Thursday, October 04, 2007

MPS contract aims to improve hiring

It's not going to work, but it's nice to see MPS freeing itself, atleast a little, from the terrible union rules that send good, young teachers to the suburbs.


Scorpion said...

GAME--Between Awful Andy,the head of the P.E. Department,incredibly
inept administrators hired because
it fits politically rather than educationally,or,because they really COULD do a good job--you and the really talented few remaining have what looks like an uphill battle ahead.

The Game said...

There are good hearted people who are good teachers who get pushed out...a person can only take so much.

Andy said...

So Right on......only I haven't lived in WI for 15 years.

I never understood the residency requirement. How much of a barrier is it to recruitment and retention and is there any chance of its elimination?

The Game said...

Ever since they put it in they have been talking about getting rid of it. Maybe it will go away someday, but that rule keeps, atleast parts of, Milwaukee from going in the toilet. Anywhere the police, teachers and figherfighers live are the few places Milwaukee is still good.

Scorpion said... case you don't follow MPS stories during the comedy follies to these RIGHT ON posts AWFUL refers to the current incompetent MPS superintendent...I didn't mean the awful replies to RIGHT FROM THE RIGHT....

hashfanatic said...



The "P.E. Department" doesn't really count.

Scorpion said...

old hash...don't count also refers
to the feeble posts that we have to
sift through from you daily...keep
the sarcasm attempts coming...they
are almost as laughable as the views from bizarro-world...old hash...

PCD said...

My cousin and her husband retired from their teaching jobs and left Wisconsin entirely. Kind of says something in volumes, but idiots like hash won't get it.

Oh, and hash, they aren't Jewish and didn't move to Israel.

hashfanatic said...

"Oh, and hash, they aren't Jewish and didn't move to Israel."

I don't care about your friggin' relatives, fudgie. Yet.

Residency requirements have been rendered pointless and counterproductive in cities where professional positions start off at working-class salary levels, and remain there for elongated periods of time, when there is no longer decent, affordable housing within city limits.

The Game said...

Based on Hash's comments about PE and sports, don't you get the picture he is a skinny weakling that probably got cut or made fun of by stronger, more popular athletes?

hashfanatic said...

"Based on Hash's comments about PE and sports, don't you get the picture he is a skinny weakling that probably got cut or made fun of by stronger, more popular athletes?"

Not even close, but I guess simple minds have simple fantasies...

It's not the sports themselves.

I simply think that PE either needs to take place after school hours or abolished altogether, and I believe Varsity sports and after-school activities don't need to be publicly funded in any way. I believe the functions need to be privatized, I believe they are irrelevant to the educational processes of the 21st century, and I believe they are a quaint but unnecessary and prohibitively expensive luxury, given the real needs of our children and the fact that coaches work better under private interests.

Now, what does that have to do with your moronic little comparison (which more or less completely proved my point, from a parent's perspective?)

Can't beat China with football.

PCD said...


Hash got fired from being team manager to the girls' badmitton team. He found he had to work, and would not be trusted with funds he could steal.

Also, it was embarassing to watch him being beaten up by the scrub squad.

hashfanatic said...

Fudgie, you're not even funny when you PRETEND to have a sense of humor.