Thursday, September 06, 2007

Dems already dismissing Iraq war report

It is not hard to figure the Dem's out.
They will say whatever it takes to gain power.
They vote in someone to write a report, they fund it, then they don't like what he might say, so they trash it. They don't want anyone to know the good things that are happening in Iraq...that is GOOD for the United States. Obviously Democrats are not interested in anything good being said about our military or President. They are invested in us loosing, I told you they would do this, and once again, I was right.

I predicted it weeks ago


Realism said...

US monthly fatalities have been higher in 2007 every month year over year. The surge was supposed to sacrifice American soldiers in order to allow the Iraqi government to accomplish political goals.

Unfortunately, the Iraqi government has not accomplished those goals, so we just have more American soldiers dying for nothing.

Despite the sexual arousal that craven fools like PCD experience upon contemplating that fact, those of us that aren't insane would like to see this debacle brought to a conclusion ASAP.

None said...

Lets see.. a partisan general being supported by a report written by the WH. Sounds pretty even handed to me. Just what did that GAO report say? Oh.. never mind that.. What about the WSJ article last Thurs? The one that calls into question the Iraqi army. Or the reports by former generals to disband the Iraqi police? Or even the WSJ article a month ago suggesting the "surge" isnt working. And has to be salvaged.

With rose colored glasses on.. the surge has brought violence to '06 levels. Things were a disaster then.

The only reason this surge is "working" is because you support the lies from partisan officials and bloviating media hacks.

Listen to those cheers last night for Ron Paul. Its not just the Dems that cant stand GW or his tired policies. Its independents and some rational conservatives. We're just waiting for you dead enders to get out of the way.

The Game said...

your Dems voted for the General, your guys agreed to the report...

Realism said...

Ron Paul - now that is an honest conservative.

As compared to most Republicans, who are just cowardly, authoritarian-cult worshipping, eager corporate facist slaves.

As far as "dismissing" the war report, I will take it one step further - I will "dismiss" ANY propaganda coming from this administration.

They have shown many times that they are enthusiastic liars, who have no concerns other than retaining power, punishing dissent, and increasing the wealth of those wealthy corporate fat-cats who are their ticket to power.

hashfanatic said...


The Game said...

Hash, doesn't that word have something to do with Jews...I don't think you should be using it.

Jim said...

They will say whatever it takes to gain power.

and the Republics will do anything to get it and keep it!

hashfanatic said...

That's right...let's take this country back from these satanics!

hashfanatic said...

"and the Republics will do anything to get it and keep it!"

That's to frame Iran. Syria, and Iran (and Lebanon will once more be dragged into the neocon mess)...

So much for protecting the lives of Christians.