Dem Chair Dean Ducks Last Second Joint MEET THE PRESS Appearance With GOP Chair Mehlman
The DRUDGE REPORT has learned from exclusive sources that Democrat Party Chair Howard Dean turned down Republican Party Chair Ken Mehlman’s last minute offer to appear together on NBC’s MEET THE PRESS this morning.
Moments before taping was to begin with host Tim Russert, Mehlman asked Dean outside the NBC studio’s green room: “There’s still time for us to go on together Governor.” Dean declined with a shrug of his shoulders and an uncomfortable cackle and then proceeded to walk away into the green room.
DRUDGE has learned MEET THE PRESS producers have been working to get a head to head Dean/Mehlman appearance on the program since Dean was named chair back in February. Dean and his handlers have repeatedly turned down the request. The former Vermont governor only agreed to do this week’s program if they appeared in back-to-back interviews.
Mehlman brought up Dean’s unwillingness to appear alongside him during the show: “I was hoping that Chairman Dean would be on sitting next to me this morning. Maybe we can do that on a future program. Look, he's somebody I've enjoyed getting to know. We meet in a lot of green rooms….”
Tim Russert: “We invited him -- do you have a question for him?”
Former Dem Party Chair Terry McAuliffe participated in regular head-to-head appearances with his Republican counterparts during his tenure from ‘01 to ‘05. McAuliffe went head-to-head with Republican chairmen at least five times on MEET THE PRESS alone, going up against past GOP chairs Ed Gillespie (twice), Marc Racicot (twice) and Jim Gilmore (once).
This is quite understandable. Dean sounds so stupid in interviews. He just spews the talking points and usually can't deveate from the script when asked a question. Not sure how good Mehlman is at debate, but the fact that Dean won't debate is very telling.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Posted by
The Game
10:46 AM
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This is one duck Dean is going to regret. Rush and Hannity will be all over this tomorrow.
Cool pic. BTW.
Mehlman is very effective. See how he has managed to concoct this story to take all the attention off of what he said and how Russert called him on it and what Dean said (and Russert called him on some things, too) and made the whole story about Dean supposedly being chicken to appear with Mehlman at the same time.
Dean was very wise, and not cowardly at all, in making sure that the show would consist of Russert asking his questions with follow ups and counterpoints, rather than Mehlman shouting out talking point after talking point while avoiding answering the questions. It would have been a show about who could talk the longest without taking a breath. See Liddy Dole's performance this morning to get the idea.
Jim is performing the worst "crawdad" move I seen in a while. Jim got busted at my site now he try to explain away Dean's cowardice.
Dean's a coward. End of story.
That's horse manure. We all know that both committee chairmen have their talking points and that a face to face would not have been a debate but a contest to see who could keep talking the longest without having to respond to each other. We see this time and time again on all the talking heads shows.
Dean chose the slightly more valuable format of letting Russert ask the questions, present quotes and statistics and letting each in his turn respond. This gave Russert the opportunity to ask followups and counter the arguments of BOTH guys, which he did. Dean felt that format would be more effective because he wouldn't get interrupted by a hack and he'd have a chance to make his point rather than being out-shouted.
Mehlman is afraid to face the tough questioning and follow up format and prefers a format where his fast talking will allow him to out talk the opponent as opposed to out debate him. AND Mehlman gets to make this a "Dean's a chicken" event instead of "I don't accept the polls that say Bush's believability is going into the tank."
Espella: Jim is hopelessly lost in the psychological defense mechanism known as "intellectualism". Victims of this maladaptive coping mechanism use one futile 'intellectual' theory after another, oftentimes ones they have composed themselves, in order to defend their ego from the true facts, the realities of situations which are out of alignment with their personal 'global' viewpoints.
That is why we shake our heads in disbelief at the idiocies of these 'intellectual' theories, wondering how on earth anyone could possibly arrive at these obviously schizoid conclusions.
The mind is a powerful tool. Those with vulnerable psyches, unconsciously use whatever forms of denial it takes to prevent their ego from destruction. The defense mechanism of "intellectualism" is a form of denial.
Stronger, healthier egos do not require such intense defense mechanisms. Just thank God you aren't weak like Jim.
I'll say it again...the theories of the Left "sound" good, but they don't work in the real world
Once again Stephanie Rose exposes her ignorance through her inability to directly respond to any debating point, argument, evidence or facts with any of her own. She has none.
Instead she attacks me, attacks "liberals" with sweeping generalizations which have no basis in fact, no basis in reality for that matter.
She could have said that Mehlman was very effective and Dean wasn't (subjective). She could have argued that a face to face would have been more interesting. She could have debated my assertion that Mehlman's tactic was not done to distract from his performance on the show.
But instead she comes up with:
"Jim is hopelessly lost."
"the idiocies of these 'intellectual' theories"
"obviously schizoid conclusions"
"Weak like Jim"
Brilliant! Just brilliant arguments!
Those statements of mine aren't 'arguments' Jim.
They are observations about your thinking patterns.
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