Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Neumann, Walker outpace Barrett in poll; Doyle's ratings hit low

I guess we still have a chance in WI..
To be honest I don't know who I support...
Obviously either one would be better than what Dems have done to our budget..
Might be leaning toward Neumann as long as he does not favor breaking up MPS into 9 districts or whatever Walker is saying. The problem with Neumann is that he ran such a bad campaign aganst Russ I'm worried in the end he would lose to Barrett...
Bashing Doyle and Barrett on the complete and total incompetence shown in regard to the transportation budget and specifically the Zoo interchange is easy, yet I have heard nothing from Neumann...


Anonymous said...

Not sure which side you are on?

Neumann does not think Doyle's global warming bill goes far enough.

Walker is the clear choice.

The Game said...

Don't like how Walker wants to privatize EVERYTHING..and break up MPS into like 12 districts...
Just being honest...

Anonymous said...

No candidate is perfect.

Neumann and Barrett are each running for Doyle's 3rd term.