Wednesday, April 12, 2006

GOP Leaders to Drop Felony for Immigrants

When I first read the headline, I was quite upset. It looked like the GOP was whimping out again. But when I read the story, it makes sense. They are taking out the part of the bill that probably can't be enforced anyway, and left in all the good stuff that is not in the wimpy McCain-Kennedy bill. (or whomever sponsored it). There is no excuse to support the bill now, in my opinion. If the Left says no, they look like they simply want to let 12 million law breakers get away with it...

GOP aides pointed out that Rep. James Sensenbrenner, R-Wis., chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, had tried during debate on the House floor to reduce the penalty to a misdemeanor.
The attempt failed on a vote of 257-164, with 65 Republicans and 191 Democrats opposed. Many of the Democrats, including members of the Hispanic Congressional Caucus, indicated at the time they favored no criminal penalties, and opposed the suggested change.

Almost no Americans would agree with that. So, this bill can solve the problem.

We need to plan to stop illegals from coming here, period.

If someone can give a better suggestion than a wall, post it here.

But we can mess around all we want trying to figure out what to do about the people here, but if we don't stop more from coming here, we will have this problem every 20 years.

Reagan granted amnesty 20 years ago.

And if you think doing it now will get the Right votes, do you think it worked in 1986?


The Game said...

great comment and, you have shown me with your genius commentary...

atleast Rhyno and Jim try and make points....(and sometimes they do, like Jim's explanation of what do to about immigration)

Anonymous said...

Sometimes? I guess 'sometimes' there is a valid starting point to work with.. :P

I always thought Reagan was an idiot for not putting some safeguard into place that would involve a registration or something to prevent it from happening again. I doubt it took 20 years, though. I would say more like 10.

The Game said...

well, its 20 years since it happened last...

I am a bit young to really understand 1986...I was 8 at the time...

how can we make the same mistake twice?

Anonymous said...

"how can we make the same mistake twice?"

Are you kidding? Its not an American endemic, either. Even the most liberal person fears the unknown. Reagan didnt actually solve anything. He just blew it off for someone else to take care of. So, I dont know that anything was solved the first time to make a second mistake from. I was in HS in '86, I guess it made more sense. :)

The Game said...

Right, Reagan made the first mistake, and now we will make the same mistake...

and man, if you think illegal immigration is not a problem, I feel very sorry for the kids you work with, who knows what crap you are telling them