Tuesday, October 30, 2007

New Congress at war over everything

In a closed-door meeting before the last vote on the children’s health care bill, House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer appealed for the support of about 30 wavering Republican lawmakers. What he got instead was a tongue-lashing, participants said.
The GOP lawmakers, all of whom had expressed interest in a bipartisan deal on the SCHIP legislation, were furious that the Democratic leader from Maryland had not reached out to them in a more serious way early on. They also criticized him and Democratic Caucus Chairman Rahm Emanuel of Illinois for failing to stop his allies outside Congress from running attack ads in their districts, while they were discussing a bipartisan deal.

“They spent $1.5 million through their various shill outreach groups attacking me and a handful of my colleagues,” Rep. Ric Keller (R-Fla.) said before the Hoyer meeting, “but they did not spend five minutes to approach me to ask for my vote.”

This us-against-them mentality has been an ongoing storyline of the new Democratic­-controlled Congress. On the big items — Iraq, health care and spending — party leaders have shunned compromise.


jhbowden said...

The irony is that the Dems blame the Republicans for the divisiveness in Washington, even though Republicans repeatedly reach out to the Dems on issues from prescription drugs to Ted Kennedy's No Child Left Behind.

I don't know why we bother.

The Game said...

One of two reasons:
1. they don't learn their lesson
2. some of them actually do what they think is right and don't simply do what they think will get them more power (I said SOME)

Jim said...

It is to laugh!

Why didn't these guys reach out to make an agreement the first time?

PCD said...

Jim wonders why the GOP didn't cave in to the Democrats outrageous demands and just make this a Socialist country right now.

The Game said...

pcd, some of them are...
But the Dem leadership is stuck on WE HATE BUSH mode, so they can't possibly reach out to his party.

Jim said...

Once again, we hate Bush's POLICIES! Or lack of coherent ones.