Sunday, October 30, 2005

Clinton Lies Again, Press Misses It Again

Former President Bill Clinton added his comment to the praises for Rosa Parks, now lying in honor at the Rotunda of the US Capitol. In making his statement, he told another lie, like his claim about black churches being burned in his community when he was growing up.

It was many months later that some enterprising reporter bothered to check the facts and found out that there were no black churches burned then in Arkansas. That fact was reported, but it never caught up with the original lie that Clinton told. As Mark Twain correctly observed, “A lie can go around the world before the truth gets its trousers on.”

The latest Clinton lie, however, required no research to expose it. Here is what he said, from the AP story about Rosa Parks:

Clinton said he was 9 years old when Parks refused to give up her seat. and he and his friends "couldn't figure out anything we could do since we couldn't even vote. So we began to sit in the back of the bus when we got on."


Hellooo. Hope, Arkansas, was a town of less than 9,000 when Bill Clinton was growing up there. Towns that small do not have public bus systems. So, he had to be talking about school buses. At that time, the school system in Hope was racially segregated. There would not have been any black students on the bus, relegated to the back of the bus.

An observant reporter might have included those two facts, about no public buses and the school buses being segregated like the schools were, along side of Clinton’s statement. But, asking AP reporters to be observant is, perhaps, a bit much.

So, Clinton was lying, again. Why did he do it? First, this is a lifelong pattern. The spotlight must always switch back from whatever is the subject at hand, to Bill – his life, his times, his ego, himself. Note that this statement neatly does that.

The second reason was stated by an Arkansas politician, familiar with Bill, during the 1992 presidential campaign, “Bill Clinton would rather climb a tree to tell a lie, than to stand on the ground and tell the truth.” Lying is in his nature, and always has been. He lies even when it is not particularly necessary.

The last point is obvious to anyone who was once a boy who got into a fair amount of trouble. We all sat in the back of any bus because it was easier to get away with stuff when you were as far as possible from the view and supervision of the driver. Bill was just taking an ordinary situation and trying to turn it into something that made him look good. But any way you scratch it, Bill was lying again, and the press was giving him a free ride again.


Mike M said...

Source got pulled. Any idea why? Nice catch, BTW. This is some good stuff. While I suppose it's possible Clinton's telling the truth, and that all those unlikely things just happened to line up...what's more likely? I just bookmarked your blog, I like it.

Jim said...

Instead of believing everything you read on Free Republic, maybe you should do a little research yourself. According to several sources that I RESEARCHED, although Clinton was born in Hope, he was raised and went to public school in Hot Springs.

Got anything about the bus systems in Hot Springs?

If you keep drinking Free Republic's kool-aide, sooner or later your teeth are going to rot.

BUT, maybe Hot Springs didn't have buses. I don't know. But if it didn't then Clinton lied.

Hey! Maybe he should be impeached. Yeah! Oh, wait a minute. He hasn't been president IN ALMOST FIVE FREAKIN' YEARS.

Mary said...


If you're truly concerned about tooth decay, stay away from AP.

Another thing: If Bill wants to stay in the limelight and get attention, he'll have to deal with the scrutiny that goes along with that position, even though he's been out of office FOR NEARLY FIVE FREAKIN' YEARS.

Mark said...

Clinton intentionally sitting in the back of the bus may indeed be true. I doubt any black person sitting back there with him, if there were any on the bus, would say anything about it, considering the attitude of the times.

That said, he may indeed have sat in the back of the bus, but probably not for the reason he stated. What 9 year old boy pays that kind of attention to politics?

Ron said...

OK, I can believe he said this and I can believe he lied about it. I have also investigated the WMD issue and can prove that they ginned up a war. They lied, they KNEW what they were to speak. Like I keep telling you they all do it. And none of them should get a free ride! Let's clean up both sides of the asile. Come on man, let's reclaim America! Or you can just root for your team right or wrong...if that is the case we aren't even playing the same game.

Ron said...

By the way, the corruption in this laundering, favors, cronyism, good ol boy network et al is to the point in this administration that it barely resembles America anymore. It's not really a secret, that's why so many people are SO angry at this guy. Your constant denial and partisanism will do little to solve the problem.

Mike M said...

I can think of no bigger waste of time than being angry at the government. Angry people are irrational. Anger and rational thought come from the same part of the brain, and can't co-exist.

Anonymous said...

Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering."

Ron said...

Well mike, I encourage you to keep watching and then decide if one can be rationally angry.I'm not out to spear anyone in particular. I just want my country back!!!!!