Friday, October 21, 2005

'South Park' Lampoons Overhyped Katrina Coverage

I have said for years now that South Park is the most creative show on TV. It always has a political or social message...many can not see it because they are not smart enough to get past the toilet humor...

Go here to see the clip mocking Katrina coverage.


Mary said...

Hi, Game!


This is so funny.

realdebate said...

My all time favorite was the Kindegarten class President elections following the Bush/Gore election. Classic.

The Game said...

that was a great one...what about the museum of tolerance?

realdebate said...

Also good. I have not seen many of them. Another favorite was when Jesus was boxing Satan... All the money went on Satan, but he bet on Jesus then took a dive making a milllion to 1 odds or something. Classic.

The Game said...

try and catch more on comedy will not be disapointed...they have a few that are just about stupid crap...but not usually

Anonymous said...

South Park definitely rules. I have loved it for years, thanks to my now 28, 26, and 22 year old sons. And to was created by a couple of gay guys! I have a REALLY hard time understanding the gay community. But I will say this much, that I have worked beside many gay guys..... and the ones I have encountered are much more morally upright than the average straight male Democrat. Truth. Amd they know, and accept without hostility the fact that I am very thankful none of my sons are gay. Not so bad.