Terrorists like bin Laden are serious about mass murder -- and all of us must take their declared intentions seriously. They seek to impose a heartless system of totalitarian control throughout the Middle East, and arm themselves with weapons of mass murder. Their aim is to seize power in Iraq, and use it as a safe haven to launch attacks against America and the world. Lacking the military strength to challenge us directly, the terrorists have chosen the weapon of fear. When they murder children at a school in Beslan ... or blow up commuters in London ... or behead a bound captive ... the terrorists hope these horrors will break our will, allowing the violent to inherit the earth. But they have miscalculated: We love our freedom, and we will fight to keep it.
Bush says what some liberals do not understand. We are dealing with people who only care about destroying the West and making the world an Islamic state. We can't deal with them by talking or trying to make them like us. They will only like us if we all shoot ourselves in the head. Of course, they blow up buses and bomb schools, but liberals yell more about Bush letting our intelligence agency listen to terrorists talk on the phone.
There is no peace in retreat. And there is no honor in retreat. By allowing radical Islam to work its will -- by leaving an assaulted world to fend for itself -- we would signal to all that we no longer believe in our own ideals, or even in our own courage.
And we are on the offensive in Iraq, with a clear plan for victory. First, we are helping Iraqis build an inclusive government, so that old resentments will be eased, and the insurgency marginalized. Second, we are continuing reconstruction efforts, and helping the Iraqi government to fight corruption and build a modern economy, so all Iraqis can experience the benefits of freedom. Third, we are striking terrorist targets while we train Iraqi forces that are increasingly capable of defeating the enemy. Iraqis are showing their courage every day, and we are proud to be their allies in the cause of freedom.
Now, this is a plan. You can argue you don't like the plan...but then what is your plan? Simply running away is not a good plan. Liberals, what is your plan to have Iraq succeed?
Yet the destination of history is determined by human action, and every great movement of history comes to a point of choosing. Lincoln could have accepted peace at the cost of disunity and continued slavery. Martin Luther King could have stopped at Birmingham or at Selma, and achieved only half a victory over segregation. The United States could have accepted the permanent division of Europe, and been complicit in the oppression of others. Today, having come far in our own historical journey, we must decide: Will we turn back, or finish well?
Great point. Bush wants to actually deal with problems instead of leaving them for others. Of course, you see what happens when a politician actually tries to deal with problems. The other side drills him with on alternative. On 9-11, we saw what happened when things were simply shrugged off.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
State of the Union Part II
Posted by
The Game
2:13 PM
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I think this might be your very best post EVER, Game :)
Yep, that's Stephanie.
I'll just give you a hearty handshake.
For some reason, when I read this post of your's earlier today Game, I was 'moved' by it, in other words it impressed upon me some sort of principles that many don't seem to realize we, as a country are lacking. I'm a wee bit tired now, as I have been surfing the Net all day, and I have accumulated so much info, that I can't even remember now what impressed me about this post of yours. It will probably come back to me after I take a break from the Net.
I have to admit...sometimes I just don't know WTF EH is f'ing talking about?! It is confusing at times. I have been reading your blog since the beginning of August last year. I don't seem to get AS (;))confused when you are talking/posting, as I do when EH makes remarks like the one above.
All I can say is HUH?
I'm going to go sit in the jacuzzi for a while. I'm sure that will help me relax, and sleep, so I can re-read this in the am, and maybe figure out what EH's message is all about? I presume this is his idea of sarcasm. Sort of like thanking you (Game) for being here so I am not at his place? I started at Game's, EH. I've been here for a long time. I only learned of your site, through a post of The Game's where he recommended you. I do not even try to post at your site any more. We disagree. Please don't stalk me with your nastiness, as I have observed you do so frequently with others. EH, I have not made any attempts to insult you on anyone's blog, and don't intend to, EVER. I continue to tell others here, and elsewhere how much I enjoy most of the posts you have. I wish you would at least show me the same courtesy. I leave you alone, so please leave me alone, and resist the temptation to insult me on other's blogs.
Game is perfectly 'manned up' enough to tell me to leave his blog, if he doesn't want me here. And if he does, I would respect his wishes, as I have done with your wishes.
Please be polite.
PS: Esp. I have been posting anonymously, hoping you would not stalk me, and harass me, therefore embarassing the owner of the blog I happened to be on. I see the vendetta you have against me is so fierce, that you won't leave well enough alone.
It's been clear to most of the regulars on Game's site who I am, for a while now. I don't think you are telling them anything they didn't know. And it does upset me that you would post this sort of nastiness on Game's site.
Well, I don't know what is going on between Steph and EH...as far as I know we all agree most of the time...and if we agreed all the time that would be boring and show no thinking.....
Lets all take a deep breath and see if we can work things out...
Game said: On 9-11, we saw what happened when things were simply shrugged off. Yeah, like shrugging off the Presidential Daily Briefing of August 6, 2001 entitled, "Bin Laden determined to strike in US."
Look how Jim comes in here, and once again doesn't comment on the main point...which is...what is the Lefts alternative plan for ANYTHING....
Now, I would like to hear a plan that's main goal was WINNING...
Ya, I noticed Jim's off the wall comment Game.
And I really couldn't figure where that came from.
I noticed that he does that to a lot of questions I ask him to reply about...somehow his responses never address the question/topic/main point/the pressing issue up for debate. (You might say his responses are out in the 'left field'.) :D
Define "winning". I asked you to define "winning" in a previous post, and I don't believe you did. Define the objective, Game. What is "winning"?
You keep asking for the Democrats to come up with a better solution, as if there is one. You fail to acknowledge that this president has gotten the country into situations for which there are no good solutions. The Democrats have no power in the Congress or the administration. Everything they try to propose is either co-opted by the majority or overridden by the majority. The Democrats have ideas. They have expressed those ideas. You don't listen because "Democrats are idiots and have no ideas." So you blindly follow this man into situations where there are no good alternatives and the ask the Democrats to bail you out.
And what is the point of this post? Bush is our dear leader and Democrats are spineless buffoons? I should respond to that?
Aside to Steph: Just ignore him. I do.
Jim...thanks for the support, but I still have a tremendous amount of respect for Espella. I would not ignore his posts, or his advice about many things. His criticisms of many leftist ideas are 100% RIGHT on. I read his blog every day. But he asked me not to post, so I don't try. I understand that he has 'banned' me from doing so. If I were hell bent on doing so, I am 100% positive that I could bypass haloscan, and any blocks he has set up, and post anyway. I don't try because I respect his wishes and the reasons for he has for those. They are perfectly justified.
I just don't understand why he still carries such a hateful grudge toward me, to the point that he tries to put me down on other blog sites. I have left him, and his friends alone, just as he asked. So why the persecution?
We had some disagreements, whereas I tried to use irony to demonstrate the points...but his dedication to his friends prevents him from seeing the truth (well at least my view of the truth;)) about certain things. That's OK, I can accept that,because I am fiercely protective of my family and friends too. But for God's sake, I don't deserve to be stalked, and ridiculed throughout eternity either because of this either.
OH SHIT! Either...twice..and on and on. See how I get when I'm upset! :D
Now I can't sleep either, either, either, damn it! :D
The only plan I see from the Left is to run away.
And Jim, if Iraq is a failure, can you tell me what would have to happen for it to be a success?
We got rid of a dictator, installed democracy, and have very few deaths in comparison to other conflicts...
So, if this is a failure, what is winning to you?
Once the government can run by itself we will have won. How many years were we in Japan? Germany? Jim, you might have had a liberal history teacher, but we are STILL in Germany.
See, Steph...there is your fundamental failure. Eh's posts and criticisms are NOT right on. They are skewed, slanted, and(I much believe) lies. He uses a bully tone, and mocking language to obscure those truths every time he gets proven wrong whether its me, Jim, you jason or someone else who DARES to disagree with the pompous and ideologically demented EH. Please dont misinterpret his comments, which are what you may want to hear, as being 'right on'.
Oh, and game...we arent in Germany or Japan as occupiers, we are there on our own land which hold military bases.
This article from townhall is so funny. This is what the Democrats actually heard said at the State of the Union address. It's a mockery of the Democrat negativity.
Someone else called it the Big Blue State of the Union:D
The (blue) State of the Union address
By Larry Elder
Feb 2, 2006
My fellow Americans, I am evil.
I only care about rich people, and rich people only care about other rich people -- unless, of course, your name is Kennedy. In fact, it is misleading to say that I only care about the rich. I truly only care about Republican, white, Christian males who are rich.
I would say that I am truly the president of Halliburton, except I'm having the darndest time spelling the word "Halliburton." I'm corrupt, incompetent and racist. Oh, sure, in order to help deal with the problem of illegal aliens, I have offered a guest worker program, but "guest worker program" spelled backwards means "shoot to kill." Or at least I think it does.
The black Democratic congressman from New York, Charlie Rangel, nailed it when he called me "our Bull Connor." Donna Brazile, the black lady who ran the presidential campaign for Al Gore, also got it right. I am the titular head of the Republican Party, the party of the "white boys."
I stole the election in 2000. I conspired with the governor of Florida to steal votes. The governor of Florida just happens to be my brother. I stole the election in Ohio in 2004 by conspiring with my buddies at Diebold, who make the voting machines, which they rigged in my favor. When you think about it, those white boys at Diebold, well, they're my brothers, too.
Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation is Islam is right. I ordered the Army Corps of Engineers to blow up the levee in New Orleans in order to flood and kill black people. Oh, sure, we snagged a lot of whites -- that's why they came up with the term "collateral damage."
I'm pretty stupid. Martin Sheen, the man who played a real president on "West Wing," got it right -- I am a "moron." Aaron McGruder, who illustrates the comic strip "The Boondocks," also got it right when he called me "functionally illiterate." Maybe someday I'll wake up from this dream in which I make an SAT verbal score higher than Rhodes Scholar Bill Bradley, get better college grades than Al Gore, graduate from Yale, and get an MBA from Harvard.
I've been a lousy economic steward. I came into office with an economy headed towards recession, and shortly thereafter we endured the 9/11 terrorist attacks. We then invaded two countries, Iraq and Afghanistan. And, most recently, our economy endured hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Since I've been in office, our productivity growth has averaged over 3.5 percent per year, with inflation remaining low. Unemployment stands at 4.9 percent, 400,000 new jobs were created in the last two months, and homeownership is at an all-time high. But, I agree with nearly half of Americans who believe we are already in a recession. And I expect to go down in history -- as I should -- as presiding over the worst economy since Herbert Hoover.
I agree with Harry Belafonte and Cindy Sheehan that I am the world's greatest terrorist. I'd have to go some to emulate my idols -- Joe, Mao and Adolf -- but a fella's gotta start somewhere.
The mockery continues.....
The rest is here:
Rhyno...Thanks for your comment. I know exactly what you mean.
Very funny stuff...but I do wish that we can stop the negative tone on eachother...
Your wish is my command, Game;)
Huuummmmmm.....that sounded sexy
The leader sets the tone.
I have numerous times on this blog cited ideas and plans by Democrats for a different approach to the Iraqi situation. Not one of them involves "running away."
Game, don't ask me to define winning. I didn't get us into this. I asked you to define winning since "winning" is your mantra.
we are there, now we have to win...that is what made us America...there were enough people around in the beginning who wanted us to be the greatest country in the world...just think what whould have happened if we had too many liberals around when we were trying to be an independant country...we would still be a colony...
"We have to win." What does that mean? When do we know we have "won".
PS: They were all liberals!
Not the modern liberal...
just like many older, hard working people used to be Democrats...but most of them are to embarrassed now...
See, my 'attacks' are only directed one way. The reason is because that person is as I described him above. We all know he wouldnt have the balls to cross my shadow in real life, so he gets a dose here. I'll quit if you wish, but I hope he takes note, as well.
State of the Union, part III. From the NY Times:
The Energy Department will begin laying off researchers at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in the next week or two because of cuts to its budget.
A veteran researcher said the staff had been told that the cuts would be concentrated among researchers in wind and biomass, which includes ethanol. Those are two of the technologies that Mr. Bush cited on Tuesday night as holding the promise to replace part of the nation's oil imports.
So much for alternative energy sources.
Rhyno... I understand what you meant and where you were coming from, but actually, I agree with about 95% of what EH says and does. I don't have any idea what your shadow looks like, but I have a suspicion that EH is just as formidable of an opponent in real life as he is right here.
Perhaps you mistake the reasons for his sarcastic, witty remarks? I don't think they are meant to be bullying statements, so much as they are simply designed to get people to think. There's a shock factor involved. There's also a 'frustration factor'. It's hard knowing things, and trying to explain these things to people who can't 'get it'. It's a pretty straight forward, cut through the crap approach. And every time I have seen him debate an issue, he has used facts, supported by links to back up his position statements. (:D...Well, except for the times when he has called me vile names, and accused me of things before getting all his facts straight.) But that is because, like you, and everyone else, he is human...and he occasionally assumes
things about other people's characters on the Net sometimes, without having the necessary insight, or knowledge to judge all of us as individuals correctly. But you, and me, and every one of us, also do the very same things from time to time.) And honestly, if he is a tad pompous, well, realistically he is very intelligent, and gifted. And I'm sure he has worked very hard. So what the hey?!
There's a lot of different kinds of people out 'there' Rhyno, and it never does any good to try and change them. Just accept them for what they are, and celebrate the differences amongst us. It would be a really boring place, if we were all alike. For some reason, I have always found witty, sarcasms to be amusing. I guess that's because I understand the frustration behind those sorts of remarks. It's usually not due to meanness, but frustration. I behave like that at work quite a bit, and everyone laughs. They know it's just because it's so frustrating to know something, and yet others don't get it. And my comments are usually designed so people will laugh. It makes the time go by fast. Then we can all get the hell out of Dodge;) So don't take offense so easily, OK? And continue to contribute your thoughts whatever way you see fit (in keeping with Game's rules, of course).
And I swear to God, I will be very disappointed in Game, if he construes this as a negativity post. I would just like all of us to move on from this thing. I'm sorry it got to the point where it even had to be brought up here. I thought things were going pretty good when I was anonymous. You all knew who I was anyway;) But I think EH feels like I, well, let him down, after he had went out of his way to be supportive of me. So he was angry. Hopefully, there won't be any stalking, or angry put downs. I hope all of us at Game's can put it behind us, 'get over it', and get back to berating one another "the way we were" before (LOL :D). Otherwise, I would really miss you guys.
Rhyno said:
"See, my 'attacks' are only directed one way. The reason is because that person is as I described him above. We all know he wouldnt have the balls to cross my shadow in real life, so he gets a dose here. I'll quit if you wish, but I hope he takes note, as well."Eh's posts and criticisms are NOT right on. They are skewed, slanted, and(I much believe) lies. He uses a bully tone, and mocking language to obscure those truths every time he gets proven wrong whether its me, Jim, you jason or someone else who DARES to disagree with the pompous and ideologically demented EH. "
I'm staying away from all the personal talk...but for Jim...
Bush is wrong on this issue. Ethanol gas is a piece of crap...it is actually worse for the environment...another crazy evironmentalist idea that ends up hurting the environment...
Ya well, Game...I really wrote it for Rhyno. I doubt if he has seen it yet, or he would be back here telling me how wrong I am.
I'm not sure ethanol is an environmental issue. It's an Iowa farmers issue. It's an alternative to middle eastern oil.
It might surprise you, but I would support nuclear energy.
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