Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Obama Received a $101,332 Bonus from AIG

Senator Barack Obama received a $101,332 bonus from American International Group in the form of political contributions according to Opensecrets.org. The two biggest Congressional recipients of bonuses from the A.I.G. are - Senators Chris Dodd and Senator Barack Obama.
The A.I.G. Financial Products affiliate of A.I.G. gave out $136,928, the most of any AIG affiliate, in the 2008 cycle. I would note that A.I.G.’s financial products division is the unit that wrote trillions of dollars’ worth of credit-default swaps and "misjudged" the risk.

Despite this news, Dodd wrote it in the agreement with AIG that they could give those bonuses.
So again, Obama needs to yell about something to keep the attention off the ruin he is making of this country...so blame some execs who are getting bonuses you already knew about...
And does anyone know what the bonuses are for?
Did their part of the company do well?
Is everyone so simple to think that AIG is failing in all areas?
I agree, if any execs were given money when the part of the company they ran did not make money, that is a crime...
I want to see the facts that the people who got bonuses didn't deserve them...
Until I do this is just Obama taking attention off himself and the policies that more and more Americans are figuring out are a disaster


HumbleHumanity said...

So now we have a bumbling president as well as a bumbling government (and we all thought he was the smartest prez ever).

I would have thought he could have pulled the "we will start having accountability and oversight next time". Kind of like "we will eliminate pork next time".

Ron said...

Your report is inaccurate mr puppet. The dodd part is a flat out lie. You should wait to see if it is the truth before you repeat wingnut talking points.

Ron said...

Speaking of phony outrage, conservatives outraged that pay gets limited and conservatives outraged that they got bonuses..no core. Just a robots.

Anonymous said...

Clearly, both Obama and Dodd dropped the ball in this case. There is nothing to hide - Dodd has come forward today and admitted it. It's really unfortunate, sad and quite honestly dissappointing to see how they missed it.

Coming to the bonus - It doesn't matter if your area did well or not. When the ship is sinking, you all sink - it's not the time for bonus. Honestly, it's common sense.

HumbleHumanity said...

While the Senate was constructing the $787 billion stimulus last month, Dodd added an executive-compensation restriction to the bill. The provision, now called “the Dodd Amendment” by the Obama Administration provides an “exception for contractually obligated bonuses agreed on before Feb. 11, 2009” -- which exempts the very AIG bonuses Dodd and others are now seeking to tax.

Now, I don't know what all that means, but it sounds bad (sounds bad for Ron, too.)

This is that one RARE example of a big government failure. Oh man, I can't even say that with a straight face.

HumbleHumanity said...


That is just a left wing talking point. They didn't "drop the ball". They threw the ball in our faces. Obama is too naive to know anything beyond running a campaign, he and Dodd both rec'd healthy AIG donations.

Just sayin'

Anonymous said...

Hey HumbleHumanity,
Ummm....What was left wing talking point? I don;t understand you.
As to Obama and Dodd - there is nothing to hide. They have to take up the responsibility.

HumbleHumanity said...

The talking point that this AIG issue is something the prez missed. They have known about this for some time, who knows how long. Now, when the ire of the public is growing, they are feigning outrage and ignorance.
As you probably know, it is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.

They knew, they allowed, they feared the backlash, they acted innocent. talking point

Obama can clearly "walk and chew gum" at the same time as he is so proud to point out. I would rather he lead and chew gum, or just walk away.

The Game said...

talk about a puppet...
Ron is in hard core liberal crazy here..there really isnt ANYONE who is denying Dodd knew all about this...
And American, good to see you can be intellectually honest, but I disagree on the bonus comment.
If my part of the comany was doing well, I deserve the bonuses.
Now, I understand some of the people who got bonuses were running the part of the company that failed...that is clearly wrong.

The Game said...

Dodd admitted he lied about not knowing about the bonuses...HE ADMITTED IT LAST NIGHT..
just admit you are wrong Ron..

Ron said...

Dodd tried to put in LIMITS on bonuses and had to change it in committee. You didn't get anywhere near the real true story game.
As far as campaign contributions it would be more legit as an argument if you would have listed everybody that got contributions. I see you left out the republicans you crazy hard core rightwingnut.

The Game said...

you just proved my point...HE KNEW ABOUT THEM...what is wrong with you?

Ron said...

Game that is not what you wrote in your post. I am addressing that. Quit trying to change your point in the middle of the stream. It is so unbecoming and quite transparent you are trying to weasel. Admit it, You twisted what dodd did and the implication of why he did it so much that it qualifies as a lie in my book.