The stories are starting to come in regarding why the relief effort was so poor. Now, these are actual facts, and not blind emotional rants, so any liberals who read this might want to take some Tylenol first, to stop all the migraine headaches that will occur from reading common sense logic:
1. The mayor did not use hundreds of busses that were supposed to be used to evacuate the poor of the city. This is FACT. You have seen the pictures of the buses, and read the part of the New Orleans evacuation plan that says the busses are suppose to be used. Instead the mayor ordered for coach buses to come in to evacuate the people. RESULT: thousands of people died who could not get out of the city.
2. The Red Cross and Salvation Army were ready to go minutes after the hurricane was gone. City officials told them they could not enter because it would hinder relief efforts. RESULT: Hundreds more died because they were not given food and water.
3. Gov. Blanco would not release the National Guard. RESULT: Hundreds looted, obtained guns and caused chaos. Therefore 1500 rescue workers could not continue rescuing the people that the mayor thought were too good to be bussed out on school buses.
4. City officials have been taking money earmarked for updating city flood prevention measures for at least 10 years. RESULT: The levees broke, causing 80% of the city to be flooded.
5. People are now doing a great job helping rescue victims. While this is going on, the main stream media and democrats are on TV trying to politicize this tragedy. Only 13% of the American people blame GWB for what happened. RESULT: Democrats will continue to look like crazy political opportunistic hacks who are so desperate for power they will do anything to get it back…and they will lose more seats in 2006.
6.’s plan to help the victims was to have hundreds of them protest outside the White House….problem is only 3 showed up…surrounded by a few full time protesters. RESULT: Makes the average American want to puke watching how disrespectful and disgraceful the far left is.
Can one of the liberals who comments here answer this…should the CEO of a company with 100,000 employees take the initial blame when someone working in the mailroom does something wrong.
Mistakes were made, mostly on the local level….and yes….there needs to be some investigating done to see how to make things better. We already know the Democrats that run Louisiana are incompetent. New Orleans has one of, if not thee highest murder rate in the nation. I have been told the shootings that were happening after the hurricane are common place in that hell hole run by a democrat.
The second someone starts ripping the President as being the sole problem, they give themselves away as a political opportunist. Maybe we should just say, from now on, that the person is pulling a “Cindy.”
Thursday, September 08, 2005
WARNING: Common sense and logic below....partisan liberals may want to take cover
Posted by
The Game
11:57 PM
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I was just on an AOl AP web site, that gave out links to the Red Cross areas people could donate to. Not one of the Red Cross sites listed was for people in MS. All were for LA. I wasn't surprised, as I have direct contact with MS victims, and they say the Red Cross is almost nonexistent in MS.
Sorry to hear that Steph.......I know Feed the Children has been to Miss.
Sadly, the tube rules, and many people probably don't even know the cane his Miss.......Many of us do, though, and we continue to send our donations and prayers.
Great write up.......Concise and to the point.
The farther we get from the hurricane, the closer we'll get to the truth.
Have you noticed most of the Dems have gone silent.......Those with at least 2 synapse's firing off at the same time have seen the writing on the wall.
But there are plenty of Loons out there with no brain cells at all, and they will crank out lies and distortions till the day they die.
Hey Teddy, come drive across my bridge.
Scorpion says---
Imagine that-accurate comments about what has been going on.I don't think you want any of the "U.W.'s"driving anyone anywhere.
"U.W."---uninformed whiner-usually blind to reality-
I agree with Pero. Great job!
You say: "RESULT: Hundreds more died because they were not given food and water."
I don't know how true that statement is. If you are saying that hundreds of people died from dehydration or starvation, I would highly doubt that. One usually cannot dehydrate to death in ony 4 days or so.
Besides that, there are now reports that estimates of the number of deaths are greatly overestimated.
But that said, you are right. This has been an incredible blunder from the top to the bottom. But short of President Bush illegally overriding the decisions of the Gov and the mayor, I can't see how things could have gone better.
I have heard that had the mayor used those buses, they wouldn't have had any place to take the people. According to what I heard, the towns they were hoping to take them to refused them entrance.
I don't know why, and because I haven't heard a reason for that, it makes me doubt the veracity of that story.
mark, nice to see you back
"RESULT: Democrats will continue to look like crazy political opportunistic hacks who are so desperate for power they will do anything to get it back…and they will lose more seats in 2006."
This may be the one bright spot in this whole tragedy.
Graet blog, by the way. I found you by following the link from Mark's place.
Brown was confired by the senate when it was controlled by Dem's, I know it seems so long ago...but it did happen
way to not have any arguement against anything I wrote...shows how pathetic your arguement is.
This post is from
Go there, and you will get news about what happened, not the crap that is in the ISP's news, or National newspapers. Did ya'll know the levee funds were diverted to other causes (a marina, and the gambling ships!) by the Democrats in LA? Many folks are blaming Bush, who of course had nothing to do with that problem of the LA government. Go figure.
From: RichLois Sep-14 5:47 pm
To: ALL (1 of 1)
I am amazed at what the political machine is doing when the citizens of this country is in dire need of it.......... Makes me sad.........
----- This is a post from Bill Weiler, freelance journalist, over in Merritt Island, FL, who has been researching what went on before the storm hit. These are the author's comments. I think they're right on the mark.
-- Politics Over Duty
I think all of Mayor Nagin's pomp and posturing is going to bite him hard in the near future as the lies and distortions of his interviews are coming to light.
On Friday night, 48 hours before the storm hit, Max Mayfield of the National Hurricane Center took the unprecedented action of calling Mayor Nagin and Governor Blanco personally to plead with them to begin MANDATORY evacuation of New Orleans and they said they'd take it under consideration. This was after the NOAA buoy 240 miles south had recorded 68' waves before it was destroyed.
President Bush spent Friday afternoon and evening in meetings with his advisors and administrators drafting all of the paperwork required for a state to request federal assistance (and not be in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act or having to enact the Insurgency Act). Just before midnight Friday evening the President called Governor Blanco and pleaded with her to sign the request papers so the federal government and the military could legally begin mobilization and call up. He was told that they didn't think it necessary for the federal government to be involved yet.
After the President's final call to the governor she held meetings with her staff to discuss the political ramifications of bringing federal forces. It was decided that if they allowed federal assistance it would make it look as if they had failed so it was agreed upon that the feds would not be invited in.
Saturday before the storm hit the President again called Gov. Blanco and Mayor Nagin requesting they please sign the papers requesting federal assistance, that they declare the state an emergency area, and begin mandatory evacuation. After a personal plea from the President, Nagin agreed to order an evacuation, but it would not be a full mandatory evacuation, and the governor still refused to sign the papers requesting and authorizing federal action.
In frustration the President declared the area a national disaster area before the state of Louisiana did so he could legally begin some advanced preparations. Rumor has it that the President's legal advisers were looking into the ramifications of using the insurgency act to bypass the Constitutional requirement that a state request federal aid before the federal government can move troops into the state with troops -- but that had not been done since 1906 and the constitutionality of using it before the disaster was called into question.
Throw in that over half the federal aid of the past decade to New Orleans for levee construction, maintenance, and repair was diverted to fund a marina and support the gambling ships. Toss in the investigation that will look into why the emergency preparedness plan submitted to the federal government for funding and published on the city's website was never implemented and in fact may have been bogus for the purpose of gaining additional federal funding (as we now learn that the organi- zations identified in the plan were never contacted or coordinating into any planning, though the document implies that they were).
The suffering people of New Orleans need to be asking some hard questions, as do we all, but they better start with why Blanco refused to sign the multi-state Mutual Aid Pack Activation documents until Wednesday (the storm hit early Monday Aug. 30th), which further delayed the legal deployment of National Guard from adjoining states. Or maybe ask why Nagin keeps harping that the President should have commandeered 500 Greyhound buses to help him when, according to his own emergency plan and documents, he claimed that, between the local school buses and the city transportation buses, he had over 500 buses at his disposal -- but he never raised a finger to prepare them or activate them.
This is a sad time for all of us to see that a major city has all but been destroyed and thousands of people have died with hundreds of thousands more suffering, but it's certainly not a time for people to be pointing fingers and trying to find a bigger dog to blame for local corruption and incompetence. Pray to God for the survivors, that they can start their lives anew as fast as possible, and pray that we learn from all the mistakes so we can avoid them in the future. # # # 9-06-05
Earth to Maness:
While a healthy person may not perish in 3 to 4 days from lack of food and water, compromised individuals can easily succumb after even 1 day. Consider this: the Deep South has lots of people, who suffer from diabetes. Now just think on that one, you'll get it. Even a healthy person can perish after just one day of going without water in the hot muggy heat of New Orleans. Electrolyte imbalances, particularly sodium and potassium imbalances are life threatening if severe enough. In the Deep South, on a hot muggy day, your clothes will be sopping wet with sweat just walking half a block to your car. Severe sweating causes sodium losses, which in turn creates high potassium levels. These conditions can be life threatening.
Yes the death toll as exaggerated, but I wonder how much the mainstream media had to do with that exaggeration?
As for the other comment...I covered that in my earlier post.
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