The only talking that needs to be done is to tell them to stop lobbing lots of rockets into Israel and maybe stop telling everyone their only goal is to get rid of Israel...
oh, and I just wanted to throw this one in here:
Video: Palin Finally Unleashes on Media; Takes on Couric, Fey, Olbermann...
It is so refreshing to hear someone say this...
Thursday, January 08, 2009
This time Obama needs to be yelled at...
Posted by
The Game
11:19 PM
Labels: obama talks to terrorists, palin, terrorists support dems
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You can't get me defend Hamas.
But, Israel's collective punishment is criminal. It has never worked and it will never work. It's disgusting to see how some people over here are cheering for more attacks and showing absolutely no feeling towards those women/children being slaughtered. They are no different from those filthy talibans living in caves.
As to Palin - What can I say? Smiles... Why blame Couric when Palin couldn't answer simple ansewers. She needs to stop her jibberish way of communicating, get prepared better instead of blaming others for her failure. It's not just Fey or CBS, even McCain's top advisors had issues withher, right? Is it also 'liberal media' conspiracy? LOL
Not all of it, but she is dead on when she infers that if she was Obama's running mate she would have been treated very differently
If she were Obama's running mate, she would've also had some minimal level of competence and wouldn't have been open to so much criticism about her lack of experience, lack of knowledge about current affairs and history and lack of knowlege about the operations of government.
Her first real day in the spotlight was her speech at the convention. First, she called herself a pitbull in lipstick, then she made all kinds of nasty remarks about Obama's community service.
Now she's whining because she thinks that the big bad ole liberal media was tough on her? If you can't handle the media, how can you expect to handle Ahmadinejad, Putin and Kim Jong Il?
And anyway, most of her complaints about the media were strawman arguments targeted at fools. Some bloggers were saying mean things about her, and she attributed them to the news media. Well, guess what - blogs are not the professional news media. Stop trying to interchange the two for propaganda purposes.
And Hamas wouldn't be in power right now if Bush hadn't forced rushed elections for domestic political purposes at the exact time when fatah was at it's weakest.
It just goes to show that spreading democracy and spreading freedom don't necessarily go hand in hand.
Do we really have to go through a comparison on the experience of Palin and Obama?
I didn't see 10% of the stories on Obama's lack of ANY experience AT ALL...
There are qualities that can compensate for a lack of experience, such as intelligence, education, good counsel and knowledge of history.
Obama has these other qualities to a much greater extent than Sarah "vice president in charge of the senate, I read all of them, I can see russia from my house, putin rears his head" Palin.
"Realism hit it. If she cant handle the media, she shouldnt be in politics..."
but that's exactly the point, she IS handling it, and quite well, imho
no one will ever be able to accuse her of opinions that are not her own, so this brings a little of her post-convention moxie back into a bleak midwinter apres-bush period of national reflection, with only the vile coulter providing any sort of right-wing female visibility, of a sort even the neocons are weary of
i say, "viva, sarah"! she's STILL the brightest star of the 2008 election season, who brought the arrogance of the pseudointellectual left into sharp national focus, and created an unprecedented, internal, cultural dialogue
what a wonderful surprise she was!
i can disagree with a quality person, and still support them for the freshness and honesty they bring to the table, that's the sort of "bipartisanship" we should all strive for
your hard-earned tax dollars are going to support slaughter of innocent women and children
Neo-con NEWSFLASH for the hash: for those engaged in global jihad, Israel is only the little Satan. America is the Great Satan, the head of heresy in the modern world. These aren't oppressed proles in Hamas. They are religious fanatics. Why can't you people get it? And yes, I know Israel has a good amount of fundies; that does not establish moral equivalence with a suicidal regime with *crucifixion* in its penal code.
engage them, find out what they want
We already know. Hamas wants the death of every Jew who refuses to leave Israel. They also want Islam to rule supreme over the globe. They say this themselves.
Israel's collective punishment is criminal.
By what standard? I suppose you think we collectively punished the French for the aggression of the Germans during D-Day too.
Here are excerpts from the charter of Hamas for the clueless progressives and centrists here who can't call a spade a spade:
"Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam obliterates it, just as it obliterated others before it."
"The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf consecrated for future Moslem generations until Judgement Day. It, or any part of it, should not be squandered: it, or any part of it, should not be given up. "
"There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors."
"After Palestine, the Zionists aspire to expand from the Nile to the Euphrates. When they will have digested the region they overtook, they will aspire to further expansion, and so on. Their plan is embodied in the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", and their present conduct is the best proof of what we are saying."
Obama is not only a fool -- he is a reflection of your own liberal stupidity.
Remember what hashfan said, "the jews are DEFINITELY the cold-blooded killers in this instance"
Every druggie I've ever known can't grasp reality either...
"for those engaged in global jihad, Israel is only the little Satan..."
fyi, for those engaged in zionist supremacism, you are nothing more than "cattle", so, why not explain "dhimmitude", since you're the one who's managed to accomplish it?
"The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf..."
for the purposes of innernets discussion, i maintain a policy of ignoring any statements that include words like "waqf", or other riefenstahl-esque agitprop maneuvers, designed to introduce uninteresting exotica into our daily vernacular
"There is no solution for the Palestinian question...."
agreed, there is no WESTERN solution
the ONLY possible route to a lasting peace in the region is, for a superpower with no connection to the west, to either dissolve the state of israel by force, and relocate all the jews living there, to a distant, permanent location, or to liquidate one-third to one-half of the world's islamic population
and i don't foresee many willing executioners, jumping up to volunteer
so, war without end it is, for now...
a jolly good time for the us to bow out of all welfare payments and military "equipment" transfers, with an eye to total disengagement from benefactor status in total by 2013, and the state of israel and all proxies, no later than thanksgiving day, 2009
"Obama is not only a fool -- he is a reflection of your own liberal stupidity..."
but, who are you referring to?
unfortunately for you, jason, barky's very much in YOUR custody, to have and to old, as the pez dispenser and milkman of human kindness is very much a third term of bush, and a product of the chicago machine you know so well, so who are you to cast blame?
there's not one statue of bastiat in this nation, that you can't hold a seance with??
"Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors..."
again, the truth is sooo very simple, if you would only allow it to be
"Remember what hashfan said, "the jews are DEFINITELY the cold-blooded killers in this instance"
Every druggie I've ever known can't grasp reality either..."
and my guess would be, terry, that there's no shortage of drug addicts in your immediate orbit, either
BTW, barky's campaign denies the original article posted here, you concur?
i just want to make sure we have the best possible intel, lest any evil norwegian doctors, or anyone like that, try to lead us astray
okay...hash obviously hates the jews, jason gives perfect logic and the rest of the libeals can't support our country or anything we support so they side with Hamas...there is your book report
"I support Israel because they are civilized, tolerant, and cosmopolitan..."
and that's very nice for you
i'm simply saying, do it on your own dime, because i don't work to support your delusions of foreigners, or your refined cultural landscape
if you want murder on your cheshbon, that's very much your own decision to make, and mine to continue to work to undermine
"Over 16% of Israel is Muslim -- it is illogical to say Israel desires genocide..."
but, it's an irrelevant point anyway, since, with the possible exception of haifa, they are not in any way integrated into israeli society, and, if they chose to bring in arabs to drive their taxis and scrub their floors, that's THEIR business, not mine, and neither decreases nor increases the threat that israel represents, to the west, and civilized society
"As a citizen of a free republic, I have a duty to support other freemen living in free countries, especially when under attack from the forces of theocracy and medievalism..."
ah, but to me, what you refer to as "theocracy" and "medievalism" may well be bulwarks to globalist interests, internationalism, creeping anarcho-capitalism, and other undesirable extremist strategies, at work in the region, so that argument holds no water for me
indeed, i invite you to spend a week among the kahanist radicals of kfar tapuach, to witness true theocracy and medeievalism, in full effect. and drink in the "tolerance"
"BTW -- if you're willing to dissolve the little Satan to make Muslim fundamentalists happy, are you willing to dissolve the Great Satan as well?..."
no, i'm willing to take a true conservative approach to this dilemma, and allow ALL your "satans", little, big, and all in between, to destroy themselves, without any of my countrymen's involvement whatsoever
"Seriously, reality should have hit you real hard on the head during 9-11..."
actually, the attack itself, or, in my case, getting myself and my employees as far away from it as quickly as possible, was a cakewalk, compared to the aftermath, and the revelations contained within, so, again, that might be an unwise tack for you to take, in this instance
because, your handlers pretty much had us all where you wanted us, there was an unprecendented unity that transcended the growing political and social divide, speaking ill of the president was unthinkable in those days, and we looked to our leaders, for confidence and leadership, and, basically, they BLEW it, and i don't believe it was possible for any place in the nation to experience such a profound betrayal, to this day, republicans are unable to even march, on the upper west side
and, jason, i didn't cause that to happen, you managed it, all on your own
" your Pally friends say, fundamentalist Muslims will stop fighting in Russia, India, Thailand, Nigeria, the Philippines, etc..."
i actually don't have any pally friends anymore, although i live amongst them, as well as jews, and just about every other ethnic group
i don't even wander into their markets for syrian ice cream and cashew nuts anymore, and that's the sum total of what i miss from my self-imposed interaction with the pallies, so none of it rocks my world, one way or another, and it certainly doesn't influence my opinions regarding world events
you live, you learn, you move on
trouble is, when you cross that line and become the perpetrators, you can't play the victim anymore....
Che Hashhole,
You've hated the Jews to the very bottom of your being from the very first post I've seen of yours on the Radio Equalizer. You are no different then most Liberal Democrats or Communists.
fudgie, have you paid back the money you have stolen from my nation yet, you, you filthy parasite?
because, rumor has it, that there are those, who are becoming weary of waiting for you to do what you must
after all, soon your day will come, no?
perhaps, it is time for a public unburdening of your soul, so that you may repent, and we may proceed to the next level?
remember, fudgie, only YOU can shape your eternal destiny!
for, resistance is futile, and submission will be, for you, not a "yes or no", but a "how, and when" kind of proposition, it is written
"Che Hashhole, You've hated the Jews to the very bottom of your being"
I get that vibe too. I'm Hash's world, Hamas is being victimized. Israel is a threat to the civilized world. Religious fanatics who fly airplanes into skyscrapers -- well, they're just misunderstood proles acting up because of a mystical root cause (poverty, history, racism, imperialism, take your pick).
That's stupid enough to get Hash a job at a university. If he dumbs it down a bit, and adds a little more self-loathing and paranoia, he could be the next Juan Cole or Howard Zinn!
"There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people."
Howard Zinn
as for cole, very bright, too pro-islamist for americans to take seriously, imho
"Religious fanatics who fly airplanes into skyscrapers..."
hey, jason, i saw bin laden down at my local wash-o-mat this morning, man
he tried to wrestle me to the ground, but he saw my trusty tide bleach pen, and booked on outta there
i hunted his ass down for hours, to no avail, mofo raghead put his dialysis machine on wheels, yo
y-you haven't anything about us being attacked next week, have you???....
i'm KIDDING around with jason, game
sheesh, i thought we were the humorless ones....:)
Your take on Sarah Palin was far different than mine. I saw her making excuses and feeling sorry for herself. A gross, extreme example of whining and self pity. Look at all the things Obama got called. Did he cry about it?
As far as the mideast, as long other people keep taking sides all we will do is encourge war, which is exactly what the manipulators want you to do. The vast majority of the world sees war and killing as the sickest of sins. Time to condemn all murderers on both sides. Or you can continue to pretend you belive in life while advocating's up to you.
"Look at all the things Obama got called. Did he cry about it?"
of course he did! he just had his handlers and hardcore supporters do it for him!
sarah speaks for herself, even while surrounded by those who would seek to undermine her, that's why her logical viewpoints and pragmatism lift her above the pack, despite her faults
Ron’s perusing:
“…Sarah Palin was far different than mine. I saw her making excuses and feeling sorry for herself. A gross, extreme example of whining and self pity. Look at all the things Obama got called. Did he cry about it?”
Son, you’re way off base on this one. Palin’s “Africa”error is far less bad than Obama’s“ 57 states” error!
But regardless, Palin represents the real (weather she is or not, remains to be seen), while Obama represents the total media construct. I won’t go as far as to say Obama’s “not too swift” because I don’t believe anyone at this level fits that template. But as-long-as the MSM keep giving him a pass, the longer he’ll use that as a crutch!!!
It’s highly possible he makes one bad decision after another; the MSM will give him a pass, further emboldening his ineptness. Then again he may jump up, abandon the far leftist views that got him elected and actually do what’s best for the country, thereby solidifying himself in history. I guess it all depends on his “close circle” and how much importance he places on them. Then again, he may do what he actually believes to be best for the country. Who knows – his past gives no clue.
On the other-hand, Ron, Palin gives every indication she’d be an excellent steward, while governing from her principals like any good citizen, politician, which the hope of this country was founded on.
Has anybody in Obama’s current appointments ever held a “real” job?
I've been having this same tiresome debate (for lack of a better word) with Hash about Gaza. It would be interesting for him to explain just how he thinks Israel's response should manifest. He refuses to acknowledge the difficulty in avoiding civilian casualties when hunting assholes who purposely dwell amongst them. It would seem to me, that upon the first retaliatory attack by Israel, the people of Gaza would insist that Hamas set up shop in a more secluded location. But no, they don't because 1)many of them support the activities of Hamas and agree with their philosophies regarding the Jews, and 2)because Hamas would murder them. I've encouraged Hashly to visit sites such as JihadWatch, MEMRI, Walid Shoebat Foundation and others to get a true look at what is undeniably the source of the misery in Gaza: the people of Gaza themselves. But he refuses. He'd rather bring up Israeli imperfections, as if that changes anything, and whine about US aid to Israel and other countries (he's an isolationist as well as a Jew-hater), rather than realize the implications of the true cause of the suffering: Islamic hatred for Jews that is stronger than Islamic love for their own children.
Then, he rants on about some stupid idea that Israel should be forced to dissolve and scatter, as if they don't have a true claim to the land in which they live. That's his idea of how to solve the problem. But the fool refuses to acknowledge that Israel isn't the problem, radical Islam is.
Ron said,
“…Sarah Palin was far different than mine. I saw her making excuses and feeling sorry for herself. A gross, extreme example of whining and self pity. Look at all the things Obama got called. Did he cry about it?”
Whining? Because she stated the obvious about media bias in response to questions about bias during the campaign? How should she have answered such questions? By saying "Present"? By saying such was above her pay grade?
And yes, Barry DID cry, but in a pre-emptive way, when he played the race card.
And I would add, for those who think Palin lacks experience, which she doesn't, that like every president we've had thus far, she'd be surrounded by advisors to give her counsel.
And Realism. Just so you don't continue to set yourself up so poorly, Palin never said "I can see russia from my house". That was Tina Fey. Palin merely said that Russia was so close to Alaska that one could actually see Russia from some parts of it. To think that a governor in that state wouldn't have some int'l dealings( read: experience) borderng two foreign countries is ludicrous. And her comments regarding Barry's community service were appropriate considering he didn't accomplish anything while doing so.
And it's not a matter of her whining about the media being tough on her. She was merely pointing out that she wasn't dealt with in the same manner as Barry and Joey Plugs.
"I've been having this same tiresome debate (for lack of a better word) with Hash about Gaza..."
no, i've been presenting a viewpoint that (gasp!) differs from yours, and you have been yelling and hurling invective, smears, and unnecessarily foul language back, in lieu of any real refutation not based on irrelevant talking points from right-wing pundits and columnists, heavily steeped in pro-Zionist rhetoric
i am not a zionist!
"It would be interesting for him to explain just how he thinks Israel's response should manifest."
simple! i expect israel not to cede the high moral ground, which they held, because they had absorbed the kassams hamas had continually fired over, by using airstrikes only to take out terrorist targets, not indiscriminately bomb civilians, women and children, only israel would cram one hundred people into a house, and then destroy THAT house, for the sake of convenience
i would expect them not to interfere and obstruct in the efforts of emergency medical workers, to remove the civilian victims to hospitals, i would expect them not to block humanitarian food shipments, i would expect them not to murder international aid volunteers, in the process of the operation, i would expect them not to deliberately deceive the world by using propagandists to disseminate false information, and i would expect idf security personnel to perform their functions in a professional manner, not marauding as deranged savages and programmed killing machines
so, marshall, as you see, all else is "hashie's liberty hall"! i don't begrudge these people the right to defend the terretorial boundaries they believe they have, even though i heartily disagree with them!
if you look at my comment above, i was very upfront in stating that gaza had to expect retaliation for the rockets, but i am saying, not THAT level of retaliation
"But he refuses..."
marshall, who says? i'm aware of all those sites, in fact, i monitor three of them, regularly
i simply don't agree with the concepts expressed there, that's all, you seem to have difficulty with the concept that americans have the right to different ideas that you espouse, or to even be "on the fence", pending further review...ramming your ideas down the throats of others is probably not your best strategy if you wish to win others to your way of thinking, especially since your views are clearly on their descendency, world-wide
neocons are imfamous for using hateful smears like "antisemite", "surrender monkey", "jew-hater", etc., when ANY criticism of israel whatsover's done to intimidate, and overpower americans to submit to zionist concepts and desensitize us to the escalating levels of violence and terror that zionism and its islamic counterparts inflict on the western world...
we are certainly accustomed to such tactics by now, we simply use the time you require to reinforce your agenda, to think up new ways to undermine it, swiftly and effectively, for we know we are at a financial disadvantage
now, it would seem predictable that hezbollah will mount what they would refer to as "defensive actions" and start in on the north, this would reinforce the theory that israel, in fact, used the plight of its citizens in sderot to provoke a regional war, subsequent incursions into lebanon and syria, and, finally, in iran,
how much of your deranged, apocalyptical nightmare comes to pass, is anyone's guess, i cannot predict if barky will toss his old bud khalidiawahiri under the bus, and acquiesce to the demands of zionist rahm emanuel, and his zionist benefactor, lester crown....., and the rest of the zionist power configuration, we will simply have to WAIT, and see
i would definitely expect a more progressive approach to mideast policy, however, if the barkster has the intestinal fortitude to see it all to its inevitable conclusion, is anyone's guess
i fear israel will require aid of a far different sort, which, again, would really be best accomplished through private donations and jewish philanthropic non-profits, all of which operate far more efficiently, then us governmental welfare programs for israel, not to mention the eight tons of donated ammo we are currently shipping to them, via greece
all of which i'd presume our own troops could have made use of...
america first!
Well fine if you guys don't see her as a narcissistic whiner but I do.So do a lot of other people I know. My prerogative just like its yours to have ODS.
well said hash
i hear you, ron, i started off supporting mccain, and, in the end, really rooted for sarah!
if there was one issue i really got into agreement with her on, it was energy, her support for drilling, nuclear, and also renewable energy, which, to me, were logical, rational positions, that surpassed those of the other candidates
i also liked the ability of mccain and palin to work together while reconciling differences, a symbiosis that seemed to break down, after the campaign ended
"well said hash..."
thank you, realism, believe me, it gives me no pleasure to have to say it
"Do you speak Arabic? Are you going to tell me that the translations of Islamic speeches, sermons, news reports, etc are all false translations put forth my MEMRI for propoganda purposes?..."
what part of "i knew everything you know of, and more, regarding islamic terrorism, twenty years before you did?" do you not understand?
i'm saying the vast majority of your sources, are totally biased, when not ridiculously fabricated, to appeal to, and manipulate, a specific target audience that, for whatever reason, is predisposed toward favor of zionist causes
and, as i've already mentioned, i'm not a zionist
"Are you going to say that the charter of Hamas, as presented by Jason is of his, or some "neocon's" making to mislead the western world???"
marshall, you and jason are such walking, talking robots for the israeli blabber machine that, frankly, when i see ANYTHING the two of you bleat about ANY foreign country, i'm inclined to put it under a microscope once, twice, three times, so frequent have the most outrageous statements issued forth from your mouths
"Is Walid Shoebat..."
paid disinformation
"and the son of the founder of Hamas both liars about the true desires of Hamas and their supporters?..."
sob stories for fundies and the lecture circuit, brings 'em in, makes them feel like they've done something to enlighten the world
WHO CARES? most of us here, have already learned all about islam, we need to know, that doesn't mean we buy into your "enemy of my enemy is my friend" ignorance
"You continually take a few stories of bad Israeli behavior and propagandize THAT stuff to make your point about Israeli policy..."
you couldn't address ONE point i made! you whined when i provided you with a website that endorses republicans for election! and wept bitterly, when you couldn't refute a simple news item from a mainstream new york newspaper!
" dare call it "neocon" propaganda?..."
you're the one, screaming and yelling, about your one true terror storm fantasy trip, trying to make this proud nation into as big of a sniveling pussy as you are
wear it
"You're an idiot trying to sound like you know something. Seek help."
and you're a disgruntled, grouchy old hairbag, who used the last of your own questionable wiles to whore yourself out to a satan who doesn't discriminate
for you, there is no help, i wonder that whatever salvation you ever held, you probably squandered years ago
now, back to your fetuses, your faggots, and your fatwas, the rest of the shabbos goyim breathlessly await your next syllable, LOL!
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