Saturday, September 01, 2007

Charting Hsu & Associates nationwide (state and federal) campaign contributions


Ron said...

And your point is?

That there are bad people in the democratic party too.
Welcome to the shocking real world game.

The Game said...

And I'll bet you will be voting for this bad person in Nov 2008.

hashfanatic said...

Probably another neocon setup.

Happens every day of the way.

Damn, how Republicans have totally destroyed this country.

The Game said...

The sad thing is Hash has no idea how stupid he sounds. If you have no facts, if you are just going to make stuff up as you usually do, don't bother...its a waste of everyones time.

hashfanatic said...

No, your autistic/asperger's-based idiocies regarding American politics , backed up by non-American neocon propaganda sources, and your moronic little lackeys are a waste of time.

It is only the substance that I and the incredibly thoughtful, intellectually curious, and well-informed liberal commenters that contribute, that lend this blog what little readibility and intelligence it possesses.

Don't blame them, and me, because you're incapable of backing up your ridiculous assertions and emotionally-driven, opinion-based rantings.

The Game said...

Facts, charts, people in jail...all on my side...Hash strings words together and hopes they atleast form a sentence....

hashfanatic said...

No, just another defeated "game" premise, and another wholly successful "hash" operation!

(Hint: if you stopped your whii-ii-iining, maybe a higher level of dialogue would ensue.)

Can only lead to you to the water.
Can't make you drink.