unions.
Jason, it's been 20 years since the intellectuals of the right have had any influence in the direction of your party.
Today's Republican party is shaped by the great minds of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Jonah Goldberg and Michelle Malkin. That's some pedigree.
The Democrats are the party of corporate welfare, not the Republicans. If find it astonishing that a party that is paranoid about "corporate power" is leading the charge to hand them a blank check of literally billions of dollars. When the wishy-washy Republicans say there should not be a blank check, that is, that there should be strings attached -- the Democrats say the Republicans are out to destroy our great collective.
This is hysteria.
Look. If the Big Three go bankrupt, the country will not collapse. They'll just restructure. Of course, the Big Labor mafiosos will have to compromise, and the left, which is only concerned about raw power, can never do that -- compromise with the left is a one-way street. Why do the Big Three need a bailout when Toyota, Honda, and other companies do so well here? Power, plain and simple.
Shame on the conservatives like Snowe, Hagel, McCain, Lugar, Grahamesty, Voinevich etc who compromise with you people. As long as they don't have the D- next to their name, progressives will never love them, no matter how much progressive pork they push through.
Realism, everybody sees through their goofy little game but the ones in the cult its self. Yet they still can't figure out why they loose elections. Ok with me because they will keep losing everywhere but the deep south until the decide that their giant minds of Limbaugh et al are feeding them a soap opera and get a plan.
Jason, I don't follow. I burn things through my own test. I don't agree with anybody all the time. No one does my thinking for me. It's the authoritarians like you who .....well, think like you.
"Of course the right has principles. Our intellectual base includes Karl Popper, F.A. Hayek, Leo Strauss, Roger Scruton, Milton Friedman, Thomas Sowell, along with other giants...."
Of NEOCONSERVATIVE pseudo-intellectualism, not conservative principles
the hijacking of the right by neocons and their subsequent failures are exactly what has brought conservatism to its demise, actually as far-left demagoguery has reduced modern-day liberalism to a caricature of itself
my mission, of course, is not to convince or persuade, but to expose the false dichotomy as it is, in order to hasten its destruction
"Chipping in to work as a team?"
that's exactly the point, there IS no team
and, realism, as long as you continue to view the team not as just another member, but an overseer with an inflated sense of intellectual superiority and perpetual victimhood, you are as guilty as anyone else of keeping america divided as anyone on the right, or in the center, perhaps even more so
you do render yourself one of barky's willing executioners, though, a prime specimen
Really, hash? I'm just as guilty as anyone else? Richard Pearle? Hannity? Dobson? Wow.
And lecturing people on their "inflated sense of intellectual superiority and perpetual victimhood" is a great way to show that YOU don't "view the team not as just another member, but an overseer with an inflated sense of intellectual superiority".
So thanks for the demonstration of how to throw out vague accusations without any specifics while contradicting your own argument and simultaneously drawing false equivalencies.
Well, hash, if you want the right to be like Pat Buchanan, Barack Obama should be your greatest hero. Isolationism, protectionism, corporatism, nationalism-- Team Obama is selling you the complete package.
Neoconservatism is cosmopolitan, pro-growth, and pro-freedom. You're right that neoconservatives aren't true conservatives; think of us as classical liberals who sing in a minor key. We're for what liberals used to stand for -- science, progress, individualism, a limited state, while rejecting their optimism, utilitarianism, and social engineering. Liberalism today is a sewer of primitivism -- earth worship, tolerance of all non-Christian fundies, racial tribalism, sexual barbarism, fetal sacrifice, a militarized economy, and being friends in principle with theocrats and gangsters posing as statesmen. There's nothing liberal about this; progressives should at least believe in, well, progress.
Hopefully you hate Obama for substantive reasons. Perhaps I pegged you wrong and you hate him for superficial reasons -- a need to be different, hatred of authority, racism, who knows.
"Well, hash, if you want the right to be like Pat Buchanan, Barack Obama should be your greatest hero."
why would I WANT what i already have?
YOU'RE the one at three in the morning, quivering behind the mental apartheid wall which is the only thing between the forces that will butcher you, on your own sidewalks
"Isolationism, protectionism, corporatism, nationalism-- Team Obama is selling you the complete package."
oh, i LOVE this tactic! jason's up is down, left is right, dirty is clean, Bizarro World!
please furnish links, jason, for the assertions you have made, for the benefit of those readers gullible enough to take them seriously
don't throw down a bunch of "isms" (two of which, i might add, are diametrically opposed to one another in this era, and therefore useless for the purpose of this discussion) and think you can seize on populist discontent
you've repeatedly endorsed open borders, unlimited immigration, so-called free trade, etc., so build your own smokescreens, or take up residence with "the chosen one" yourself
"Neoconservatism is cosmopolitan, pro-growth, and pro-freedom..."
all debunked in total over the last eight years, after an unacknowledged denouement over the previous twenty...
like the self-identified progressives, you have no leaders of substance either to put forth, much less restructure failed policies that have now, in the words of one of your fellow villagers, "come home to roost"
"You're right that neoconservatives aren't true conservatives; think of us as classical liberals who sing in a minor key...."
more parsing of words, and manipulation of bogeyman terms, which may serve you well within an intellectual realm, but offer no practical solutions, EVER
"what liberals used to stand for -- science, progress, individualism, a limited state, while rejecting their optimism, utilitarianism, and social engineering..."
but it is of little relevance now, since both artificial arms of the perpetual lib/con conundrum engage gleefully in all of the above excesses, while selectively denying truth, logic, and efficiency, and we CONTINUE to live under one-party rule, masquerading as a two-party representative republic
"Liberalism today is a sewer of primitivism -- earth worship, tolerance of all non-Christian fundies, racial tribalism, sexual barbarism, fetal sacrifice, a militarized economy, and being friends in principle with theocrats and gangsters posing as statesmen..."
and, it is already marked for death, but, most importantly, conservatism must be buried FIRST
creeping authoritarianism and the scourge of globalism dictates this
survival depends not on who preaches loudest, but who holds the best hand of cards
"There's nothing liberal about this; progressives should at least believe in, well, progress...."
don't bet on it
"Hopefully you hate Obama for substantive reasons...."
"OY, ze HATE!!" :)
jason, i think i despise him for all the right reasons, but even if i don't...
whether barky's plans are brought down by those who wish to safeguard our nation, or by those who operate out of hate and revenge, is meaningless to me
he is, imho, an unqualified empty suit, fundamentally deceptive, a cynical, manipulative liar, with boundless loyalty to the "world" and none to this nation, an idealist, with a poor sense of economics, no judiciousness or "people savvy", and i do believe the viciousness of his campaign outweighs its "organizational" successes
frankly, barky is a pussy who hides behind surrogates, and the russians and chinese will tapdance on his nose, until it is flat
internally, he has presided over an internet-driven network of leftist savages who have singlehandedly set back race relations at least fifty years, imho
the very foundations of our nation, our remaining industries, our resources, our military power, our sovereignity, our basic human rights, are crumbling before our eyes, and we have another numbskull who cannot survive without his teleprompter, and a ghetto shrew for a wife, who is demanding to move in three weeks early
so, yeah, sorry, this doesn't inspire confidence
all that matters is that his presidency results in total, undeniable, FAILURE, the means, the cost, and the motivations behind it are completely irrelevant
"Really, hash? I'm just as guilty as anyone else? Richard Pearle? Hannity? Dobson? Wow...."
absolutely, realism, because you are still at the point where you hate the neocons more than you love the country, and that's what makes it impossible for you to clear the film from your eyes, and see barky clearly enough to at least express critical opinions, in the presence of those you consider your political adversaries
this is why i packed up and dissolved a lifetime marriage to the dems, "left" the left, lol!
i was almost totally surrounded by zombies for "the one", and i had no time or desire for more pie in the sky, i saw the storm clouds gathering, hopefully soon enough
speaking of pat, a thoughtful essay on the subject of blago and the barkster....
"but offer no practical solutions, EVER"
You're absolutely correct. Unlike Bush, I do not believe in government solutions. Consumers ought to decide what gets produced and what does not, not bureaucrats. Government solutions only increase my cost of living, while companies like Walmart save Americans more money than any government program ever will. "Energy independence" i.e. handouts to agribusiness make my groceries more expensive. "Affordable housing" policies keep the price of homes artificially high. Subsidized education increases the price of tuition. Government funding of healthcare raises premiums for those not on Medicare and Medicaid.
The last three decades have been the most prosperous in American history, precisely because we've cut taxes, deregulated entire industries, and expanded free trade. Every country that has done this has seen rapid growth; the countries that isolate themselves stagnate. I find it ironic that our bipartisan consensus to the financial crisis will be to tax and regulate the hell out of successful businesses, while subsidizing the failing businesses. China, in contrast, is responding by lowering their business taxes. Americans of all people are going Marxist at precisely the time the rest of the world is unleashing individual initiative.
Bizarro world? We're living in it.
Spot on Jason!!!
It amazes me that our populace has no knowledge of – or ignores history. They look to the very people (government) that historically have held them/beat them down.
Are we so complacent, so lazy, that we’ll allow bureaucrats to dictate our lives?
Are we such slack asses that we will give control to the clueless yet ambitious?
"you are still at the point where you hate the neocons more than you love the country, and that's what makes it impossible for you to clear the film from your eyes, and see barky clearly enough to at least express critical opinions"
heh. For the record, my personal belief is that both parties are working hand in hand with their corporate masters to march we sheep along to a totalitarian dystopia within the next 10-20 years. My most optimistic hope is that somehow, we will be able to make it a dystopia along the the lines of "Brave New World" rather than "1984" or "Blade Runner". Obama, IMO, was the lesser of two evils. McCain, with his demands for "MOAR WAR" and the "two minutes hate" style campaign events, along with his stridently anti-intellectual sidekick (or maybe HE was the sidekick) seemed represent a more acute illness for our country, whereas Obama is more like a chronic debilitating disease.
qualified ditto realism
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