Tuesday, November 27, 2007

UWM Muslims show intolerance and hate

Walid Shoebat wants to come to UWM and tell his story.
He used to be a Muslim terrorist, whose only goal in life was the destruction of Israel.
Now he want to make sure all Muslims know that they should not support the destruction of Israel or terrorism in general.
And for this, Muslim groups are saying he engages in "hate speech."
That is the PC code for, "you are saying something I do not want you to say."
So, as they have demonstrated time and time again throughout the world, even mainstream Muslims, as some like to be called, are completely intolerant of any view but their own.
And I guess their view is that terrorism and the end of Israel is a good thing.
And you know what, if you don't want to have people talking about Muslims being terrorist, start speaking out against those who are Muslim terrorists.


Marshal Art said...

If that's the University of Wisconsin-Madison, I just read an AmericanThinker article about the wackyness of PC lunacy there. Check it out from 11/27.

I've heard this guy in interviews before. Apparently, those seeking to keep him out are of the CAIR variety of Muslims. No credibiity there, but given way more than truly credible people get by the PC police. Shoebat has a message every American, hell, everyone in the world, needs to hear. He's not the only former scumbag to see the light, but he's the one doing the real work to get the word out about how the scumbags think and operate. I encourage everyone to click on the title of the post and check him out.

PCD said...

Muslims make good union goons. They have the same philosophy, that is to shut up the opposition at any cost.

The Game said...

It's UW-Milwaukee

The Game said...

I have not read or heard him say that...
He was on multiple radio shows Friday and I heard most of it. Yes, he does send a message that about 90% of Muslims believe that Israel is evil and they would not care if it was blown off the map. Who am I to say he is correct or not...can you?
He lived it, he has no reason to lie...the people that have to pretend to be "moderate" might want to lie to get PC liberals on their side...
You have to be able to believe 90 percent of people can think the same thing...what percentage of African Americans vote for Democrats? (answer is close to 90 percent)