Sunday, August 06, 2006

General briefed Murtha after murder comment, Corp says

I just want to make sure you understand this....A member of the United States Senate completely made up statements attacking and hurting our military at home and overseas.
Murtha was more than happy to attack the military before he had any facts....all in the name of....ummm....destroying GWB.

Even if he made these comments after he was briefed...does he need to make sure the entire world sees soldier acting poorly. Its like Murtha wasn't sure if EVERYONE in the middle east saw it...a few more inflammatory interviews and that should do it...


jhbowden said...

Um, Murtha is in the House, but your point is valid.

Ron said...

I can't even fathom the shallowness enough to argue what you guys are talking about. What the hell do you mean here?

Jim said...

There is nothing here. They have no facts and totally misrepresent what Murtha was trying to say. (Wow! What a surprise).

Murtha obviously knew all about this. He got it from the military itself. These latest investigations are not the first. The incident happened in November of 2005 and were investigated not long thereafter.

Murtha's point is that some soldiers are acting in such a way to harm the US military effort in Iraq. Murtha's point is that the reason they behaved that way was that their tours have been extended significantly beyond normal length and the soldiers were under extreme pressure due to that.

If you could stop for a minute and thing about this logically...

Where did Murtha get this information? From liberal, commie, pinko socialists in the military? Did he just make it up from thin air? Did some irate Iraqi send an email to Murtha complaining about it?

Of course not. Murtha got this information because it was given to him by members of the military, military personnel who were concerned about the stress on soldiers, the adverse effect of the incident on US interests, and the apparent cover up by the military leadership contrary to the rule of law and the best tradition of the Marine Corps.

Think about? Huh? Don't listen to Malkin. Think about it logically, not as a partisan.

The Game said...

don't know what I was thinking on the Senator thing..but you got the point

Ron said...

That is the way I understood it Jim which is why I couldn't understand these ramblings. I'm not quite sure what they are trying to represent unless it is censorship of the truth? Surely as freedom loving Americans they wouldn't be for that?

The Game said...

what truth Ron?
He was simply making up a story based on his hatred for the current military, period.
It was specualation. Why would someone in our govt go out and proclaim to the world that the military is evil when he had no proof. You guys make no sense and have no points once again, just liberal, emotional ramblings

Anonymous said...

No way, game. Murtha WAS a Marine and those of us who have been in the Corps would never do anything to diminish its reputation. He also has the Chair of the JCS on his side. Hagee(Chair JCS, and former Commandant of the Marine Corps) even argued with Rumsfeld, in public, about this type of behavior being unacceptable. Rumsfeld tried to shake it off as 'boys will be boys', and Hagee shut him down during the press conference.

Jim said...

Game, you rarely fail to amaze me.

"He was simply making up a story based on his hatred for the current military, period. It was specualation."

You have written many outragiously looney things on this blog, but this slanderous comment is the tops. I think Murtha should sue YOU.