Today I want to speak about the uncivil liberties being used by our enemies to destroy us. Both the enemy within and without, who are slowly but surely gaining the upper hand in their attempt to weaken us to the point where we can no longer defend ourselves. Their ultimate goal? The end of freedom and the imposition of Islam upon every man woman and child.
What are these uncivil liberties? The enemy within uses the uncivil liberty of Freedom of speech to preach hatred for our way of life. He uses freedom of assembly, to gather in mosques. He uses freedom of religion to hide behind the minarets while plotting our end. He even uses our freedom of the press to disseminate his calls for Jihad or Holy War right within our own nation.
There comes a time in every nation’s history, where certain freedoms must be curtailed, if the nation is to survive. IN the extreme, this is known as Martial Law. At this time in our history we do not require Martial Law, to protect ourselves. We require the Patriot Act, gutted by the enemy within, the ACLU. We require the freedom to tell each and every American, where the terrorists must be hiding, what they look like, what language they speak, and who to report suspicious persons to. These common sense acts of vigilance are not now being enacted, owing to the dominance of the left wing media, and the stranglehold on our police agencies by civil libertarians both within and outside the courts.
It was said “when the leaders will not lead the people, the people must lead the leaders”. Now is our time to lead our leaders, in this war against radical Islam. We the people must be vigilant, where the government dares not tread. We must demand a means such as an 800 number that all suspicious activity or persons (such a single central anti-terror number does not exist, even today!) can be reported to the authorities
In conclusion, we are as vulnerable to being attacked, if not more vulnerable, than we were on September 11th, 2001. Only when we the people stand up to the gangs of the illegitimate, suicidal, leftists, in the courts, the press and the government itself, do we have a whisper of a chance to stop the next attack. These crazy leftists would put their socialist principles above survival. Let me remind them, that the ultimate principle is survival.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Posted by
The Game
10:22 PM
Labels: ACLU, failed liberalism, liberal thought
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The first five minutes of today's Michael Savage show...I listened on the way home!
He is on late at night in Milwaukee...he used to be on right after work when I lived in Hawaii...I would tan by my pool and listen...good times
"I would tan by my pool and listen...good times"
Oh, how sensitive, game!
"The first five minutes of today's Michael Savage show..."
Odd. I decided to monitor the savage wiener's show tonight and was intrigued to find a rerun of his actual 9/11/01 program.
Based on what I heard tonight, and after analyzing his delivery style and pitch during what clearly were pertinent updates during the course of the program, it is clear to me that Weiner knew of the 9/11 occurrences in advance.
There was a complete lack of spontaneity (which is rare for him) during the entire show, callers conveniently manifested themselves at perfectly timed and on-topic intervals (on a day when every other broadcaster in America was stretched to the limit, and in varying degrees of emotional chaos).
Weiner's emulation of a classic radio propagandist is equal parts Eva Peron, Adolf Hitler, and Father Charles Coughlin. I was, as always, struck by how his method of modulation his pitch, loudness, and speed reminds me of listening to "Project HAARP" high-frequency waves from an ionospheric heater.
When you consider the mental state of the nation during that stressful, cryptic, emotion-packed day, could his program not have been considered incitement by the authorities? And did Mr. Weiner exploit and manipulate the public since, considering how he was almost completely ignored for so many years, following the attacks?
Apparently the 9/11 occurrences were not just the Bush Crime Family's "new Pearl Harbor".
It would seem it was the "new Reichstag" for the savage wiener.
Hash has really been hitting the "Kool-Aid" with that post. Will someone call the rubber room squad to recapture hash and get him the help he so sorely needs.
Jim, You probably rooted for the Russians and Cubans during those weeks.
well done pcd
Don't much care for Savage. While I can sympathize with his emotion, I can't always deal with his tone, his sense of self-importance. I much prefer those who, while allowing emotion to show, still maintain a sense of self-control, and still get the message across. Screaming and name calling doesn't win hearts, and those who assume positions of such influence should hold themselves to a higher standard. Calling Hash a wackjob might be sophomoric, but it's accurate and appropriate, though I would never wish for him to come to harm. Savage leans that way. Not good.
Still, from wherever Game got his post, there is truth in it. It's not paranoid or McCarthy-ish to point out the obvious. And the threats spoken of by Savage and others, are far more obvious than the communists of the McCarthy era. Funny though, that the most insidious threats are the pretenders who have their origins in the Communist philosophy.
So, let me get this straight...
They supposedly "hate us for our freedom". Your solution is to curtail those freedoms that they are fighting to eliminate. Are you all really so scared that you are willing to surrender that easily?
Some of us who aren't bed-wetting cowards recognize that the freedoms that fascists like savage want to curtail are the STRENGTH of this country, not its weakness.
Rubes like you guys are too dense to recognize that your "dear leaders" are using fear as a weapon to consolidate and maintain political power. Or are you too slow to recognize the pattern of OBL videos and "terror alerts"?
You would truly have to be a scared moron to think that a band of ignorant 14th-century guerrillas can achieve "the imposition of Islam upon every man woman and child".
If the forces of Nazism and Communism couldn't do it, backed up by some of the largest armies at the time, I really doubt that al Qaeda can.
What is infinitely more troubling to me is the distinctly more plausible scenario of the corporate funded and controlled political parties (note the plural) working to create a permanent underclass of eternally indebted wage slaves whose sole purpose is to work to increase the wealth of the upper class.
We didn't have liberals to stop our leaders and military while the Nazi's were trying to take over. The fact that you can't even allow something as useful and helpful as the Patriot act shows that liberals are on the side of helping the enemy, intentional or not.
Not sure if you knew this...You don't have to wait till can listen to him from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm on 560 AM (WIND) here in Milwaukee.
As to his style - I listen to him because he makes me laugh and he is not afraid to call Bush a 'worst president ever'.
And, he is different from those ‘they hate our freedom’ knee-jerk republicans! He can bring in some historical perspective and highlight how Islam is in fight with non-Islamic groups all over the world. You can appreciate this only if you have lived in other parts of the world. He is very different from those who keep repeating the party talking points like a broken record!
Oh, yea - when he starts talking about global warming or religion or gay-marriages, I simply change the channel. :)
Forgot one more thing – He fully understands that there has to be a state of Palestine and they fully deserve it. Another important difference from other ‘ignoramus’ right-wing talk show hosts with no knowledge of history!
We didn't have liberals to stop our leaders and military while the Nazi's were trying to take over.
And what makes that sentence so sad is that you're a teacher. I guess that answers the question "is our children learning?".
There were plenty of liberals back then. The difference is, liberals know when it is necessary to fight, and when it's not.
Conservatives, on the other hand, are cowards, and are so afraid of looking weak that they like to go to war for no reason other than to show how "strong" and "heroic" they are.
"There were plenty of liberals back then. The difference is, liberals know when it is necessary to fight, and when it's not."
The difference is that they were cut from different cloth than are the liberals of today. Even FDR, who arguably led to the self-loathing, it's our fault liberals of today, was made of sterner stuff.
"Conservatives, on the other hand, are cowards, and are so afraid of looking weak that they like to go to war for no reason other than to show how "strong" and "heroic" they are."
This is lame and insupportable personal opinion. Baseless and derogatory for the sole purpose of looking superior. While accusing the right of fear-mongering to guard against the real threats facing us and the world, the left uses pathetic grade school tactics as the weak rhetoric above to scare up votes. And I do mean "scare up".
Other tactics include the claim of restricting freedoms, as if the speaker has lost any. I know I haven't.
Still another is the claim that the party on the right is involved with trying to create a permanent underclass. The party on the left does that through a plethora of entitlements and welfare programs, but the party on the right understands that more people making money is good for everyone, including the wealthy. Oppotunities abound in this country for those who are willing to do what it takes to realize them.
Rubes indeed.
I don't hear Savage saying too much that isn't said by all the rest of the conservative pundits. He merely says them louder and meaner. He does like to impress by his recitations of historic tales, but he is far from the only one who is up to snuff on such issues. Most others are concerned with the numbers of Americans who don't get it regarding the threat posed by the Islamofascists. Frankly, the history isn't as important as stopping them from trying to kill us.
I would like you to enlighten me as to why you think, or Savage thinks, that there HAS to be a Palesinian state and why they DESERVE it. I disagree with both points.
"While accusing the right of fear-mongering to guard against the real threats facing us and the world, the left uses pathetic grade school tactics as the weak rhetoric above to scare up votes. And I do mean "scare up"."
"Frankly, the history isn't as important as stopping them from trying to kill us."
Isnt' that priceless. First, "the left" tries to scare up votes.. But, we have to support republicans before the bad guys kill us.
Pot.. Kettle.. Kettle... Pot.. Have you guys met before?
Jefe, would you say I have a plethora of entitlements?
"there HAS to be a Palesinian state and why they DESERVE it."
See.. American.. MA here thinks we should kill all the Palestinian people. Just because we dont like them.. err.. because they dont like Israel. At the same time.. he doesnt value one life more than another. Yes, its all very complicated.
American said:
He can bring in some historical perspective and highlight how Islam is in fight with non-Islamic groups all over the world.
Marshall put realism in his place...
And realism, I know blogging is so important to you that you have to make sure you dot every i and cross every t, but since this is just something I do when I have a minute, I could care less if I get every single anal thing correct...people like yourself, people who have to resort to that arguement show how little you have to say. It also shows how boring the rest of your life must be.
Yeah.. Realism.. You cant expect THE GAME to get his facts (R)ight. Jeesh.. what were you thinking? He just does this in his spare time. Facts.. ha..
Marshall Art,
"Frankly, the history isn't as important as stopping them from trying to kill us."
WOW!! Isn’t it something? I really don’t know if you are one of those mullahs from the mountains of Afghanistan with a filthy beard or an ignoramus living right here among us!
Listen - Nobody is questioning your right to fight back for your survival. However, don’t you think you should try to understand why you are making the other party so mad that they want to kill you?? That’s where history and understanding of our foreign policy will help you!
As to Palestine state - You can’t have it both ways, my friend. Can you tell me why there should be NO Palestine state? Where should those people go? Do you believe Jews have the right to have their own state called Israel? (I’m trying to see how far back you want to go back in History!) Also, let me throw one more thing at ya – How about Native Americans over here? In a hypothetical scenario, Would you be ok if they ‘recapture’ the land from Europeans/Africans here and throw everybody outside the ‘fence’???
Waiting for your response!
park...the facts are always
Takin' the meds?
"This is lame and insupportable personal opinion."
Not really, when current events and the evidence of our own war crimes are there to support it.
"Other tactics include the claim of restricting freedoms, as if the speaker has lost any. I know I haven't."
You're so thoroughly accustomed to adhering to man-made laws and legalisms in the name of a perverted version of God's Word, and forcing everyone else to join you in your own self-suppression, that you wouldn't know from constitutional personal liberties even if you lost them.
"Most others are concerned with the numbers of Americans who don't get it regarding the threat posed by the Islamofascists. Frankly, the history isn't as important as stopping them from trying to kill us."
"I would like you to enlighten me as to why you think, or Savage thinks, that there HAS to be a Palesinian state and why they DESERVE it. I disagree with both points."
Because I and the vast majority of the world don't hate them and want to kill them, like you do.
"The party on the left does that through a plethora of entitlements and welfare programs..."
This is not 1973, and the "nanny state" that you portray no longer exists, but you knew that already, didn't you?
"Marshall put realism in his place..."
"...but since this is just something I do when I have a minute..."
You could STILL make an effort to rise above the level of the gangbangers we pay you to edumacate...
"...if I get every single anal thing correct..."
Fudgie, fetch the tanning butter!
"...people like yourself, people who have to resort to that arguement show how little you have to say..."
You are not fit to shine realism's shoes, and you need to remember your place and try to learn how to think and express yourself in a coherent, lucid manner, instead of whining and bellyaching about the state of the world.
You are typical of those who cry when you are slapping your victim in the face...
That was one of Hash's post (about 99% of them) that took away a minute from my life...
No great loss....
If that was for you that would be one less minute in your cubicle, one less minute blogging or looking at porn in your mothers basement.
Oh, please remove the sword...
Now go apply your tanning accelerant.
First of all, I KNOW why they are trying to kill us. It has nothing to do with our foreign policy. We didn't do anything to make them mad except to reject Islam as our personal religion. From the time of Mohammed's life, they have been spewing the same crap regarding making the world turn to Allah under Mohammed's terms. Reading the words of the Muslim despots during the Barbary Coast troubles in the early 1800's would sound like bin Laden if it wasn't pointed out who the speaker was. Their rhetoric and goals have never changed. So understanding them is a done deal. Thus, all we need concern ourselves with is stopping them from murdering any more people who don't agree with them. Don't try to muck up the issue with nonsense about foreign policy or self-loathing anti-American guilt.
As to the Palestinian issue, you guys put it out there, so you need to back up your truth claim regarding their HAVING to have their own state and why they DESERVE it.
And for others, I wait while you find one place where I said all Palestinians should be killed. What I HAVE said is that I don't support a country that routinely sends their kids loaded with explosives to detonate in a public place, that constantly lobs missiles into Israel, and that hordes all financial aid rather than use it to better the lives of the people they claim to represent. Any more questions?
Bravo Marshall
MARSHALL is too RIGHT ON for the comedy team to really do anything else but throw insults and make us laugh with their lack of anything
necessary to say....old hash,keep the comedy coming...enjoyable once again...
Oh.. no.. MA has two bfs..
"find one place where I said all Palestinians should be killed."
All Palestinians? Are we negotiating?
"Don't try to muck up the issue with nonsense about foreign policy"
omg.. MA.. do you read what you type before you post? Here is an idea.. why not have a foreign policy that.. oh.. say.. is in the best interest of the US? Just a thought.
DL has you pegged.. sorry MA. You just eat up that propaganda. More right wing the better. All you do is listen and repeat.. Its sad really.
Ok.. now you can get back to your regularly scheduled hate session. What did you call them? "Palies"?
Marshall Art,
So, you don’t see our faults, uh? Let me ask you an easy question – when was the first Islamic terrorist act on American soil? Was it before or after we started interfering in the Middle East politics?
Don’t tell me that our foreign policy has nothing to do it. If so, how come they are not attacking countries like Brazil or Austria or New Zealand? Are you telling me that we are the only nation with freedom?? Give me a break!! There are many other countries with fully functional democracies and personal freedom. Listen – It’s not that they hate freedom or our way of life! It’s the American policies and interference they hate!
This is what happens when you go around the world preaching others and poking your nose into their business! Why go back to 1800? Do you remember the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and our support to the same radicals we are fighting today? So, in your twisted logic, these mujahiddins were freedom fighters back then and terrorists now?? How can we blame Iran today for providing material support to those insurgents in Iraq when we did the same in Afghanistan and Cuba? Do you understand how geopolitics works?
As I said earlier, you can’t have it both ways!! If you really want to act like a big brother, go ahead and do it. But, be prepared to face the consequences - don’t whine and complain like a kid.
As to the Palestine state, you haven’t answered any of my questions. Let me ask you again – Do you think Jewish people deserve a state (Israel) and if so, why? I’m only trying to understand how far you want to go back in history and cherry pick the facts.
Hey unRealism,
What does "pwned" mean?
I'll have to address the rest later. I can't find my right-wing talking points book.
From Wikipedia:
If an argument is won the winner is said to have Pwn'd his opponent.
So much to teach, so little time.
It is not our freedoms that have made this country great, it is the people of character who made best use of them. Our freedoms allow us to choose how we want to live, what we want to accomplish, and to the extent allowed by law, how we go about doing it. People who saw opportunity and acted upon it are what made this country great. People who had the discipline to forestall gratification in order to achieve their higher goals.
Others used our freedoms to spend themselves into debt, to satisfy every urge at the cost of achieving personal security, be it health or wealth, to twist the meaning of "rights" to include that which was not intended by the framers.
Freedoms alone are worthless. Even the most oppressed truly have the freedom to rise up against their oppressors, if they are willing to pay the price. What made America great was the efforts of those willing to pay the price in every level of life.
We rubes are aware of the real threats to us and the world. Rather than listen to AlGore pretend the end of the world will begin in ten years if we don't stop driving SUVs, we hear the words of Islamic murderers like bin Laden, Zarquawi, Zawahiri, Ahmadinijad who express their intentions in plain talk that even liberal Democrats should understand, but instead think they know better and posit wild theories about the timing of bin Laden videos and threat alerts. That anyone can dismiss the efforts of "ignorant 14th century guerillas" after the destruction wrought by only 19 of them shows the complete lack of understanding regarding the will and mindset of Islamic lunatics. How many did it take to blow a massive hole in the USS Cole? How many did it take to destroy military barracks, embassy buildings, etc, etc, etc. It's not whether these assholes can succeed, it's how much death and damage they can perpetuate while trying. It's what will it take to make them stop. They are not concerned with foreign policy, they are not concerned with poverty nor oppression. They care only to spread Sharia law througout the world. They focus on the two great Satans in their feeble but intensely focussed minds: Israel and the USA. But they've struck England, Spain, that school in Eastern Europe, they've attempted an attack in Canada, and many other places. And then here's how it works: when a plot succeeds, we haven't been doing our jobs and Bush is to blame. When the plot fails, they were ignorant 14th century fools. Thank you so much, lefties.
First of all, I KNOW why they are trying to kill us. It has nothing to do with our foreign policy.
Sorry Marshall. It's obvious that you live in the same "reality" as George Bush. The land of fear and ignorance. Astounding.
For the most part, you've pretty much said nothing. But for your 11:08 "comment",
"All Palestinians? Are we negotiating?"
Are you farting? You made and accusation, once again baseless, and now you want to create something else out of it? If you've got something to say, say it. You're not clever enough for stinging innuendo.
"... do you read what you type before you post?"
Yes. That's why I have fewer typos than Game. Otherwise, I'd probably have more. It's easy to mis-type when eager to respond to inane lefty comments.
"why not have a foreign policy that.. oh.. say.. is in the best interest of the US?"
Best interest of the US by who's standards, yours? Joe Biden's, Dennis Kucinich's? Would this be a long term consideration, or just to good enough to get re-elected? Would it be contingent on world opinion, or our own? Right now, I shudder to think of what a liberal Democrat means by "best interests of the US".
"DL has you pegged.. sorry MA. You just eat up that propaganda. More right wing the better. All you do is listen and repeat.. Its sad really."
Sad is your perception of reality and the thought that I succomb to anyone's propaganda. I listen to the words of our enemies and the words of those who are actually engaged in battle against them. Why would I listen to anyone else? Why in the name of all that's Holy would I listen to the least intelligent on the subject, the leaders of the Democratic Party and their candidates for president? And for the record, DL hasn't responded or countered anything I've said, but only parroted the same tired cliches about conservatives and conservative Christians. (As if his opinion means anything to THESE people!)
" you can get back to your regularly scheduled hate session. What did you call them? "Palies"?"
Yes. I called them Palies. You got a problem with abreviations or contractions? Tough shit. Now you can get back to your regularly scheduled therapy session. Remember, stay within the lines when coloring.
"Let me ask you an easy question – when was the first Islamic terrorist act on American soil?"
Well I told you when the first terrorist attack on American interests was. It occurred when our merchant ships were constantly attacked, scuttled, our sailors taken hostage for ransom by the Barbary pirates of the early 1800's. We were there trading. They were seeking to force sharia law on the region. We had no navy at the time and were forced to pay the jizya tax to the tune of millions of dollars. Once we had a Navy, we kicked their asses and never paid another cent. That Koran upon which that douchebag from Minnesota swore his oath was a gift to Thomas Jefferson from the time of which I just spoke. Inside the front cover was note from our ambassador over there warning of the dangers of Islam.
Now as to attacks on our soil, the taking of our embassy people as hostages in Iran might be the first. Let me think. To who's policies was that a reaction? Hmm. That's a poser.
Nonetheless, such responses are in no way justified no matter what our policies are. Not hating my country as some do, I don't suspect my people first when trouble begins. But if I concede that the possibility exists of less than stellar behavior by American officials, mass murder of civilians is an unacceptable response and the alleged cause doesn't matter.
Our foreign policy right now, though not perfect, is dealing in this manner. Military for those who react to nothing else, and diplomacy for those who will sit down and talk. That's the general plan and the Dems can offer no better.
I've already spoken on some of the places the scumbags have hit, so mentioning Brazil, Austria, New Zealand is a waste of time. I don't think they've hit Tierra del Fuego, either. So what? But our freedoms don't have anything more to do with it than does our foreign policy. But here's another reason they choose to fuck with us: they think we'll run. bin Laden was inspired by our leaving Viet Nam, leaving Somalia. They believe that it's only a matter of time before liberals convince enough people to pressure our leaders to back off. They've probably got a fucking pool going. They only speak of their victories and when they can speak of victories against a power like us, there's nothing better.
BTW, the Afghans WERE fighting for their freedom from communism with our help. The Taliban took credit with the people and moved to embed sharia law. This grew into an Islamic nightmare as people were put to death and maimed for the least infraction. Eventually, they bred terrorist training camps and so yes, then they became terrorists and terrorist supporters. (A loose interpretation of events, but that's the gist.) So we can "blame" Iran because they are supporting the side of the murderous scumbags. WE are not communist USSR. So your comparison is poor. And also so, I understand how geopolitics works: communists and fascists are bad, and democratic republics like ours are good. The former need to be suppressed, and the latter needs to be learned by as many nations of the world as possible, because at this date in history, it still stands as the best system in the world. End of story.
Finally, the Palie question. First of all, I haven't answered you because I was awaiting your answer to MY question which, of course, came first. It's a nice dodge to answer a question with a question, but it doesn't answer the question, so to speak. Thus, I must assume that though you like that Savage "fully understands that there has to be a state of Palestine and they fully deserve it", you don't seem to be able to explain why that is, why Savage thinks so, or perhaps you don't really know. But I'll try to answer your question.
Throughout world history, up until recently (relatively speaking), peoples deserved their land by virtue of the fact that they took it and kept it. Plainly and simply. The Soviet Union swallowed up a ton of nations, but when it fell, they separated themseles from the larger body of Russian possessions. They now intend to try and keep them separate. Israel, which owned the land since ancient times, were often removed from it. After WWII, a multilateral body carved out a piece of what was once theirs and granted that they should once again possess it. At the time, there was no state or nation that fully controlled the area called Palestine, and within it lived Arabs, Jews and others. It was not Palestinian Arab land. Arab nations surrounding this postage sized piece of land likely claimed or coveted the area, but they didn't much want the Palie Arabs after Israel became a state. And though Israel allowed Arabs to live and thrive within the new state, many protested because mainly, it was the Jews that now had the land and Muslims hate Jews. Does Israel deserve the land? Yes. By virtue of the fact that it had been theirs forever, that a international body gave it back to them, and they have the balls and firepower to keep it. The Palies, on the other hand, have shown that they are incapable of being even a state without a home, as they have kept their people in abject poverty whilst hoading financial aid from us and others, and have used what lands the Israelis gave to them as new places from which to attack the Jews. While they have this attitude that is frankly a policy of theirs, I know how y'all are concerned with foreign policy, they deserve little else but int'l scorn and derision. When they stop fighting and play nice, then we'll talk. Howzat? Your turn. Answer the question.
"Sorry Marshall. It's obvious that you live in the same "reality" as George Bush. The land of fear and ignorance. Astounding."
Now THAT'S ignorance and it is indeed truly astounding. You live in denial or worse, a state of constant stupidity. I don't know if he still has them, but go over to Michael Savage's website and see if he still has a list of beheading videos. If so, try to watch one. That will illustrate for you the calibur of asshole that we are now fighting. It's who they are, it's what they do, it is reality and if nothing else, believe that THEY don't fucking care about global warming.
So according to MA and the other bed-wetting cowards, the Muslim world is a greater threat than either the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany was.
According to these cowards, it is not our freedom that makes us great. It is not the lofty principles that this country is founded upon, but rather, the individuals who somehow, in between the mass murder of the Native Americans, the murder and enslavement of millions of Africans and Chinese, the economic subjugation of millions of people of all races, found the time to make this country great. I disagree. I believe that the principles that this country is founded upon are more important and noble than the actions of any individuals. Even when we have failed to live up to our potential, those principles serve as a guiding light to help us, as a country, "progress" so to speak, toward a "more perfect union". No individuals working toward their own interests could ever do that.
Apparently "freedom" to Martial Art "you are free as long as I agree with what you are doing or saying".
Martial Art says that what makes us great are those who were "willing to pay the price". What price has your dear leader asked YOU to pay for your glorious clash of the civilizations? Oh yes, I remember, he said that we need to keep shopping...And don't forget to put your yellow ribbon on your SUV. Quite a price to pay for the cause of freedom.
we hear the words of Islamic murderers like bin Laden, Zarqawi, Zawahiri, Ahmadinejad who express their intentions in plain talk that even liberal Democrats should understand, but instead think they know better And yet, you support a leader who, instead of fighting these actual threats, decided to go the cowardly route and start a war against an impotent caged tyrant like Saddam, who DID NOT pose a threat at all.
See, that's the difference between you and me. I understand the threat that these madmen pose, but my thinking skills are developed enough to recognize that we could easily defeat them with proper application of force. Rather than attacking a country that everyone in the world (aside from you brainwashed cattle) recognizes has nothing to do with our actual enemies, and inciting hatred against us and making the problem worse, while simultaneously ignoring the main battle, Afghanistan (wow, I think that's the first time I've even seen that word on this blog) as it slips back into the control of our enemies, people with understanding want to fight our enemies WHERE THEY ACTUALLY ARE rather than trying to create them where they did not previously exist.
Instead of stubbornly sticking to the same failed policies that have allowed the problem of islamic terrorism to flourish and grow, why not MAN UP, stop sniveling like a scared little girl, and admit that your leaders have failed to make a dent in the number of muslims willing to die in order to kill us?
And if the Muslims, as you infer, care nothing about freedom, and are hell bent on imposing sharia law on the entire world, then WHAT THE HELL ARE WE DOING IN IRAQ? According to your formulation, muslims want nothing to do with freedom and liberal values. So why are we wasting the lives of thousands of our troops and over a trillion dollars of our national treasure to force something on them that they don't even want?
As a side note, your ignorance is showing in your comments about the the Barbary pirates. Without the invasion of Grenada by spain in 1492, which resulted in the exile of thousands of Moors, there would've been no Barbary pirates.
As the 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica says:
It may be pointed out that during the first period (1518‑1587) the beylerbeys were admirals of the sultan, commanding great fleets and conducting serious operations of war for political ends. They were slave-hunters and their methods were ferocious, but their Christian enemies were neither more humane nor more chivalrous. After 1587, plunder became the sole object of their successors — plunder of the native tribes on land and of all who went upon the sea.
Bed wetting cowards??? Hilarious!!!
Nice that you're starting to add to the comedy,unrealistic,as it's so much better than your other stuff...stick with the good stuff..
"Are you farting?"
This is your comeback? What are you? Five? You have the entirety of the internet to search for something clever and you comeback with this?
"That's why I have fewer typos than Game."
This is just sad. You really are terrible at this.
"Best interest of the US by who's standards, yours?"
That would be much better than what is currently going on. But, I would settle for something the American people are interested in. Like.. say.. bringing the troops home.. Really.. what does keeping this huge military force over there do for us?
"I succomb to anyone's propaganda"
ummm... you sure about those typos? Anyway, nice that you finally admit to it. Kidding aside, I really wonder where you get your information. You never post a link and I can't immediately recall you using a source. Really.. this is a serious question What do you read / listen to / watch?
"DL hasn't responded or countered anything I've said"
And.. it looks like you know how to lie to. Congratulations.
"As if his opinion means anything to THESE people!"
Seems to mean something to you...
"Tough shit."
You should get that checked out.
Your abbreviations are insulting and degrading. Just what do you call African-Americans? Japanese? Filipino? ect... ect..
Marshall.. you are such a homo.
"Nice that you're starting to add to the comedy,unrealistic"
Yes, now when will you add to the discussion? On second thought, don't worry about it. I know you're not up to it, you know, intellectually. And that's really saying something on a blog that's is defiled by PCD on a regular basis.
You are the flava flav of this blog. "Yeeeaaaaah Boyeeeeee!"
BTW, that's a really great turn on my username, scor-peon! did you think of that yourself? I doubt it.
"Rather than listen to Al Gore pretend the end of the world will begin in ten years if we don't stop driving SUVs, we hear the words of Islamic murderers like bin Laden, Zarquawi, Zawahiri, Ahmadinijad who express their intentions in plain talk..."
How many of these false dichotomies are you going to present? You live in this narrow binary world with no escape plan.
"But they've struck England, Spain, that school in Eastern Europe, they've attempted an attack in Canada, and many other places."
Yeah, sure they have.
Realism, your Flava Flav comment was RIGHT ON!
"How many of these false dichotomies are you going to present? You live in this narrow binary world with no escape plan."
What the hell are you talking about? Didn't algore say we've got only about ten years to turn this global warming thing around or disaster will strike? Aren't you even paying attention to your own gods? Obviously you don't pay attention to the words of those who consider US enemies. Just what was false about what you've highlighted?
As to the rest of the drivel, I'll have to respond at a later date. I've gotta get up in four hours. Until then, you guys just enjoy your land of make believe.
Hey unrealistic...glad you liked it...still,for someone who imagines they are ass-tute like you do,my twist should be better than that!Still,looking how feeble your comments are compared to the
RIGHT ON posts that certainly need no help from me or anyone else alive from the neck up,continue the that's much more"real."
WOW, Marshall Art - I definitely will answer your questions! Reached home today after a long business trip!
"What the hell are you talking about?"
Yes, you are too stupid to figure anything out. You think we have a choice.. fight terrorism or fight global warming.. I'm suggesting that multi-tasking is an option. Hello.. McFly.. You there?
Marshal Art,
So, you think those pirates in 1800s attacked American merchant ships because they hated our ‘fredom’ and ‘way of life’?? Or, was it simply a bunch of pirates going after money?? Well, you already answered it – ‘hostages for ransom’ and ‘jizya tax’ sound more like money than religion to me. By the way, if you really want to go back to 1800s, May I remind you of something called ‘slavery’ and ‘Colonialism’?? Does it say anything about Christianity as well?
Glad that you mentioned ‘embassy in Iran’ incident. Good. But, did you really read your history lessons? Do you understand that British and American forces were operating out of Iran back in 1942??? Why did America (and Briton) interfere in the local power struggles taking sides? Did you read all these things in your history book? Would you be ok if a foreign nation start shaping up American political system here? Uh???
Again, don’t call it anti-american if someone questions our foreign policy. It’s much better than being ignorant.
On Afghanistan issue, you again show your ignorance and bias. So, in your twisted world, those mujahidins ‘became’ terrorists after we left Afghanistan!! WOW!! Iran is doing exactly same tactics we implemented in Afghanistan against Soviet Union. By your own definition, we supported ‘terrorism’ in Afghanistan in 70s. End of story.
We are doing the same mistake in Pakistan. We are supporting a military dictator out there who has no respect for democracy!! WOW – talk about ‘spreading democracy’. By the way, do you know where two of the ex-Prime ministers of Pakistan are living now? They have been kicked out by the dictator and they are living in exile!! A few weeks ago, one of them tried to return to Pakistan, but he was forcibly kicked out of the country by our ‘key ally’ Musharraf!! If we really love ‘fredom’ and ‘democracy’, how come we didn’t say a word? Obviously, these guys are not terrorists – they are ex-Prime Ministers. I guess these things are not mentioned in talk radio talking points??
Finally the Palestinian question: You proved my point once again. It was a classic case of cherry picking facts from history to make your case. Let me clear your clog. You said – Jewish deserve their state by virtue of the fact that it had been their for ever!! WOW!! Do you understand how far you are going back in history? By the same logic, would you accept if an ‘International Body’ gives back North America to Native Americans? By the way, who was this ‘International Body’?? It was United Nations!! The same United Nations that you don’t have any respect for! The same ‘International Body’ that didn’t give any permission to launch military attack on Iraq!! You are really good in cherry picking, man!!
Palestinians deserve their own state because they have been living there for centuries now. Where should they go? Their inability to form a stable government and other issues – I am not here to defend them. There are many countries going thru civil war. Even American had a civil war – we are no saints either!
As to the fire power of Israel. Sure – they have a great military. But, we all know how it works and how they got so much fire power. There is one country behind it …supplying them all the sophisticated weapons!! Now, you know why arabs hate us even more!! You get it now????
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