Wednesday, January 28, 2009


What the hell is going on...
You know what, I can't even wrap my head around this right now, you comment first...


Anonymous said...

what's to say?

it has no business being part of any "economic stimulus" package, nor does sodding the national green, or any such other nonsense...

in fact, there should BE no such "economic stimulus" package, as it will accomplish absolutely nothing, in terms of remediating the economy

is THAT clear enough, LOL?

no, no, i'm the eeevil "librull", i'll just shut up now....

not a chance

Realism said...

Yes, heaven forbid that the federal government help out with health care costs, freeing up state money to reduce the number of layoffs needed to balance state budgets.

That's the LAST thing we want to happen.

Anonymous said...

realism, you realize the hypocrisy of a president, who spoke out (correctly) against earmarks and abuse, turning around and pulling this crap...this is "change"??

it's no better than bush, shipping off HIV/AIDS drugs to africans on our dime, that our people can scarcely afford, and forbidding even the mention of condoms!

this is government??

besides, i'm not convinced throwing government money at std prevention is a worthwhile endeavor, since those who reject condom use do it out of distaste, not out of a lack of funds, imho

i, do, however, take issue to my government OBSTRUCTING access to family planning information, not every spiritual system has a problem with it, and not everyone is a believer, anyway

health care costs should NEVER be taken into account as part of any alleged economic "stimulus" plan, for reasons that will manifest themselves at some point in the future

the neocons have outdone the democrats when it comes to spending like drunken sailors, it is time to accept the fact that the bills for their little misadventures are coming due

jhbowden said...

"That's the LAST thing we want to happen."

You're correct. If we're going to militarize healthcare, energy, and so forth, we lose freedom and efficiency. People will no longer trade with dollars, but with favors.

Capitalism isn't just about getting what you want. It is also about avoiding what you don't want. Big businesses that don't meet the needs of their customers should go under so the better businesses can expand.

Realism said...

The profit motive makes healthcare inefficient. Government action provides efficiencies of scale and reduced administrative costs.

States are required to balance their budgets. Health care services are one of the first areas that are cut when the economy turns down. State health services are also utilized more during an economic downturn because fewer people have health insurance from their employers. Federal support gives the states the ability to cut their spending on health care instead of forcing layoffs. Thus, you kill two birds with one stone - Health services for the increasing number of people who don't have insurance and funding for the states to help sustain employment.

But I love how you guys insist on being so enthusiastically WRONG about everything. It's like you don't even realize that your entire ideology has been completely disproved and discredited over the last couple of years.

Thanks for the laughs.

HumbleHumanity said...

Just take a moment and think of all those STD drug company layoff that will be starting shortly. And the STD clinic shut downs.

Anonymous said...

this so-called "economic stimulus" package has nothing to do with our economy, because, if it were, they'd never enact it

this is about barky paying back more of those who supported him unconditionally, and "transcending" the normal lobbyist channels to do so

obama=bush 3

The Game said...

actually, he seems to be much, much worse than Bush...Its true Bush was not a true conservative, but Obama seems to be sprinting at Olympic speed to socialism...sorry, its true.

Realism said...

If so, it's because Republicans ruined capitalism.

I understand that Republicans don't understand much about the economy. I get that, I really do. That's why the economy has consistently performed much better under Democratic administrations. But really, how stupid do you have to be to think that tax cuts will work to stimulate the economy during a recession?

Anonymous said...

"Its true Bush was not a true conservative..."

who IS a "true conservative", in your eyes, then?

what criteria do you use?

perhaps you see bush as a liberal? a progressive, or centrist, LOL?

i mean, i could see saying, "well, conservatism is in the process of regrouping, reevaluating aims and goals, and figuring out where and how to move, next"...but this bit of acting as though gingrich and the contract on america had been met with complete agreement, and had been a stunning success over the past fifteen years, is a little to much to ask americans to swallow...

again, you couldn't even bring yourselves to put mccain in, over seriously think you can sell some fringe neocon candidate, four years from now, LOL?

"...but Obama seems to be sprinting at Olympic speed to socialism..."

seriously? because, the barkster's been busy this week, and much has transpired

i've understood the marxist parallels in the past, and during his campaign, but i'm afraid i'm not sure how the tag applies to what he's put through so far, please explain...i'm not sure the fake "stimulus" package applies

Marshal Art said...

"If so, it's because Republicans ruined capitalism."

Please explain how this could be true. Wait, let me pee first---I'm sure it will be funny.

jhbowden said...

"The profit motive makes healthcare inefficient."

No it doesn't. There are many industrialized countries with inefficient nationalist healthcare systems. By efficient, I'm talking about the development of new technologies, the waiting times to get treatment, and your odds of survival when you have a given disease. The United States outpaces all of the other major industrialized countries in these categories hands down.

Now, if you are complaining about rising healthcare premiums in America, the culprits are easy-- Medicare, Medicaid, and S-CHIP. If a hospital knows the government is paying the bill, they'll run as many tests as possible-- in other word, giving stuff away for free raises the aggregate demand, which drives up equilibrium price.

jhbowden said...


Here's John F. Kennedy's idea of an economic stimulus. Watch:

Income Tax Cut, JFK Hopes To Spur Economy 1962/8/13

This explains the economic growth during the 1960s btw.

Realism said...

Yeah, that proves my point. Kennedy's tax cuts, unlike Reagan's and Bush's were demand side (Keynesian) tax cuts, at a time when the the top rate was 91%. He cut it to 70%.

You would have to be an idiot to think that a tax cut would provide stimulus right now. Look, the free market is premised on the idea of participants working rationally in their best interests. At a time of great economic uncertainty (like now), that rational self interest would lead people and businesses to either save the money, or pay down debt. That does not stimulate economic growth. Ironically, it creates a downward spiral where the worse the economy is, the less people spend, which makes the economy worse, etc.

The federal government has the ability to act as a countervailing force against the downward economic trend by spending to stimulate the economy when the natural inclination is for individuals and businesses to not spend.

But it's really cute (and a little sad) to see you clinging to the tattered shreds of your discredited ideology in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary and an overwhelming rejection of your policies by the American people.

Anonymous said...

it HAS been interesting to watch the dems preach the gospel of fiscal conservatism this week, though, LOL!

when you call a spending program an "economic stimulus package", when less than five percent goes to job creation?

this is all about barky repaying the debt for the support he auctioned off, from top to bottom, it's just politics as usual, no "change" to see here, just move along, LOL!

Anonymous said...

"Now, if you are complaining about rising healthcare premiums in America, the culprits are easy-- Medicare, Medicaid, and S-CHIP. If a hospital knows the government is paying the bill, they'll run as many tests as possible-- in other word, giving stuff away for free raises the aggregate demand, which drives up equilibrium price..."

absolutely, and remember to let the good doctors, the corporatist health-insurance holding companies, "big" pharma, and every level of hospital administration for their own complicity in the crime....

neocon interference in american political process, equals permanent american financial death spiral

Realism said...

"Now, if you are complaining about rising healthcare premiums in America, the culprits are easy-- Medicare, Medicaid, and S-CHIP." - That has got to be one of the stupidest things I've ever heard in the debate over healthcare.

The cause of rising health insurance premiums is rising health care costs. Health care costs are rising because of new technology, which is credited with providing those few good outcomes that we do see from our system. The problem is that our high numbers of uninsured cause hospitals to pass the costs of the uninsured on to the insured. If universal coverage was enacted, hospitals would be able to get payment for every patient, so the costs would not be passed on to the wealthier, who are the only ones with the ability to pay.

Even the heritage institute acknowledges that private insurance costs have risen faster than medicare costs and that medicare administrative costs.

Anonymous said...

"That has got to be one of the stupidest things I've ever heard in the debate over healthcare..."

the neocons have no allegiance to america, or americans...why WOULD they have any interest in the idea of a healthier america, OR healthier americans??

LOL! look at their big picture...

their interests lie in preserving the status quo...regardless of what an abject failure it all is, that doesn't mean it's a failure for THEM...

Ron said...

If people have stds they can't work and pay taxes. It really hurts to pee!