Tuesday, August 28, 2007


I thought liberals were "pro-choice."
I guess that doesn't include the choice to smoke a legal cigarette.
Really, the only thing liberals do let you choose is killing babies.
They don't want you go choose to own a gun.
They don't want you to choose how to spend your money.
They don't want you to choose your health care.
They don't want you to choose how you invest your SS money.
Only the baby killing thing.

It was interesting to see this story after seeing the Hillary says smoking kills everyone story:
100-year-old celebrates her birthday by smoking 170,000th cigarette


hashfanatic said...

Can't kill a baby till after it's born, genius.

Jim said...

You can own a gun as far as I'm concerned. I'm in favor of restrictions on assault weapons, bazookas and howitzers.

Spend your money any way you want.

Choose any health care you want. Do you think all choices in health care are going to go away? Do you think there won't be a totally private health care route if you care to go that way?

Social Security is a safety net. You can invest any other savings any way you want. That's why we have 401(k)s and IRAs. They are everything you want out of Social Security privatization without the trillions of extra debt. And SS is still there if you become disabled, when you retire, or if you die.

Abortion is not baby killing.

Realism said...

If it's baby killing, why don't you advocate for prison sentences?

If I really thought that abortion was the same as killing a baby, I would be.

Of course, if I was just using hateful rhetoric to slime the opposition as evil, not so much.

Marshal Art said...

"Can't kill a baby till after it's born, genius."

That's what abortion is, idiot.

"Abortion is not baby killing."

That's exactly what it is, Jimmy-boy.

"If it's baby killing, why don't you advocate for prison sentences?"

In general, I do.

"If I really thought that abortion was the same as killing a baby..."

You should think that, because it IS killing a baby.

I'll be specific for the three of you: The term "baby" generally applies to a human being after he/she is born. Also called an "infant". (Take notes, boys.) Despite the fact that there is no noticable difference between the person immediately before or after birth, the child is referred to as a "fetus" before birth. Earlier in the pregnancy, the child will be referred to as "embryo" or "zygote". Just as "child", "infant", "baby", "toddler", "rugrat", & "tax deduction", an "embryo", "zygote" or "fetus" are merely terms describing the stage of development a given human being is at. Other terms for human development are, "adolescent", "teenager", "adult", etc. Simply stages of HUMAN development. Only assholes make the subjective determination, just as if they are Nazis or Klansmen, that just because one hasn't yet been born, that they are not people of equal value as any other.

I know this is all off-topic, as the thread wasn't specifically about abortion, but it had to be said again for the sake of those with no honor, that they may be educated. For more details, I've covered this subject in depth as one of the first postings at my blog. (Sorry for the self-promotion, Game. It's for those without honor, ya know.)

The Game said...

I truely have no idea how someone with a heart and a soul can think abortion is okay.

Realism said...


Asked at an Iowa forum on cancer whether banning smoking in public places would be good for America, Clinton replied, "Well, personally, I think so. And that's what a lot of local communities and states are starting to do...Asked whether the feds should impose a nationwide ban, Clinton deferred to local governments.

File this under rightwing biased media reports

hashfanatic said...

"I truely have no idea how someone with a heart and a soul can think abortion is okay."

That's because you're a proponent of saving the fetus, only to drop the baby on it's head once it's born.

You need to control the rights and choices of others in order to feel empowered, despite your own shortcomings in life.

The Game said...

putting your moronic comments aside, I listed many issues where Democrats are agsinst "choice." So in the scoreboard I am for just about all choice, except killing babies.

Scorpion said...

"shortcomings in life???" Hash,you point out yours for us everytime you allow me such great humor with
your truly amazing posts.Don't talk like that in public--I wouldn't want anybody to point out what shortcomings actually are for you.Don't forget to respond now,as the insults certainly make more sense than the responses.

Jim said...

Game, I gave you all the choices you asked for (except for the bazooka).

Abortion is not killing a baby.