If liberals were intellectually honest, if they really cared about free speech and open debate, they would take note of all these studies and papers. They wouldn't walk around like algore saying that if you are against the idea of man made global warming you shouldn't even be listened to...
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
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Give it up Game.. Rupert Murdock and News Corp are against you on this. And we all know.. You cant stop them.
I wonder where all these "scientists" were, up until now?
I wonder what would have inspired them to all REVEAL their deep inner secrets, all of a sudden?
Talk about "bundling"!
If liberals were intellectually honest...
Game, this is not a "liberal" vs "conservative" issue. It is a quality of life issue for our children and their children. Is that "liberal"?
True - It reminds me the propaganda by republicans. If you don’t support Iraq war, you are not patriotic!! ;-)
in this case...if you don't believe in man made global warming, you hate the earth and your children.
We will do nothing to change the climate of the earth Jim, so I'd like this country to have energy and jobs for my kids.
"...so I'd like this country to have energy and jobs for my kids..."
Perhaps you should have thought of that before you chose to have children at this juncture.
You continue to suffer from the delusion that good energy usage, renewable energy research, investment, and production is somehow going to occur without actual people thinking, planning, designing, building, managing, servicing, distributing, etc. and getting paid for it.
When electricity became the primary means of providing light and running appliances in America, the whaling industry kind of disappeared, but it seems to me the economy and jobs didn't disappear. Or is it just my imagination?
You swallow the "algore" phobia bullshit and spread the silly assertion that everyone must live like the unabomber, which nobody in the world has ever suggested.
Keep denying, Game. It fits in with your general political persuasion.
It's a little deeper than that. The message coming from AlGore & Co is one of dire catastrophe within a short period of time. It is one that says the problem is so bad, that even Islamofascists trying to kill us doesn't rate as an immediate concern by comparison. It is one that implies a need to do something drastic now, never mind the impact on whatever industry will suffer the new regulations. And even worse, and more insidious, is that it is a message that implies that there is only one who is on top of the issue so well as to make voting for anyone else self-destructive. Gore is painting himself as the all-knowing. He is setting himself up to be drafted to run for office to save us from ourselves. The boob is so transparent as to be comical, which he is by virtue of simply being AlGore.
Changes to the way business is done is already taking place. The market senses the people's desires to be environmentally aware. I personally buy products for my home that are environmentally superior in their design as well as their packaging. We don't need AlBore to save us. According to John Stossel's investigations, our country has reduced harmful emissions better than many, if not most, of the Kyoto signers, without our putting ourselves at risk by adding our names to that sham. What you want to be done under Al's most holy guidance is being done already without risk to jobs and the economy that his alarmist rantings would bring about.
"I wonder where all these "scientists" were, up until now?"
Many were fighting there way through the roadblocks set up by those who insist there is a consensus agreement with AlGore. Opposing the Boracle put their positions at risk. They needed to "bundle" themselves to show that each wasn't the denying lunatic of which the Gore bunch would accuse them.
"True - It reminds me the propaganda by republicans. If you don’t support Iraq war, you are not patriotic!!"
Come now. It wasn't merely opposition that would bring about that accusation. It was the manner and form in which the opposition took. I still hold that many on the left are indeed unpatriotic for the things they say in regard to our participation in the WOT.
"Perhaps you should have thought of that before you chose to have children at this juncture."
Perhaps you should think.
Man, when Marahall types, it seems so intelligent and enlightened compared to when I read the typings of others...
Of course it does.
You're both drunk on the same Kool-Aid.
Once again..RIGHT ON from MARSHALL.....NOTHING else needs to be thrown at the comedians.Now what's wrong with children,old hash,they will have the same opportunity to be positively RIGHT ON,or provide comedy capers like the other jumbled pathetic posts that are so entertaining....
MA... You’re just so frightened of everything. I only wonder if you and Osama Bin Laden share the same hole in the ground. Oh.. wait.. do you dye your hair?
One thing you are right about is Kyoto.. It was a total failure. Yet, John Stossel? And, if people around the world and in this country want a clean environment.. Then we are entitled to it. We are supposed to run this country.. not corporations.
Another priceless moment has been the argument has moved in recent years. First, global warming was a hoax. Now, it appears to be just not man made. To top things off, Game uses a source that thinks tobacco smoke doesn’t have health effects to prove all this. But, it gets better.. MA buys eco-friendly products?
One amazing part of all this is the whining that comes from MA and others about “Islamofascists” trying to kill everybody (talk about drumming up fear). Part of the environmental movement is to use less OIL. Have you heard of this energy source? Turns out Iran has lots of it. Just what do you think would happen if we stopped using OIL. Do you think Iran and the “Islamofascists” would have any cash money to buy their nukes? Even better, we wouldn’t have to fund dictators in Iraq only to start an endless war with them twenty years later. So, right now.. how much time, money and lives do you think we’ve saved?
“We don't need AlBore to save us”
And.. that is what this is all about, isn’t it? The nutty conservative right is just pissed they didn’t come up with this movement on their own. You don’t like Gore so much that you are willing to bomb the crap out of the middle east. You are willing to promote policy that actually hurts the US. It appears that if one has CDS.. they are highly susceptible to GDS.
To paraphrase a dear dear friend of mine:
There are many whose hatred for Al Gore is so profound, it supersedes even patriotism, and mutates into an unreasonable hatred for their own country, and what is the source of this hatred?
Again.. pot.. kettle.. kettle.. pot..
You were looking for comedy? Read Parklife's last. I'll respond to his projections later.
Talk about a pseudo-intellectual.. MA.. you have yet to post something based on fact.
What was it.. "pwned wingnut".. You must be used to that one..
It's a little deeper than that....
There is really not a single assertion in this paragraph that you can back up with fact, is there? Everything you say in it simply evidences the rabid hatred of a man that deep down in inside you wish had won the presidency in 2000 instead of what you got and the mess he has put this country in.
"Everything you say in it simply evidences the rabid hatred of a man that deep down in inside you wish had won the presidency in 2000..."
This is truly the funniest and goofiest thing you've ever posted. Thanks for starting my day with such a good laugh.
My support comes from the many rebuttals to the "Inconvenient Truths" that the AlGore spews. Even some GW adherants have revised the doom and gloom predictions of this buffoon. And in general, this idiot has made a career out of speaking outright contradictions. His track record for credibility had been shot to hell long before his goofy GW crap. Get a freakin' clue, dude.
Baaaaa! Baaaaaa!
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