Very interesting issue. We have to separate actors and musicians.
I would say that actors who mouth off politically greatly jeopardize their ability to make themselves believable on the movie or TV screen. How many people like an actor or a movie and see that they are saying stupid crap on TV and try to cover you ears or change the channel? You don't want to know they are a flaming liberal....You want to enjoy their work, you want to believe they are who they say they are in the movies and on TV. They have to have a clean slate. That happens to actors when they are type-cast, and it happens when they talk to much trash...
Musicians are a bit different. It is easier to put aside their political beliefs and just like their music. That would change for me if they started talking trash AT the concert I paid money to see. I am so glad Bon Jovi does not do this. I know they are liberals and I have to get by that. But I have never heard Jon or any of them talk trash during a concert or really ever. They do some fund raising and that's it. Basically they should just shut up and sing. I can even listen to obviously liberal songs if I like the way they sound. Green Day is a good example. Songs about how Americans are stupid who follow the "red neck agenda." I just like the way the sound sounds.
So I guess my message is shut up and do you job. Dance and sing and act and get go home.
I have to say Bono gets a little bit of a pass. He talks trash, but it is general trash. It is not hate filled crap like many liberals speak. That is why he gets to eat dinner with GWB. That is how he gets things done....and he does. He doesn't just talk trash, he gets the job done by talking to EVERYONE. I'm sure he is a big liberal, but I really don't know that based on what he says. So maybe the next time a Democrat calls Bush "Hitler" or the worst terrorist in the world...maybe look at what Bono is doing and try and stop being so hateful and divisive.
Very true...Bono tries to accomplish something and not just whine about how everyone else sucks...so maybe he isn't a liberal...
Good article, but just cuz I like to argue, a few comments for roxy.
1. Brad Pitt is in the highest tier of actors. He gets $20 million plus, per film.
2. If your reasoning is correct, why does Tom Cruise still command $25 million. That guys stupid pie-hole is always running.
This one for game: Remember when Bono(we share a birthday BTW)used to call GHW Bush during his concerts? Good times, good times.... :)
Well, I guess Bono has grown up since then...but I guess he does say some stuff at his concerts, and its wrong...
Roxy's general comment was good...maybe some of the people used as examples were bad...
I have little respect for much of anything Hollywood actors or musicians do. They are often pushed to help out charities by their publicists for good press. There are exceptions to the rule like Jim Caviezel, Gary Sinse and Bruce Willis. They do good work behind the scenes without the press attention.
Bono says one thing and does another so I'm not sure where his real core is. I'm not willing to let him off Laura Ingraham's "Shut Up and Sing" hook just yet. He has matured a bit which is more than I can say for the balance of performers. He and Bob Geldof were pro-Bush at Live 8, "he has actually done more than any American president for Africa".
I share a birthday with George Carlin, lucky me. I still have Ving Rhames and Tony Hawk to ease my pain.
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