Thursday, November 11, 2010

BHO AWOL on Vets Day



Jim said...

Actually, the article you cited is a POS.

Anonymous said...

As a decorated veteran, I have to agree with the above posts. This is a cheap shot on your part. If you want the USA to be #1 you need to refrain from this sort of bullshit.

The Blame Game

blamin said...

All of the above – even the ones that pretend to be actual vets – have one thing in common, they fail to address the actual point.

I’ll respond from my father’s (a vet) point of view.

Obama, has gone out of his way to ignore Vets on certain “holidays”.

Now, it may be that Pres. Obama “worry’s” about being seen as too patriotic, in his belief system “too patriotic” is a bad thing – OK, but at least be honest. His choice makes it perfectly clear where his belief system lies. The man ought to be “man” enough to be clear about his beliefs.

For me, and my dad, his “belief-system” is perfectly clear!!!

Realism said...

Yes, I remember the complaints from everyone on the right when Bush addressed the Heritage foundation on Veterans day, and ignored the actual veterans.

Jim said...

"Obama, has gone out of his way to ignore Vets on certain “holidays”.

Now, it may be that Pres. Obama “worry’s” about being seen as too patriotic, in his belief system “too patriotic” is a bad thing – OK, but at least be honest. His choice makes it perfectly clear where his belief system lies. The man ought to be “man” enough to be clear about his beliefs."

With all due respect to your dad, his point of view is purely warped, vitriolic Obama-hate with no factual basis. More invented crap.

blamin said...

With all due respect to you - you don't know my dad, therefore your assumption is from a basis of ignorance.

On the other hand, your lemming like support of someone who's done nothing to earn that support shows who's actually coming from a warped point of view.

Jeez - you people are too easy; easy having multiple meanings.