Just a thought...
Why is it that when a minority speaks out and is NOT a democrat....The liberals act as though their mother has been shot?
Colin Powell, Condi Rice and Michelle Malkin come to mind. Powell has been called a "Uncle Tom" and a "house nigger" by people on the Left simply because he is not a liberal.
Rice gets treated worse than a sack of garbage. She is made to look like the devil in pictures, and there are cartoons all over the internet making fun of her....think about what would happen if a Republican said anything negative about any minority.
Why are you guys so threatened? I think I know the answer.
Educated minorities scare you. You understand that once they learn a thing or two they stop voting for you. You want to keep 90% of the black vote. You don't want them seeing all the blacks who have power in government as Republicans. So you say they have "sold out."
It doesn't seem very "tolerant."
If the Left really cares about minorities advancing in the world, they should love Rice, and Powell, and Gonzalez....not loath them.
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Why so angry?
Posted by
The Game
10:05 PM
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I don't love them because I don't agree with their viewpoint(by in large). It has nothing to do with there "minority status". I have different degrees of admiration or disdain for all the people you mentioned. I know that ruins your "cartoon liberal" but sorry that's the real world pal.
Most on the left are critical of Rice for none of the "reasons" you've cited. They are critical because she was a total failure as Bush's National Security Advisor. She didn't advise him at all. She said yes.
She was handed a plan by the previous administration to fight terrorism and ignored it to go off and fight the Soviet Union, which no longer existed, and push missile defense, a policy proved totally ineffective by the events of 9/11. She blew the August sixth presidential daily briefing, and failed to provide a counter view to Cheney and Rumsfeld. She claimed to be unaware of any disagreement within the scientific and intelligence communities on the "aluminum tubes" which indicates she was either lying or incompetent.
If you like Condi Rice, then you will not encourage her to run for president, because she will be exposed as the weakest, most ineffective NSA in recent history.
It has nothing to do with her being a minority.
two words jim....Sandy Berger...
The fact that you can't comprehend that he is much worse than rice means you can't even hold a conversation...
I never remember Rice stuffing classified documents in her underpants...
To quote you, "You're changing the subject." We're talking Rice.
What Sandy Berger did was years after he left the White House and did not affect National Security.
Instead of harping of Berger and that trite episode, why don't you try to defend Rice with facts.
Instead of continually harping on Bill Clinton and the non-scandal scandals, why don't you defend Bush, his policies, and his administration.
We are living in the Bush administration. The Clinton administration is long gone.
DEFEND YOUR MAN IF YOU CAN. Defend Rice if you can.
Criticizing Clinton is not a defence.
...except that Berger materially altered the results of the 9/11 commission investigation when he destroyed those documents. Exactly what was the "plan" that Rice rejected? You've made a lot of accusations here, jim, can you back any of them up?
You cite missile defense as being "ineffective" against 9/11...uh...yeah, they're fundamentally different concepts. In case you are un-aware, Ballistic missiles are high altitude, long range weapons, usually leaving the atmosphere, entering what ammounts to a low orbit for a period of time, then droping almost vertically onto a target. Airplanes are not ballistic missiles. At best they could be described in similar terms as cruise missiles. But to the point of Rice going off to "fight the Soviet Union," they are not the only country with Ballistic missile technology. Iraq was interested in developing long range missile technology, China HAS the the tecnnology, North Korea is very actively developing it, along with a handful of other small nations that while maybe not presently a direct threat to the United States, they could be.
"It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark" -- An ounce of preparation saves a ton of regret. Yes, it's possible to miss the most immideate danger when preparing for another, but that does NOT mean the preparatory effort is in vain, or should not happen. It is impossible to determine which threats we will face in the upcomming century. A lot can happen to change the world in metters of hours as we saw on 9/11, and we must not be caught with our pants around our ankles so-to-speak.
Jim, you're wrong on one other point, when you say that Clinton left with a plan, which was ignored, you yourself bring him into the argument because if it can be shown that either Clinton did not leave a plan, the plan he left was ineffective, or that it was not ignored, your argument is null. So a proper response to your argument very well must include an analysis if Clinton's actions, including those of Sandy Berger, his NSA. The pants-stuffing is relevant because there is speculation the documents he destroyed are directly related to national security, and the policy of the Clinton Administration towards terrorism or even more specifically relating to 9/11 itself.
I am constantly showing how Bush was correct on many issues...
I have shown how Iraq is a success, not a disaster...
the economy is in GREAT shape
Minorities are much better off now then before he started office...
he is the one who puts minorities in power, not democrats...
What did Rice do wrong again...you never said anything.
Do you guys read the papers? Sandy Berger removed COPIES, not originals. He did nothing that could have conceivably altered the 9/11 investigation.
I know what a freaking ballistic missile is. You may have to explain it to Stephanie Rose, but not to me.
The point is simple, even if the US spent a 10 trillion dollars on a missile defense system that is 100% effective against missiles, such a system would do nothing to stop hijacked aircraft, suitcases, or cargo ships. And the country would end up being dirt poor. And still vulnerable to nuclear attack.
OK, Mike. Go ahead and make my argument "null."
Game, read my first post where I state what Rice did wrong.
How are minorities much better? I don't think you have shown that.
The war in Iraq is a success? By what measure.
The economy is in great shape? In what way? Large companies are going broke and leaving their pension plans unfunded. The stock market is going nowhere. Job growth is lethargic. Rates are going up as inflation is increasing. The poverty level is going up. This is great?
Go read the 9/11 commission report again, Jim. The Admin was cleared of any "ignoring" or misrepresentation of the intelligence. Which is particularly significant because of how asinine and biased the whole thing was in the first place.
Yes, copies...ONLY copies. As in there was only one. Let's think logically here: Would Berger risk a felony conviction and hardcore prison time if he was just destroying copies? As the former national security advisor, there's no possible way he could have not known exactly what he was doing. That's like a weapons expert shooting his wife and pleading, "But I didn't know it was loaded"
Back to missile defense. The problem with a defensive posture, particularly with our open borders, is that there are so many ways to attack us, there's no way to defend against EVERY possible attack. Did YOU suspect that someone would fly airplanes into buildings and warn everybody? I doubt it. There are a few things however that are proven to work. Profiling: Both behavioral and racial. Israel's police force has an almost perfect system of detecting suspicious behavior. Additionally, darn close to 100% of the islamic terrorists who have attacked us or our interests in the last 20 years have been muslim men between 19 and 35 years old of middle eastern or north african origin. This totally asinine idea of stip searching 80 year old grandmothers for the cause of non-discrimination isn't helping anything, it's just wasting money and pissing people off.
Economics: One very good indicator of our strong economy is that after three major hurricanes, we're just fine. Nothing collapsed (economically), rebuilding is going great, energy prices didn't spiral out of control, inflation didn't go anywhere, interst rates are low, private home ownership is at an all time record high, unemployment is still at near record low levels, GDP rose about 3% just in the last quarter alone! The fact that a few companies aren't doing so well is NOT a reflection on the economy in general. Furthermore, employer decisions about pension plans, healthcare, etc don't have anything to do with large scale economic indicators or progress.
"In the end they will lay their freedom at our feet and say to us, 'Make us your slaves, but feed us.'" [Dosteovsky's 'Grand Inquisitor']
This is a perfect illustration of the current state of political affairs in America.
"If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." [Samuel Adams]
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