Friday, July 10, 2009

More spelling errors plague Obama releases

I just think about my job, or any of you who have jobs.
I admit I write my posts quick and there are usually some errors, but in my professional job I read over even the shortest email over and over again to make sure it is perfect. I just wrote a 500 page curriculum, and while it probably has a few spelling errors, it is a 500 page document and I am not working for the President of the United States.

Just think what you would think of someone who kept sending emails or letters with spelling liberals think about how you are going to say this is nothing...a little hypocritical isn't it?

I think it just shows a lack of professionalism by the people Obama surrounds himself with...
Even if this is an intern, why didn't Bush's people spell stuff wrong all the time.

I know Obamaites will come on here and claim that I am yelling about nothing...not yelling. This is an honest analysis of anyone that I would work with. He makes ALOT of mistakes and so do the people around him. He never knows whats in a bill or what other people are doing...its the same stuff Clinton did.
I just wonder why Bush never did any of that stuff. Seriously, focus on this topic...I think it goes to professionalism, and Obama's lack of it.


Anonymous said...

If that's the biggest mistake you can come up with...

HumbleHumanity said...


Actually, Barak has been correcting Biden, Emmanuel, even himself. So, no, that is not all that anyone can come up with.

American said...

I thought the 'birth certificate' was bad enough. Now, the spell errors??? Oh my god!! How can he ever be our President?? Smiles...

By the way, did you like the way Bush spoke English? Very classic, Wasn't it?