Monday, June 15, 2009

Crops under stress as temperatures fall

This cant be true...
algore and BHO keep telling us we need to throw away our SUVs, destroy our economy and jobs so Florida doesn't get flooded in the next 7 years...
How can this be?

Maybe FL and Hawaii will still ever notice if you fill up your drink too high and then add a few more ice cubes some spills over...

Welcome to the "climate change" religion...since the "global warming" religion is already long that one last...

Talk about followers...use your brain for a few minutes before you get all emotional...
And now lets sit back and watch liberals unable to address this issue...


The Game said...

told ya...

Jim said...

We've addressed this issue ad nauseum. If you article "proves" anything, it proves that the earth's climate is trying desperately to balance itself and is finding it more and more difficult.

blamin said...

Or it could prove what any grade-school child should know. Weather is cyclical.

TerryN said...

"it proves that the earth's climate is trying desperately to balance itself and is finding it more and more difficult." ROTFLOLOLOLOL...

Aw, da poor wittle planet. It's got a feever.

On what scientific evidence do you base your statement Jim?

blamin said...


Jim gave you a theory presented as fact, which pretty much sums up the whole man-caused global warming argument.