Saturday, January 14, 2006

Alito hearings show why Democrats are losers

This op-ed piece by David Brooks perfectly shows what has happened to the Dems. They went from a party of the working class, to a party of the PC, far left big city liberals. I'll bold a few lines that I think enjoy the best, but the entire article is dead on. If the Dems would read this and actually listen, maybe they would be able to win their 3rd Presidential election out of 8 in 2008. The problem is that the party IS run by the exact people Brooks states. There really is no one left to change things around. I say good for US.

If he'd been born a little earlier, Sam Alito would probably have been a Democrat. In the 1950's, the middle-class and lower-middle-class whites in places like Trenton, where Alito grew up, were the heart and soul of the Democratic Party.

But by the late 1960's, cultural politics replaced New Deal politics, and liberal Democrats did their best to repel Northern white ethnic voters. Big-city liberals launched crusades against police brutality, portraying working-class cops as thuggish storm troopers for the establishment. In the media, educated liberals portrayed urban ethnics as uncultured, uneducated Archie Bunkers.

The liberals were doves; the ethnics were hawks. The liberals had "Question Authority" bumper stickers; the ethnics had been taught in school to respect authority. The liberals thought an unjust society caused poverty; the ethnics believed in working their way out of poverty.

Alito wanted to learn; the richer liberals wanted to strike. He wanted to join ROTC; the liberal Princetonians expelled it from campus. He was orderly and respectful; they were disorderly and disrespectful.

In 1971, Fred Dutton, an important Democratic strategist argued.....the New Deal coalition, including Catholics and white ethnics, was dying......and should be replaced by a "loose peace coalition" of young people, educated suburbanites, feminists and blacks.

That plan wasn't stupid, but it didn't work. The party has been in a downward spiral ever since. John Kerry lost the white working class by 23 percentage points. He lost among his fellow Catholics. He lost the election.

After every defeat, Democrats vow to reconnect with middle-class whites. But if there is one lesson of the Alito hearings, it is that the Democratic Party continues to repel those voters just as vigorously as ever.

IF you listened to the questions of Sen. Jeff Sesions, a Republican, you heard a man exercised by the terror drug dealers can inflict on a neighborhood.

If you listed to Ten Kennedy, a Democrat, you heard a man exercised by the terror law enforcement officials can inflect on a neighborhood.

If forced to choose, most Americans side with the party that errs on the side of cops, not criminals.

If you listened to Sen. Lindsey Graham, a Republican, you heard a man alarmed by the threats posed by anti-American terrorists.

If you listened to Leahy, or Feingold, you heard men alarmed by the threats posed by American counter-terrorists. The Democratic questions implied that American conterterrorists are guilty until proved innocent, that a police state is being born.

If forced to choose, most Americans want a party that will fight aggressively against the terrorists, not the National Security Agency.

The big story of American politics, which was underlined by every hour of the Alito hearings, is that sometime between 1932 and 1968, the DNA of the Democratic Party fundamentally changed. In 1932, the Democrats had working-class DNA. Today, the Democrats have different DNA, the DNA of a minority party.


Dionne said...

Good post! I liked this quote: "They went from a party of the working class, to a party of the PC, far left big city liberals." Well said.

Google HiJacked My Site said...

Dem as losers? I know it, you know it, and most conservatives know it. Unfortunately, the Dems have yet to figure it out. They are still quite dangerous.

realdebate said...

I wish these hearings had gone on for months, and the American people would of been forced to watch.

Fact of the matter is, they had nothing, and they looked angry about that fact.

The Badgerland Conservative said...

I knew they were in trouble when the little clown car stopped in front of the capitol and all the Democratic senators piled out with the red noses blinking and their big feet flopping, seltzer bottles in hand.

Anonymous said...

The best comment in quite a while peter!

Mark said...

That is dead on, as you said. I think it's not so much that they embrace the wrong ideas, but that they have lost sight of their goal, and refocused on just taking out Bush. After that, they have no other agenda.