Why the people who leaked classified information to the NYT are not in jail and being tongue lashed by the MSM?
Why are the people at the NYT that printed known classified information not in jail?
Liberals love to complain that Rove blew the cover of a FBI secret agent (still waiting on that one) and they love to get upset over spying that may or may not be illegal...
Why aren't you very upset at people who leak information that is classified and might hurt our government's ability to keep us safe?
The NYT runs a story so that a book can sell more copies...and you on the Left consider them fair and balanced. Wow, how sad.

In both cases there is no proof that any law was broken...the ONLY law that was clearly broken was leaking classified information. This is a home run, obvious position.
Game, you didn't hit a home run. You scored a basket. Unfortunately for you, you dunked it in OUR goal!
You just admitted that leaking classified information that Plame was a covert agent was "clearly [breaking]" the law.
no I didn't Jim...
Who leaked information about Plame Jim?
You don't know, after years of investigation no one is convicted...amazing
The majority of Americans do NOT think it appears to be unacceptable and it is most likely NOT unlawful.
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