Monday, July 10, 2006

Ingraham On Biden Remark: Who Cares, Worry About Islamofascists (VIDEO)

Radio talk show host Laura Ingraham appeared opposite of Democratic strategist Bob Beckel to discuss the Biden remark on Friday’s edition of Hannity & Colmes. Incase you forgot, last week Senator Biden remarked “you cannot go to a 7/11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.” Liberal co-host Alan Colmes was first up to debate Ingraham and get a response from Beckel. Colmes, who hates it when his counterpart and conservative guests refer to President Clinton, brought up quotes from many moons ago and attempted to make it relevant. Ingraham, who would have none of it, told Colmes that we shouldn’t care about some silly comments made by Biden, instead we should worry about Islamofascists that want to kill us. Go Laura! Kudos to Beckel, who laughed at the situation and an apologetic response from Biden’s office.

However, Beckel, as usual, doesn’t leave on a positive note. At the end of the segment he tried to paint liberals as those have “more room” to “maneuver” with minorities. Laura Ingraham challenged his ignorant remark, this is how it went down:

INGRAHAM: Bob, can I ask you a question?


INGRAHAM: Wait, the liberals have more room to move because what, they advocated failed welfare policies for 25 years?

BECKEL: No, [mumbles]. No, the answer is, I’m trying to be honest here.

Beckel tries to laugh it off, but it is quite obvious that he is embarrassed.



The Game said...

really, I just LOVE Lngraham's flat out brutal honestly about liberalism...liberals get a pass with minorities when all liberals have ever done is create failed programs that ensure poor peoples poorness....

jhbowden said...

I wonder if Senator Biden has made the connection between India and the 7/11 attacks yet.