Sunday, September 16, 2007

The actual cost of global warming

Earlier this year, corn began getting pricey because it was in high demand to make ethanol. That sent prices rising for other corn-dependent products, including milk and meat. Now wheat is costing more and more because of poor harvests and greater global demand, sending grocery bills still higher.
The price of wheat futures reached a record $9 a bushel on the Chicago Board of Trade on Wednesday. And the higher food prices that have resulted from the increase -- items like baguettes, rigatoni and cupcakes cost more -- come at a time when consumers are already feeling strained by energy prices and mortgage debt.
Although wheat doesn't touch as many foods as corn, which is used in products as varied as livestock feed and high-fructose corn syrup, its price directly affects staples such as cereal and bread.

This is a great example of how your hysteria over global warming actually hurts the entire world. This isn't something that might do something in 100 years, this is right now. Liberals never consider the consequences of their actions, we just have to deal with them. Luckily more and more people are seeing the actual damage radical left-wing environmentalist are doing to the world economy and food supply.


Jay Bullock said...

Actually, most corn (and even a lot of other grains) grown in this country goes not to ethanol, and not to our tables. It goes to feed for livestock.

Beef is just about the most energy-inefficient food there is; a person could eat for weeks on the crops it takes to make one night's hamburger dinner. Corn is also used for feed for pork and fowl, as well.

If we all ate less meat, the tortillas and the noodles and the ethanol would be cheaper.

Jim said...

Game, pay now or pay later.

hashfanatic said...

Game is not willing to pay his fair share, now, later, or ever.

We are here to do that for him, you see.

The Game said...

Jay atleast said something that made sense, Jim atleast made a point...hash wasted our time with his verbal vomit.

And Jay didn't refute that ethanol is driving up the cost of food, he is saying "so what, don't eat as much meat then." So my point is still correct.

hashfanatic said...

You don't respond to anything have a mind to which knowledge and understanding never reach.

We understand you are unwilling to accept the consequences of your collective actions and decisions and pay your fair share, and we are preparing as we speak to rectify these injustices when the bell strikes.

Life will not be as easy for you anymore.

Realism said...

Beef is just about the most energy-inefficient food there is

I remember reading that you can produce 16 times more protein from land used for growing soybeans as from land used for cattle grazing.

None said...

Of course.. we shouldn't mention the military cost and subsidies that help lower the price of fuel. The actual cost of heating the earth is much much higher Game.. Even libertarians think youre nuts.