Saturday, October 07, 2006

Schwarzenegger: 'Assimilate' Into U.S. Culture

God do I love this comment.
No matter how bad liberals want America to not be America, immigrants used to want to be apart of this country and tried to adopt traditions and behaviors of Americans.
That does not happen anymore.
This is another area where liberals fake caring about minorities, immigrants and poor shows its transparency.
If liberals really did care about immigrants, they would be telling them to learn English. That is the language of power and opportunity.
I don't really have to say anymore, because that first point is so important and so true, that any other point's importance pales in comparison.

Here come the democrats showing how they don't care about immigrants:
Schwarzenegger's comments were condemned by several Democrats supporting the candidacy of his rival in the November election, Phil Angelides. They depicted his remarks as part of a pattern of statements revealing insensitivity toward immigrants and others.


Dedanna said...

Well, check this out.

WTF? They're complaining because they're still here illegally? They're complaining because they relied on someone else to get them here legally, what? Howcome they're not just going home if they can't get here legally?

They have right to sue an american business, when coming to the u.s. is a privilege, and not a right?

How ungrateful can they get? They got to work here illegally for how long before it caught up to the company?

Why the hell shouldn't they be thanking their lucky stars that they did, and why the hell shouldn't they be thanking people for the opportunity they had while they had it?

I don't get it?

Dedanna said...

With the rest of his paycheck, Olivares said he helped support his sister, her two daughters and his ill mother in Mexico City.

Yeah, they send their money to Mexico. What about the country that's giving them everything hand over foot? If you want to be with your family in Mexico, dammit, stay in Mexico and help get the economy going there. If you want to be in the u.s., then spend your money in the U.S., and support it.

I don't feel a bit sorry for the putzes.

Dedanna said...

OMG OMG OMG OMG and check out this statement he makes:

"I'm not safe anymore," said Olivares, who has been in the country 14 years.

HE'S FRIKKING HERE ILLEGALLY, was for 14 goddamn years, and expects to be SAFE????????

I can't believe how stupid people can be!!!

The Game said...

which side protects them?
which side hands out fliers on how to vote illegally?

Kate said...

If they really want to work in a fast food joint, there are quite a few of them in Mexico. :)