Thursday, August 18, 2005

The PC destruction of America

I have two things that really get to me...liberal bias in the media, and the PC crowd destroying our way of life...

There are a few recent cases of this:
1. NCAA mascots
2. Able Danger
3. no profiling of any kind EVER
4. no religion anywhere

So the PC crowd causes everything in our country to become bland and one can say what they really real conversations can be held in a public forum.

I would like to focus on the dumbing down of our schools for a minute..since I am a teacher.
Liberal pressure groups are using strong-arm tactics on textbook companies to remove language, ideas, and traditions they find offensive. One publisher has a list of forbidden words spanning 161 pages.
You can’t mention birthdays because some kids don’t have birthday parties- or might never be invited to one. We don’t want them to be offended or left out….So the 99.9% of kids who have birthday parties and celebrate their birthday can not because of a very small few.

That is the main problem with the PC world…sacrifice what the many want for the feelings of the small minority.

Back to schools…you can say “snowman” (now changed to “snowperson”), “owl” (some cultures associate it with death), “brotherhood” (sexism), nor can you say “senile,” “crazy” “heroin” or “swarthy.”

Old people can not be seen as sickly or feeble, using a cane, walker or oxygen tank…only playing tennis, jogging or running marathons.
The word “housewife” is banned. The most important job in the world is banned from text books because the femi-nazi’s at NOW might get mad that some women still do take pride in raising the next generation of Americans.
Also, men can not be portrayed a plumbers, lawyers, doctors or other professionals.
Yes, thanks to the word police, everybody pictured is the same as everybody else with a slightly different skin color and age. Here is the irony. The left lectures us on diversity, but then we are not allowed to describe anything that makes us a diverse people!
In California, state sensors have informed textbook publishers to drop references to “unhealthy food.” That means you can forget about pizza, soda, bacon, butter, hot dogs, ketchup, coffee, French fries, mayonnaise, cheese, cake, ect…
So let’s put this in perspective…a kid can’t read about ketchup or fries in a textbook, but it is okay for them to read the same words on the lunch line menu board? It okay to have soda machines around every corner?

The main idea, the PC crowd wants reality to not exist. Any differences that might offend someone should be ignored. This way, no problems will ever be brought up or solved. Kids will not know they are different and maybe have a problem until they get to high school and get made fun of…then they get their daddy’s gun and shot a bunch of people because they spent their whole lives thinking everyone was equal and the same, then found out that was a big lie.

We need to get back to the time that differences were a good thing. In today’s world, PC crazies would want everything eliminated that offends anyone. Well, what does that leave? I think, if you are not offended someone you are not saying anything that is worth a damn…

One added note, the PC crowd even wants to re-write history...change America to the bed guy in every story...make past events have every ethnicity included...

9-11 for example...the fireMEN who put the flag up, the scene that they wanted to make a memorial for...they guys were all white...people actually wanted to change the memorial to include a black, asian and a woman...if that doesn't get your blood boiling, I don't know what will...


The Game said...

I'm amazed at how topical I am...I finish writing this and I turn on the FOX new channel and see that "comming it politically inncorrect to call someone an old ladie...textbook companies are trying to change the way your kids speak"

The Game said...

text books do not tell history anymore...the founding fathers are now the framers because the founding fathers is sexist...even though EVERY SINGLE person who signed the declaration of independence was a MAN.

Anonymous said...

i'm going to comment on the 1st item on this list. the NCAA ban of the native american symbol as a mascot. the truth is that the indian tribes involved actually view this as something noble and flattery. why is okay for a bunch of 65 yr old caucasian men and women to decide what is right for these people? the problem is that we are losing sight of the important issues and going after the one's that they can actually have an impact on. it's ridiculous.