Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Obama: I Tried Drugs As a Teen

This is very interesting.
I think we get all over politicians when they do things in their past, and it shouldn't be apart of the current debate.

But then part of me thinks, is this the message we want to sell to our kids, "Go ahead and drink and smoke pot, you'll still be able to run for President."

Not sure if that is a great message, since a vast majority of teens, especially African American males, never even graduate from HS, part of the reason is drug use.


Anonymous said...

do we disqualify every person who drank, smoked a cigarette or tried drugs in their youth?

why was it ok for gw Bush?

The Game said...

I'm not saying that...did GWB ever go to a school and tell kids all about it...

Andy said...

I highly doubt any part of his speech gave this impression: "Go ahead and drink and smoke pot, you'll still be able to run for President."

The Game said...

Oh really...do you teach high school kids?

Andy said...

No I don't. However, I doubt he said "I got high, it was awesome and had no ill effects! Keep smoking all your way to the Senate!"

Melodramatic are we?

The Game said...

Anytime a kid gets a story about someone who used to do drugs or does do drugs, yet they are famous, gives them the message that they can do drugs now and just fix things later...

The Game said...

Atleast the kids that I teach...they STILL bring up Michael Vick and he is in JAIL

Andy said...

Vick and Obama....very logical analogy.

Marshal Art said...

Why is are they not comparable if they both had partaken and then came to prominence? That is exactly what Game is talking about. That one might be judged differently than the other in the current day is besides the point. In fact, to kids, that disparity might not mean as much.

Marshal Art said...

"Why is are they not comparable..."????

What the hell does THAT mean? Where's my proof-reader??!!!

Realism said...

No more incoherent than most of your comments

Anonymous said...

I would rather support a honest person who admits what he did in the past. Even great personalities like Gandhi admitted their mistakes openly. Obama did the right thing.

Compare it to other dishonest politicians like Bush! Sure - our kids are getting a great message: 'Do whatever you want as long you can cover it up...and never ever admit it'!!

The Game said...

Bush....evil, ahhhhhh....
Are you seeing report after report about how well things are going in Iraq...
I mean, I know you WANT things to be bad there, and you won't admit that they are better...but for those who still think of America as a symbol of hope, liberty and freedom, its good news.

As for this story...did you read the part where I said I am tired of people getting drilled for what they did 25 years ago? No, I used more than 10 words...

My point is....should that be your message to kids?
I'm not saying the answer is 100 percent yes or no...that is why it is a question. My God, can you debate anything without bringing up Bush or evil conservatives?

Anonymous said...

For the record - I didn't use the word 'evil'. So, please stop 'making up' things in your mind.

Second, It's not a bad thing for kids. Gandhi wrote how he stole money and even jwellery from his house so he could party with his friends. Many great personalities have admitted their weakness and mistakes. It's a good message of honesty and hopes.

Third - Yes, I can debate things: Bringing up different cases from both sides make the debate more balanced.

Anonymous said...

"I know you WANT things to be bad there, and you won't admit that they are better..."

Stop this garbage of putting words in my mouth. It's hilarious to see you accusing me of this! When did I say such things? Try this game with someone else, not with me!

I WANT things to go better in Iraq. I hope the situation only improves and brings peace to Iraqis and AMerican soldiers.

Dude - here is the difference. I can appreciate things no matter whether it is democrat or republican. I haven't seen such honesty from you!! Partisan hacks don't need to lecture me!

The Game said...

I take the side I think is correct...always.

hashfanatic said...
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The Game said...

Hash is a great example of how bad people mess things up for everyone. Soon, I will have to turn on comment moderation. That means the rest of you good people will not be able to chat freely. You will have to wait until I check the messages and approve them.
Just like in society, the few idiots ruin it for the rest...

hashfanatic said...
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Scorpion said...

old...old hash...as winter sets in..drink some warm tea...calm down...have another snert..gravitch...yeep..your comedy
need not get vicious...old hash....

Marshal Art said...

"No more incoherent than most of your comments"


I'll try to use smaller words in the future. If you still have trouble, just ask me and I'll try to explain it for you. I'm glad you've brought your trouble out in the open. Far more courageous than Obama saying he got faced. Kudos.

Marshal Art said...

" 'Do whatever you want as long you can cover it up...and never ever admit it'!! '

Cover it up? Never admit it? I don't recall that he was actively trying to hide it. In fact, I'd say George was fairly upfront about admitting he was wild before his conversion. Maybe you missed that.

Anonymous said...

Marshall Art -
Did GW Bush do drugs?

The Game said...

He did...
again, point of the post...did he go to a school study hall and brag about it

Marshal Art said...

"Marshall Art -
Did GW Bush do drugs?"

Didn't you read my comment? The poop says he did. I said I never heard he was trying to cover up anything about his wild past. What's your point?