"Five years after 9/11, the worst attack on the American homeland in our history, Democrats offer nothing but criticism and obstruction and endless second-guessing," Bush said at a Republican fundraiser.
"The party of FDR and the party of Harry Truman has become the party of cut and run," Bush told a convention-center audience of over 2,000 people. The event put $2.5 million in the campaign accounts of Alabama Gov. Bob Riley and the state GOP.
I love it. This is exactly true. Can't add much more now....comments later..
Friday, September 29, 2006
Way to go GWB
Posted by
The Game
9:15 AM
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Cuz GWB's comments are ever intelligent. Even if the Dems are the party of cut and run, any criticism of Queen Bush is totally valid.
And the party of Ronald Reagan has become the party of tax-cut and SPEND, executive incompetence, and supreme presidential power.
interesting once again that you guys can't talk about the comments made, but switch the topic to something else....
Thank you for making me feel so smart and correct this morning
You don't have an ego, do you.
Maybe no one's touching the comments themselves because we've been through this same topic so many times it ain't funny. It's old and tired (again).
Find another one, would you please? Thanks.
That's because the comments made are rediculous, Game. We didn't switch the topic to something else.
The subject is bashing of the opposite party. That's what we did, same as Bush, same as you.
What Bush said is truthful.
I'd go a step further and say Dems want to put the Gitmo terrorists back into circulation, they want nukes for Iran, they want to support fascists like Chavez, and they want Afghanistan and Iraq to be operations bases for terrorists.
What causes this insanity? Democrat hatred for Bush outweighs their empty professions of love for their country. I'm not Bush's #1 fan, but I'm not going to stab the Republic in the back either like the neo-communists.
then you must be agreeing that what Bush said is true...you STILL have not proven that anything he has said if false...
I hope the DNC is as bad at defending itself as you are
The party of Reagan has become the party of torture.
Prove that what I say is false.
Here you go. Being kept awake for 48 hours is not torture. Listening to loud music is not torture. Being bound for 24 hours and crapping yourself is not torture. Being naked and having someone point at your, ahem, equipment is not torture. Being stacked in piles with other people is not torture.
I was in a formal public debate on Iraq last April with antiwar activists at UIC. The subject of torture came up and I detailed what was going under Saddam's regime, which was torture in the non-newspeak sense-- the acid baths, the amputations, the shredders and so forth. What the antiwar activist replied was astonishing. He said the torture the United States does is worse, since we spiritually impoversh people, while goons like Saddam Hussein just harm the body. Many in the audience seemed captivated by him, as if he expressed something deep and profound about our corrupt civilization.
I was taken aback. This is the same attitude that made people at DemocraticUnderground today cheer on Zawahiri for calling Bush a liar. Both al Queda and the leftwing of the Democratic party don't care about the freedom and prosperity that the West has created-- their grievance is always that our civilization impovershes the soul, corporations don't care about our deepest feelings, so what we have now should be replaced by a total state that truly represents the community, the Volk.
Why are the DUmmies cheering on al Queda? It doesn't matter if you are Red Ned Lamont or a ranking member of al Queda-- if you oppose Bush, you're loved, if you even hint Bush does some things right, like Lieberman, you're hated.
THAT is why I defected from the party. You guys need to start caring about the rights of Americans and stop caring about cuddling enemy combatants. These religious fanatics need the David Koresh treatment, not love and understanding.
Here you go. Being kept awake for 48 hours is not torture. Listening to loud music is not torture. Being bound for 24 hours and crapping yourself is not torture. Being naked and having someone point at your, ahem, equipment is not torture. Being stacked in piles with other people is not torture.
This sounds like my frat's "Hell Week".
Oddly enuff, no one sawed our heads off ...
Well said, Jason. "Party of torture"? Give me a break. I'll ask again, what alternative do you offer, Jim? How would you extract info from a murderous thug who isn't afraid of you? Nowadays, it seems if you even ask a question without "please" and "thank you", you've tortured at worst, or humiliated or harmed the prisoner's dignity at best. Zell was right. You guys are the party of spitballs.
What is your source of information that all other interrogation techniques are ineffective? Many professionals in the interrogation business have stated that torture is not effective. Others disagree. OK. But all will say that other, non-torture, techniques are effective and are more like to provide reliable information.
By the way, outside of "24", are you aware of any examples of the mythilogical "ticking bomb scenario"?
Who's stated that "torture" is a first choice for extracting intel? There's this fallacious, but purposeful, notion that keeping AGGRESSIVE interrogation techniues on the table means that our guys are using nothing but. And of course there is also the blatantly misleading use of the word "torture" when aggressive techniques can be defined differently. It serves the cause of the whatever-we-have-to-do-or-say-to-regain-power Dems to use "torture" instead of "aggressive interrogation techniques"(AIT) to further smear anything attached to the Bush administration. And I would also hold off on the "many experts say" crap without providing some form of evidence to support it. AIT is ONE arrow in the quiver. It has a purpose that can save the lives of Americans and allied soldiers and civilians. It is naive at best to suggest that to inflict discomfort or pain on a thug in order to save and innocent is somehow a black mark on our nation. Let the others whine about it. The saved and their families will feel differently, and I feel much better getting THEIR fine opinion than any from the blind and cowardly "world opinion" crowd. And the "ticking bomb" scenario is irrelevant. If the threat is immediate or planned for next month, who the fuck cares? Finally, I maintain that any interrogation technique stands a far better chance for success when there's some level of fear in the mind of the interrogated. Publicly outlawing that which they fear reduces the chance for success. It's freakin' common sense.
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