In a system of two parties, two chambers, and two elected branches, there will always be differences and debate. But even tough debates can be conducted in a civil tone, and our differences cannot be allowed to harden into anger. To confront the great issues before us, we must act in a spirit of good will and respect for one another -- and I will do my part.
There is only one party on the House and Senate floor that has mean spirited, personal attacks coming from it. The Left likes to say that both sides do it, for one personal attack from the Right, there are thirty, fifty, or even one hundred from the Left.
In this decisive year, you and I will make choices that determine both the future and the character of our country. We will choose to act confidently in pursuing the enemies of freedom -- or retreat from our duties in the hope of an easier life.
And we are writing a new chapter in the story of self-government -- with women lining up to vote in Afghanistan ... and millions of Iraqis marking their liberty with purple ink Isn't it nice to hear someone talk with optimism, with hope...don't get that on the Left...
Have to go to work now, more later...
Has Jim's feelings been hurt to bad? Where has he been?
Maybe he ran away with Ron.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
State of the Union Part I
Posted by
The Game
7:00 AM
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Shetmom says she is filing a lawsuit re her right to free speech. and her arrest. Me thinks she planned the arrest just to draw more attention to herself. And if she files the lawsuit, that will also draw more attention to herself. The woman is narcissistic. IMO that is why she started the whole charade of the 'grieving mom' act, and that is why she keeps after attention now. I doubt that her grief was ever very strong, just her self centeredness.
Jim and Ron are on vacation together at Beaver Dick Park in Idaho.
Damn it, I wanted Jim to take the dirty mind test;(
I would have to agree with Boortz's opinion about the State of the Union address. I thought it said very little about very little, and was mostly just a bunch of 'pretty sounding words'. Here's an excerpt from Boortz's opinion. More at Boortz, of course.
So what is Bush going to do about our dependence on foreign oil? Is he going to propose we drill for our own? Send the rigs up North to ANWR? Push for more offshore drilling in Florida? Nope. The administration couldn't get either proposal past the Democrats and weak-kneed Republicans in Congress. No...the answer is more government spending....and lots of it.
Bush proposed a 22% increase in spending on the Department of Energy, to promote solar, wind, nuclear, ethanol and hydrogen energy. Big whoop. The president says we should reduce our imports of foreign oil by the year 2025. Why rush? That's two decades away! The real answer to reducing our dependence on foreign oil is to unleash the marketplace. If companies were allowed to drill for all the oil in the United States, if we could use those immense amounts of oil shale throughout the west, we wouldn't be having this problem.
(Do you really think I have hurt Jim's feelings?)
anon --
I have to disagree with Boortz. If one is concerned about climate change and energy independence, the obvious answer is a lot more nuclear power. It isn't like we would be selling this energy on the world market, unlike the oil from ANWR.
But the point Boortz was trying to make what are we supposed to do for energy in the meantime, until we have additional nuclear power plants? These things don't crop up overnight do they? I mean you're the physicist, so there is no sarcasm intended. I believe Boortz wants more US drilling done in the meantime, so we don't continue to experience these ghastly high heating expenses, and gas prices, eh?
Besides that, my family did get one more oil well started up here last October. There's still a lot more here that could be used. And the extra money puts everyone in a good mood, and helps us to get along better;)
Jason....just how exactly are you concerned about "climate change"? I have been reading Boortz for a long time, and I have never got the impression that he believes in global warming.
So I'm just curious how you brought that up?
OK, OK, I'll take it.
But while I'm gone, let me add this. I am NOT a big fan of Cindy Sheehan. I think she's a lightening rod.
I think it was VERY risky, given Sheehan's history, for Lynn Woolsey to invite her. However, Sheehan claims that she had no demonstration in mind. If she had wanted to demonstrate, she would have waited until the speech began.
What is your opinion of the congressman's wife who was removed?
49%. See, I really am a centrist.
I read that Shetmom had covered up her controversial T-Shirt with another shirt while she was going through the checkpoints. Why do you suppose she did that? One can speculate that she knew there would be problems, and she wanted to make sure she was seated inside, and therefore the ensuing 'discussion' about the T-Shirt would attract a lot of attention. If the shirt would have been noticed at the outer doorway checkpoints, it would have been a simple, quiet escort outside. That's not Shetmom's MO. She WANTS to make scenes. So she covered the T-Shirt up until she was seated inside, where a spectacular scene would ensue.
I am too tired to comment on the Republican's wife....but I will in the am.
anonymous and anonymous --
There hasn't been a nuclear power station ordered in the United States since the 1970s. This is astonishing, given nuclear power stations do not put carbon dioxide, nitrous oxides, or sulfides into the atmosphere. I'm glad Bush is putting nuclear power back on the table.
Jason...So do you have any idea what the time frame is to get a nuclear power plant up and running? Seriously.
Jason, Granted I don't know much about this. However, I seem to remember quite a few lawsuits in the 80's regarding nuclear plants. Isn't there a nuclear plant near Greenville, SC? The cancer rates in that area are way out of whack. YEARS ago I spent a few months there, and I was told that this high rate of cancer had to do with the nearby nuclear plant.
What do you know about this? Care to enlighten us? Seriously.
I mean what do you know about nuclear plants and increased cancer rates.
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