Sunday, October 28, 2007

Edwards plans big for presidency

John Edwards says if he's elected president, he'll institute a New Deal-like suite of programs to fight poverty and stem growing wealth disparity. To do it, he said, he'll ask many Americans to make sacrifices, like paying higher taxes.


Honestly, when does it stop? When do Dem's stop telling us all the things we are entitled to?
Free college now. Dem's play on the heart strings and say Republicans hate kids and minorities when they speak out against such ideas. THEY DON'T WORK.
Damn it, how much do we have to take from the hard working and successful and give it to everyone else. Here is a FACT...if you are a poor minority (sorry poor white kids, you don't apply) and you give an average amount of effort in school, you will get into college and won't have to pay very much.

Less and less people can not keep giving to more and more looking for hand-outs. We MUST stop this...


jhbowden said...

The sleezy trial lawyer known as John Edwards will not be the nominee.

Obama has the best shot at defeating Hillary, but Obama is a total newb at this stuff. Instead of offering a new kind of politics, he should have been hammering Clinton for supporting the war. There's a lot of juicy footage out there for great campaign ads. And I know the Dem base doesn't trust Hillary leaving the option of war with Iran open. Perhaps Obama is campaigning against Richardson and the rest for a chance to be vice president.

Hillary will have to wait until the general election to find a competent opponent that can play hardball politics on a national level.

Jim said...

The sleezy trial lawyer

Jason, just what is the basis of this smear?

PCD said...

The Democrats are not democratic in the least. They don't believe in private property rights, except their own.

Remember the old Soviet union where the party leaders had everything they wanted and the people had nothing? This is the dream of Hillary, Edwards, Obama, Jim,...

jhbowden said...

"Jason, just what is the basis of this smear?"

Here is a start.

Jim said...

That's a start? That's a joke. You are using a segment from O'Reilly from 6 years ago when most people supported the president. It was three weeks after 9/11. Then Bush went and proved himself to be a total incompetent.

This clip somehow proves Edwards is a sleezy trial lawyer?

Did you know Libby was a "trial lawyer? John Roberts was a trial lawyer. Alberto Gonzales was a trial lawyer. Rudy Giuliani was a trial lawyer.

PCD said...


With each post you lose all your credibility. Go back to your failed blog that no one reads.

Marshal Art said...

As I recall, Edwards has been accused of using crappy science to win awards for malpractice suits or something of that nature. He made his millions on such tactics getting a cut of the huge settlements and such. I'll provide a link when I can find references to that. Jason's probably already got something ready to go.

Jim said...

Oh you mean the consumer advocate work that Edwards has done? That he got companies that made products that harmed people to compensate them for the harm done. That he didn't help these people for free if he won their case but for free if he didn't?

What a shyster!

Ron said...

Jim if sleezy trial lawyer or breck girl is the best they can do then there is nothing to worry about.

Game, it seems to me strange that someone whos mantra would be "teach a man to fish" would oppose lots of help with college. It is why many people think you guys say one thing and do another.
As long as it is the point of your life to find a way to make liberals the root of everything you detest, more and more people will see your group as a cult. All I can see in the radical right platform is a strong dose of Social Darwinism, lazzie-faire capitolism and people who find their pride by spending endless hours figuring out how else they are far superior to liberals.

I'm planning on voting for the damned trial lawyer. I am convinced he will do the most to stop the drive to a corporate state. See, the stuff you hate is what actually makes him preferable to me.
Go ahead and continue to demonise everyone you don't like but more and more people are learning they have to think for themselves.That will be the marginalization of your cult. An entire generation has grown up thinking what they hear on radio talk shows is "debate". It is nothing of the kind. It is propaganda of the first order. On the left and the right. If one understands it in that context it can be a good thing.
Unfortunately people have lost the art of debate as a way to make points and the decisions necessary to move forward. Not moving forward is the reason we are no longer #1 or so on many many things.