Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Voters See Illegal Voting As More Common Than Legitimate Voters Being Denied Their Rights

So 50% of people think that there is much more voter fraud than someone being denied their right to vote, with only 25% thinking it is the other way around.
Yet one more poll, one more issue where liberals, especially the morons comment here, are wrong.


Jim said...
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Jim said...

What a f*****g surprise!

However, that is opinion, not fact. You know, like what's on Fox "News".

If you only watched Fox News you'd believe that ACORN stole the 2006 and 2008 elections, when all they did was incent people to fudge registrations. That doesn't equal illegal votes.

However, getting people illegally thrown off voter rolls and challenging legitimate voters at the polls in order to muck up the process and purposely limiting the number of voting machines in Democratic strongholds is denying voters their rights.

Again, opinion does not equal fact.

Scorpion said...

However...when the opinion has more common sense than the fact..the fact doesn't mean a thing...

jhbowden said...

Jan Schakowksy of the IL-9 urges Democrats to intimidate voters. It is the Chicago way! Watch here.

Scorpion said...

INTIMIDATE voters..imagine that...
actually no imagination in that..

Anonymous said...

Bowden equates encouraging people to vote with intimidation. Small wonder a voter registration card signed by Mickey Mouse is the same as a fraudulent vote in his mind. What the hell are you smoking?

The Blame Game