Okay, so who is to blame?
What is the proper criticism?
Well, if Mexico was lobing missiles into Texas, I would see no problem with the US bombing the crap out of Mexico, atleast that part.
And if Mexico was putting its missile lauch pads in residential areas, it would be Mexico's fault for civilian deaths, not ours.
It has been proven time and time again, Islamic terrorists will NEVER stop until they kill all of us...
We give them things, we back down, we play nice, and they bomb Israel anyway.
So what do we do?
What should Israel do?
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Israeli assault on Hamas kills more than 200
Posted by
The Game
9:52 AM
Labels: israel, radical islam, war on terror
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While I have no sympathy towards those Hamas terrorists, I have an issue with Israel's "collective punishment" approach. It only ends up creating more radicals in the area.
Also, you are over simplifying the issue with "Mexico firing missiles into Texas". This didn't start 2 weeks ago. There are provocations from both sides.
The sad part is - Israel will be gone the day America stops supporting it. If past is any indication, no super power will last for ever. i really hope Israel understands it and builds a much larger support base!
well, game, i don't agree with the grounds for your assessment, but i also don't see how israel had much of a choice, at this point
sderot had been kassamed for how long, before the israeli government took action?
elections are in february, politicians are loath to insurrections by their own people, and the jews are honestly frantic over what an obama presidency means for them
as far as collective punishment, wars are not pleasant, leaders must make horrible decisions on behalf of their own
it's important to remember that israel is NOT our ally, they are our PROTECTORATE, there is quite a difference in the dynamics of each sort of relationship
we must not hyperfocus on what israel is doing to protect her people, apart from the collective guilt we share, for subsidizing whatever war crimes may be taking place
we must be far more vigilant on PAKISTAN, and how we are continuing to be vortexed into that unfolding quagmire
and try to learn much about the deepening sunni/shi'ite divide, vis-a-vis our own nation's impending financial collapse, brought on by retail bankruptcies and the emerging commercial real estate bubble
notice that egypt is actually supporting the jews against the pallies on gaza, on a level i'd never imagined i'd see in my lifetime, to which former president carter deserves no small measure of credit, for perserverance
if anything, game, we should be ashamed of OURSELVES as a nation, for the likes of egypt worries more about border integrity and invading hordes of "refugees" far more than ANY of our leaders do, lol!
what is the wild card here, imho?
if ehud barak brings on a lasting ground war in gaza, and hezbollah uses this to jump off, up in lebanon
but we will not see an end to all of this, in our lifetimes
israel MUST stress the concept of these actions as targeting hamas in particular, not the pallies as a whole, or they will lose the global propaganda war, perhaps even our government/media complex they had such a hand in saddling us with
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Until these people sit down and start talking, they are destined for armed conflict with many innocents to suffer. With a few hundred thousand armed Americans roaming the region, Israel is emboldened to do whatever they feel is necessary to secure their borders and keep their people safe.
"One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter."
To be a freedom fighter, you must fight for, well, *freedom*.
Sympathy for Hamas is like sympathy with the KKK. What is "progressive" about subjugating women, killing gays and atheists, and believing in the International Zionist Conspiracy? You guys call us fascists. I say look in the mirror, "progressives."
Yeah-- and don't tell me that fighting evil makes evil stronger. That stupid shit would imply that Mussolini, Hirohito, and Hitler got weaker when we were appeasing them and got stronger after war broke out. (Hint: Like Hamas, the Hezb'Allah, and the rest of them, the fascists of the 30s armed themselves to the teeth during appeasement.)
"Aren't Palestinians fighting for their freedom?"
No. Theocracy and democracy are not the same thing. Hamas is fighting to rid the region of the Jew.
I do blame Israel for the conflict though. Why? Because Israel is filled with too many damn secular progressives like yourself asking "why do they hate us?" and "what are the root causes?" This is preventing Israel from waging a proper war and taking the conquests that come with it without guilt.
Suppose that good and evil are subjective. Well, I personally think killing gays, killing atheists, subjugating women, and rule by a medieval religious book are bad things. Don't you, even subjectively?
If morality is subjective, btw, there is nothing preventing us from imposing our views on others. I suspect your morality is more objective than you like to admit.
"Suppose that good and evil are subjective. Well, I personally think killing gays, killing atheists, subjugating women, and rule by a medieval religious book are bad things. Don't you, even subjectively?"
oh, CRAPOLA, jason
you know perfectly well how long any sort of gay person would last in kahanist-controlled tapuach, bolshevik "progressive" jews practically invented the concept of the anti-theist in our lecture halls and libraries, the plight of the orthodox jewish female hardly ranks far above the pecking order of the breeder in the burka, and the talmudists are indeed the ones who share with the mohammedan the concept of "an eye for an eye", not christians
and don't even pretend to claim the kosher rabbinate on the hilltops of judea have one iota less of a grasp on the land of the "self-chosen", not unless you're willing to go one-for-one on pork-free supermarkets, public streets closed for shabbos, and the cloth mechitza bisecting the egged buses into seperate male/female sections
if you want to stand for american interests and the preservation of our culture against ALL bizarre foreign state-sanctioned theologies, yippee, by all means have at it, but don't even bother to pick and choose, when history has shown that, in the absence of muslim aggression, the "perfidious ones" will be happy to fill that void
Your moral equivalence stinks. You might as well say America is just as bad as the Taliban, since we have Christian fanatics. Get a grip. Israel is a country that still has a 16% Muslim minority while being threatened by Muslims on all sides.
Israel clearly is morally superior; I mean this without irony.
Your friends in Hamas by the way just brought crucifixion back into their penal code. "Just as bad" my ass. You guys need to stop blanking out, forget about the moral equivalence the progressive intelligentsia has been pumping into your brains since you were five, and open your mind to reality.
"Your moral equivalence stinks..."
LOL, morals don't even enter into the equation, the minute you bring your stone jungle values into any discussion
"Israel clearly is morally superior; I mean this without irony..."
why not make aliyah, then?
"Your friends in Hamas..."
riiight, LOL! take the needle out of your arm, you're too much of a pretty boy to be seen nodding out
"...just brought crucifixion back into their penal code..."
perhaps, circumstances warrant a revival?
because, for you and yours, the tradition never really ended
We should condemn both sides as murderers and roadblocks to peace. I'm tired of the excuses...from both sides.
That's nonsense. I just read where Hamas kills Palestinians who speak out against Hamas tactics and support Israel's right not to be rocketed on a regular basis. Fox had a special surrounding the son of the creator of Hamas and his opinions since he became disenchanted with their tactics and converted to Christianity. To pretend the two are morally equivalent is to deny the realities of the situation. This is not to say that Israel is perfect, anymore than we are, but to say there's no difference between the two is absolute nonsense. There is a good guy and a bad guy here for those with the stones to see it.
"I just read where Hamas kills Palestinians who speak out against Hamas tactics and support Israel's right not to be rocketed on a regular basis...."
where did you read such a thing, marshall?
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