The liberal media has been very upset because of the outrage over the ad attacking a four star general. So what do they do, they take something out of context on the Rush Limbaugh program and try and make it seem like there is a conservative who is saying things as evil and treasonous as the far, far left, Hillary supporting
So you take another far left wing group, Media matters, and you try and find two words out of an entire monologue and try and create a firestorm like you did from the true, heart felt beliefs of a liberal group, that everyone was appalled by....
To the liberal media, it makes no sense a fellow liberal group be attacked, because it is conservatives who are hateful.
So today, the AP and every other liberal outlet is trying to get congress and Bush to condemn Rush like they did the liberal asshole
Here is the story.
Rush was talking about the lying soldier Jesse MacBeth. Jesse made up stories about Iraq to make our troops look bad. Jesse is a good example of a tactic liberals use when they are tyring to win a debate....just make things up.
What made Jesse MacBeth, Army Ranger, a hero to the left was his courage, in their view, off the battlefield, without regard to consequences. He told the world the abuses he had witnessed in Iraq, American soldiers killing unarmed civilians, hundreds of men, women, even children. In one gruesome account, translated into Arabic and spread widely across the Internet, Army Ranger Jesse MacBeth describes the horrors this way: "We would burn their bodies. We would hang their bodies from the rafters in the mosque."
Now, recently, Jesse MacBeth, poster boy for the anti-war left, had his day in court. And you know what? He was sentenced to five months in jail and three years probation for falsifying a Department of Veterans Affairs claim and his Army discharge record. He was in the Army. Jesse MacBeth was in the Army, folks, briefly. Forty-four days before he washed out of boot camp. Jesse MacBeth isn't an Army Ranger, never was. He isn't a corporal, never was. He never won the Purple Heart, and he was never in combat to witness the horrors he claimed to have seen. You probably haven't even heard about this. And, if you have, you haven't heard much about it. This doesn't fit the narrative and the template in the Drive-By Media and the Democrat Party as to who is a genuine war hero. Don't look for any retractions, by the way. Not from the anti-war left, the anti-military Drive-By Media, or the Arabic websites that spread Jesse MacBeth's lies about our troops, because the truth for the left is fiction that serves their purpose. They have to lie about such atrocities because they can't find any that fit the template of the way they see the US military. In other words, for the American anti-war left, the greatest inconvenience they face is the truth.
Friday, September 28, 2007
The liberal-drive-by media at work
Posted by
The Game
11:59 PM
Labels: liberal lies, liberal media, media bias
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And people *still* insist that the MSM isn't hard left.
Rush said that the soldiers who want to leave Iraq are "phony soldiers".
LIMBAUGH: There's a lot more than that that they don't understand. They can't even -- if -- the next guy that calls here, I'm gonna ask him: Why should we pull -- what is the imperative for pulling out? What's in it for the United States to pull out? They can't -- I don't think they have an answer for that other than, "Well, we just gotta bring the troops home."
CALLER 2: Yeah, and, you know what --
LIMBAUGH: "Save the -- keep the troops safe" or whatever. I -- it's not possible, intellectually, to follow these people.
CALLER 2: No, it's not, and what's really funny is, they never talk to real soldiers. They like to pull these soldiers that come up out of the blue and talk to the media.
LIMBAUGH: The phony soldiers.
CALLER 2: The phony soldiers. If you talk to a real soldier, they are proud to serve. They want to be over in Iraq. They understand their sacrifice, and they're willing to sacrifice for their country.
I have no idea who Jesse MacBeth is, but I do know that it's not taking Rush out of context to say that hey slurred not just one soldier, but tens of thousands of them.
Mr. 'I can't go to Vietnam because I have a boil on my ass' doesn't get to decide who's a real soldier and who's a phony one.
I think it has been explained very well, who he was talking about. And he probably didn't just mean her, but any soldier who didn't really do anything in Iraq but makes false claims.
My friend who just got back said, unfortunately, there are a group of soldiers who lied to get awards, who sat on bases most of the time and did nothing. And then, you get the cases like I stated in my post where someone didn't even go to Iraq, or went for a month and came back for whatever reason. You don't think that is so very, very wrong? Making up stories to smear the military?
Just because you are apart of the military or used to be doesn't mean you are an authority on Iraq, especially if you never served there.
It is clear from the quote that Rush was referring to any soldier that said we should leave Iraq when he slurred them and called them "phony soldiers".
Now, you are qualifying your condemnation against any criticism of soldiers to only condemn soldiers that don't agree with you.
That is the height of hypocrisy.
I have much to say about this but I have to go to work. I will comment later...just note for now he said soliders-That would be plural.
Remember jason, with an outlet in damned near every city in America that Rush is about as MSM as you can get.
In his defense of himself, he also edited the recording of his offensive comments to make himself look less guilty.
Why would a person who's done nothing wrong have to resort to that?
"Remember jason, with an outlet in damned near every city in America that Rush is about as MSM as you can get."
Hopefully, this will change soon...
"In his defense of himself, he also edited the recording of his offensive comments to make himself look less guilty.
Why would a person who's done nothing wrong have to resort to that?"
Never trust a junkie. NEVER.
First a note to Jason, take your hate america crap and stick it as far up your a*s as you can, it should then be at about your mouth where you can eat it. Screw that crap! That is vile and dangerous speech. If I didn't know you better I'd say you should be ashamed of yourself. *luck you and your hate america crap. It's stupid, inane and if you haven't guessed I am frankly damned sick of it.
Now, for the sane people lets talk about the post. I also had no idea who Jesse MacBeth was. I find for good reason. If you do a google search you will find that nearly all the articles on him(her)? are from right wing websites. I remember nothing on this person from liberal websites. I guess that is why I didn't know who it was. To tout this as some kind of liberal conspiracy is way past phony.
As I noted and has been noted elsewhere phony soldiers implies multiple but Rush says he was speaking of this Jesse person. He's a communicator. Like all on the radio he is under constant scrutiny, he knows how this is done. It was not an innocent mistake.
He said..and this to me is the most outrageous part...
what is the imperative for pulling out? What's in it for the United States to pull out? They can't -- I don't think they have an answer for that other than, "Well, we just gotta bring the troops home."...
Save the -- keep the troops safe or whatever.
Duh!? -This is proof from his mouth that he doesn't care about the troops. It bothers him not that they win every battle but are returned over and over and over again, wondering if they will ever return, families wondering if they will ever return. Nope in Rushs' words again:
They joined to be in Iraq. They joined --
First not everyone who is in the military at the start of the war or even today signed up to go to Iraq. That is blatantly false and a deceptive generalization. Again he is a "professional" so he knows what he is doing.
Finally, regardless of his show on this day he has repeatedly bashed a large number of service people and veterans.If you have to ask who you are so brainwashed or paying so little attention that you just ignore and live with your cognitive dissonance. At least half a dozen generals have spoken out against the war and one even retired to specifically do so. Want to know who? Do your research. You'll only believe it if you read it for yourself. Google generals against the war. Be careful coming back and smearing these military leaders though. You know that is sooooo unpatriotic.
Rush is full of crap and it spews from his mouth and into your head everyday. The more you listen the more your head becomes a big crap holder.
Want to win this war, hate the surrender monkeys? THEN WIN THE DAMNED THING ALREADY. How long do you want the soldiers and US citizens to go through this hell? How much blood and treasure and failed tactics can you stand. How much do you REALLY care about the troops? Most of the country has had their fill.
Game: a side note, surely you realize that the military is made up of all kinds of people, good and bad. They are no different than the population they were pulled from and neither are their morals or attitudes. I live in a military town now and I can assure you that the military is far from universally supportive of this war.
Oh and speaking of phony, how about this:
God, it's a beautiful thing when they reveal themselves for the insects they are!
Insects they are..another feeble old hash...
insects might work if describing the intellect of your posts and that would be certainly a parallel
to some of the mo-ron-ic less than feeble retorts.Still,the comedy level remains decent in the replies to the RIGHT ON posts your
crew makes look good on a regular basis.By the way,old hash...had a nice visit with the "imaginary" soldier at the Brewer game yesterday.Gotta be tough..old hash...always having to look up at us insects...there's some "reality" for you...
old hash...need a "fudgie" or something...these responses are enough to provide slumber even when reading from bizarro-world...
old many needles do you
use in a day..a responding to help us understand might lead to you doing a retort worth reading...
"had a nice visit with the "imaginary" soldier at the Brewer game yesterday...."
Odd...I would think such a "soldier" on leave would have more important things to catch up on...
Maybe the stadium gave him a special "babykiller" ticket rate?
Scorps, I do wish you and all of your fellow "warriors" smooth takeoffs from the "flight deck" out back....don't forget to use your nifty "navigational devices" to miss those low maple branches in your neighbor's yard, or he'll beat yiz bloody and it will NOT be considered a "combat-related" accident...
If you get a chance, swing by Racine and pick up some of those yummy kringles between firefights (I prefer the raspberry cheese)...
old hash...not on leave...has completed his tour of someone of your ability that means
he is done...a kringle would be good..much more enjoyable than some old hash...going out back...
now that's better than fudgies and could be funnier old hash,than your point, of view if you gave it a chance...
"..old hash...not on leave...has completed his tour of duty.."
Sure, scorps, no such thing as stop loss any more, they're just being sent home left and right, ha!
ESPECIALLY with more torture and extermination of yet MORE Moozlims in yet another sovereign nation, yes, this is perfectly understandable!
Nice try....go back to scanning the autumn skies for lurking "Islamofascists", hee, hee, hee!
Any time Hash tells me I am making up a story his posts are going to be deleted, end of story.
Hash, you want to see a made up story, find a liberal who pretends they were in Iraq and are against the war...Jason gave a list...
Jesse MacBeth
Micah Wright
Jimmy Massey.
"Any time Hash tells me I am making up a story his posts are going to be deleted, end of story."
Then you'd have to delete every post (probably your aim, because you never have a refutation...)
Do what you want. You're only publicizing your own defeat...
Jesse MacBeth
Micah Wright
Jimmy Massey."
Who cares?
All neocon-created "enemies"...
Love the touch of one of 'em being a Mooozlim!!
Like those Brit "hostages"...but I guess you bought that one, too?
Helpful Tip: Get your "lists" from more believable sources...
Hash and his ilk are just a cancer. No other country wants them. They stay here because they don't get killed here as they would elsewhere.
Ron, your professional jealousy is on display. Let's see you go from 0 to over 600 stations, and not by government order.
old hash...the kringle retort was much more interesting...yes,old hash...people do get out of the military and the middle east no matter what your denial continues to be...isn't it something that bizarro-world doesn't allow you to
adjust from the fantasies you continue to spew on a regular're too "easy"...almost to the point that your too sad to keep laughing at...old hash...
Fudgie, I've told you to be respectful to your betters.
"people do get out of the military and the middle east no matter what your denial continues to be..."
Reality dictates otherwise.
Now take another Klonopin and get some rest....they'll be many more universes for you and your buddies to conquer, come nightfall....
Hash is off the deep end again. I know Dailykos tells you the military don't get to come home, but since I was at the welcome home celebration I saw hundreds home, and have seen some of them since then.
Hash's comments show how the mind of a liberal is full of lies and crap. The only way he can rationalize what he believes is to say everyone else is lying. Sad world for Hash.
And other liberals, how does it feel to be on the side of Hash? Ya, you better go take a shower now.
EVERYONE is your better.
"...but since I was at the welcome home celebration I saw hundreds home, and have seen some of them since then..."
"Welcome home celebration??"
Wait till these returnees start floating their resumes around!!
Wait till further revelations "become front-page news...
Wait till they realize their buddies died for a lie, and the office-building and school shootings, the suicides, and the murdered wives and children start being publicized!
"...have seen some of them since then..."
No wonder your brain is filled with useless pulp.
I think YOU should enlist, game.
"Hash's comments show how the mind of a liberal is full of lies and crap."
The emptiness and simple-mindedness of your retort speaks for itself...
"The only way he can rationalize what he believes is to say everyone else is lying."
Well, you ARE lying, and it's becoming more and more transparent to everyone else every day...
"Sad world for Hash."
With bottom-feeders like you taking up space on this planet, it's a sad time for the world.
"And other liberals, how does it feel to be on the side of Hash?"
Unlike you, they have MINDS, and can think for themselves. They are liberated from your cartoon mentality and jungle morals...
"Ya, you better go take a shower now."
"Ya??" Are you Yoko Ono now?
Everybody knows you want a shower of an entirely different variety!
Fudgie, you go and sip chamomile tea with Hughie and Kevvie...
You'll be back for the strap soon enough...
I wonder if the families of the million innocent Iraqis they killed will get a "welcome home celebration"?
Did Saddam give them one after he gassed them or tortured them for 20 years?
Neocon myth. Fairy tale.
The Iraqis were still better off under him, and we replaced their tribal, secular system of government, which worked quite well for them, for a totalitarian Muslim fundamentalist regime that is incapable of controlling anything.
Good going, geniuses.
Let's hear it for "democracy", Bush Crime Family style.
old hash...being better is something you'll never have to worry about accomplishing with these RIGHT ON bloggers...another cup of hot tea to warm up bizarro-
world...old hash....
old hash...thanks for the fudgie...
I always have respect for my betters...old hash...what's in that
cup of tea...old hash...
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