Friday, November 23, 2007

Should fireplace fires be banned?

Do you see how insane the thoughts of liberal land sound?
THEY make you do what is best for you because you know better.
Actually, that is the BETTER way of putting it.
You could also call it flat out communism or a dictatorship.

This is how it works, I keep telling you that.
They convince you to start slow...ban smoking at work, then public buildings, then all business, then your car, then your house, then you cant eat transfat, then you can't have a fireplace, then you cant buy junk food, and then, and then, and then...
Liberals know no one would agree with their hard-core, true beliefs on how people should live, how much they should be taxed, or what she should do with human life, so they either make people do it through the courts, or they do it step by step.
You have to give them might takes decades, but they will not give up.
"Liberals, taking away your personal freedoms since the 1960's"