Sunday, September 16, 2007

'History' Teacher Asks 14-Year-Olds to Renounce U.S. Citizenship

We all know colleges are full of liberal professors who are unable to keep their personal politics out of the classroom. I have a friend, who served in Iraq, yesterday tell me a story of a professor who made her class go and watch an anti-military video about Iraq. After the video (which is said was full of crap), an anti-military group had some "soldiers" speak. Here is the kicker. NO ONE in the group EVER served in Iraq. This is typical of liberal tactics.

In the story linked above you have teachers showing what it means to be a hard-core really let it all hang out. Again, this is an actual story that is backing up my comments. This is not a liberal pretending to be a soldier in Iraq, or simply making things up. At some point you would think even the media would report something this terrible. Problem is, too many of them probably agree with the teacher.


Jim said...

Your headline, or I should say News Busters' headline is a lie. Read more here.

hashfanatic said...
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hashfanatic said...

Ah, NOW I get it!

Game lifted this very obscure "news" item from the vile site!

Ron said...

Hash, that's the only place he can find anything tinfoilhattish enough to appeal to him. Don't be to hard on the guy.

hashfanatic said...

Well, it was nice to know you...Game's playing Hitler and selectively redacting posts again..

Must not have gotten any.

Andy said...

Where is Game to take personal responsibility for this blunder?